Committee meeting
Committee meeting
Tuesday 9th July 2024 19.30hrs
Jack & Jill, Scaling Dam
P Horbury - Secretary
W Atkinson - Chairman
D Perrett - Treasurer
J Ebison
P Short
D Hambley
D Thompson
R Deadman (by phone if req’d)
Thank you all for attending, in no particular order:-
1) Hook, Line & Sinker is closing (Malcom & Paula are retiring & had given notice 6 weeks prior).
There were concerns with there being no tackle shop in Whitby where would we (WSAA) sell Open tickets.
Coincidentally on the same day as the meeting, a Hook, Line and Sinker FBk post 09/07/2024 revealed that Black Swan Shoppe, 35, Baxtergate was taking over from Wed 10th July.
Did anyone know who owns the shop so we (WSAA) could approach for selling Open tickets etc?
Dave Perrett said he knew Mark, and volunteered to make further enquiries and report back.
Discussion for ticket sales continued with proposals for members to buy theirs through the Club from Peter & Dave.
Peter Horbury to also look into internet sales.
2) Peter Horbury issued all with an email from Ian Bowell, Sea Angler, date 9th July 2024 11.02hrs:
Hi everyone, hope all is well with you, family and friends. Some of you will know I’ve just got back from the Home Nations shore angling competition as part of the England Team. It was a great week, with all UK nations represented; Junior (under 16), Youth (under 23), Ladies and Men’s teams taking part, this year in Scotland. I think I’m right in saying most if not all the anglers from all nations have to pay their way in full, I was just a manager this year and it still cost me the best part of £1200. I appreciate the cost of living does play a big part in what fishing, matches, trips away we can all do, and everyone’s budget is different. I had the pleasure of chauffeuring George Smith this year and on the long drive back from Scotland we got talking about the cost of doing this and what we as anglers could do to support our younger anglers in particular.
If you look across the match scene, we are all getting older, so we need to encourage new, young anglers to enter our sport. Seeing the professionalism, dedication and effort the anglers, managers and with the juniors, also the parents/guardians put in, its obvious a lot of people who care about sea match angling are making a significant sacrifice, both in time and money.
I know I’m lucky, I had a fantastic career, I worked hard and love sea angling, particular match fishing (I know I’m not that good at it!!!), so when I retired from the Fire & Rescue Service, I wanted to put something back into sea angling which had given me so much, which is why I took on the SAMF role, sadly this didn’t work out as I would have wished, and subsequently the Penn Sea League, which I think is going ok? I know other like-minded anglers also want to help and support our sport, so let’s try and band together?
It’s getting harder to find sponsorship, everyone is asking tackle companies for prizes etc, I know some tackle companies support our matches absolutely brilliantly and I thank them for this, however if we are going to keep sending teams to home nations and world events our anglers are in great need of financial support. Some might say this is the responsibility of our respective angling organisations? I know they are all working to try and support us, particular young anglers. This suggestion is not meant to undermine any of our national angling organisations in any way, however I think we as anglers also need to do something ourselves to show support, perhaps lead the way and get them to follow?
Here's George’s suggestion, which I fully support, hence me writing to all of you match organisers;
• All matches which are registered for the PSL take 50p or even better £1 per angler per match out of the prize fund and donate this specifically to the young anglers who are representing their countries and home and world events? It’s not compulsory, you would be doing this voluntary, adding this to the legitimate expenses of running a match. I need to be clear; this is to support all nations not just one. Whilst id like all our anglers to receive support, I/we think the greatest need is for our young anglers to get this support first.
I would be happy to collate the funds, produce monthly accounts and distribute to the relevant home nations managers. If I were to do this then the accounts would need to be audited by an independent person so everything was transparent. I must stress whilst it would be fantastic to support every angler representing their country, I think it prudent to walk before we run, start with the juniors and see where we go?
As George says on his Facebook page, it’s a suggestion, not cast in stone, it can evolve, so if anyone has any ideas, wishes to support the idea or has constructive challenge we would love to hear from you.
Regards Ian Bowell, George Smith
The Committee, for the time being, decided not to take part.
3) 2023 Open at Whitby Rifle Club - Feedback
Members reported that the new venue had been well received, parking was excellent, the venue was excellent, presentation of Prizes, both match & raffle was well visible.
Raffle ticket sales, by Mrs Horbury was from a central desk, and better than walking around with a pint pot.
The turnaround from match end to presentation was quicker, and the presentation and subsequently raffle ticket announcements could be heard.
The Rifle Club have since offered us an indoor weigh-in room for next season, so there should be no need for a gazebo.
Food, again was considered not necessary, but open to review.
4) Bernard Vasey has officially resigned from the Committee, and as weigh-master.
Weigh-in times were discussed so as not to make any 'one' Committee member liable to stop fishing early in order to open the scales at 22.00hrs.
Proposed Jason Ebison, seconded Peter Horbury:- Weigh-in 22.15 - 22.30hrs. Carried.
1st member back to collect the scales from the Fleece cellar and set up in readiness for a weigh-master or Committee member.
Having lost Bernard as a valued Committee member, potential replacements were discussed, and hopefully a volunteer would be found/suggested before the AGM 27th August 2024.
There was discussion re more Committee members helping with the weigh-ins, and clean-up - commitments were made.
5) Heaviest Fish caught out of Competition rules.
The wording of the rules to be amended to included ‘out of club hours'.
Proposed Jason Ebison, seconded W Atkinson - Carried.
6) Open.
Allegedly there was a report of unwanted fish being deposited in public litter bins, despite Open Rules asking for 'all fish to be taken home'.
Q? How to police, and what, if any, is wrong, as it’s a public litter bin?
Jason Ebison to report back.
Meeting closed 21.50hrs
Many thanks for giving up your time to attend
Tuesday 9th July 2024 19.30hrs
Jack & Jill, Scaling Dam
P Horbury - Secretary
W Atkinson - Chairman
D Perrett - Treasurer
J Ebison
P Short
D Hambley
D Thompson
R Deadman (by phone if req’d)
Thank you all for attending, in no particular order:-
1) Hook, Line & Sinker is closing (Malcom & Paula are retiring & had given notice 6 weeks prior).
There were concerns with there being no tackle shop in Whitby where would we (WSAA) sell Open tickets.
Coincidentally on the same day as the meeting, a Hook, Line and Sinker FBk post 09/07/2024 revealed that Black Swan Shoppe, 35, Baxtergate was taking over from Wed 10th July.
Did anyone know who owns the shop so we (WSAA) could approach for selling Open tickets etc?
Dave Perrett said he knew Mark, and volunteered to make further enquiries and report back.
Discussion for ticket sales continued with proposals for members to buy theirs through the Club from Peter & Dave.
Peter Horbury to also look into internet sales.
2) Peter Horbury issued all with an email from Ian Bowell, Sea Angler, date 9th July 2024 11.02hrs:
Hi everyone, hope all is well with you, family and friends. Some of you will know I’ve just got back from the Home Nations shore angling competition as part of the England Team. It was a great week, with all UK nations represented; Junior (under 16), Youth (under 23), Ladies and Men’s teams taking part, this year in Scotland. I think I’m right in saying most if not all the anglers from all nations have to pay their way in full, I was just a manager this year and it still cost me the best part of £1200. I appreciate the cost of living does play a big part in what fishing, matches, trips away we can all do, and everyone’s budget is different. I had the pleasure of chauffeuring George Smith this year and on the long drive back from Scotland we got talking about the cost of doing this and what we as anglers could do to support our younger anglers in particular.
If you look across the match scene, we are all getting older, so we need to encourage new, young anglers to enter our sport. Seeing the professionalism, dedication and effort the anglers, managers and with the juniors, also the parents/guardians put in, its obvious a lot of people who care about sea match angling are making a significant sacrifice, both in time and money.
I know I’m lucky, I had a fantastic career, I worked hard and love sea angling, particular match fishing (I know I’m not that good at it!!!), so when I retired from the Fire & Rescue Service, I wanted to put something back into sea angling which had given me so much, which is why I took on the SAMF role, sadly this didn’t work out as I would have wished, and subsequently the Penn Sea League, which I think is going ok? I know other like-minded anglers also want to help and support our sport, so let’s try and band together?
It’s getting harder to find sponsorship, everyone is asking tackle companies for prizes etc, I know some tackle companies support our matches absolutely brilliantly and I thank them for this, however if we are going to keep sending teams to home nations and world events our anglers are in great need of financial support. Some might say this is the responsibility of our respective angling organisations? I know they are all working to try and support us, particular young anglers. This suggestion is not meant to undermine any of our national angling organisations in any way, however I think we as anglers also need to do something ourselves to show support, perhaps lead the way and get them to follow?
Here's George’s suggestion, which I fully support, hence me writing to all of you match organisers;
• All matches which are registered for the PSL take 50p or even better £1 per angler per match out of the prize fund and donate this specifically to the young anglers who are representing their countries and home and world events? It’s not compulsory, you would be doing this voluntary, adding this to the legitimate expenses of running a match. I need to be clear; this is to support all nations not just one. Whilst id like all our anglers to receive support, I/we think the greatest need is for our young anglers to get this support first.
I would be happy to collate the funds, produce monthly accounts and distribute to the relevant home nations managers. If I were to do this then the accounts would need to be audited by an independent person so everything was transparent. I must stress whilst it would be fantastic to support every angler representing their country, I think it prudent to walk before we run, start with the juniors and see where we go?
As George says on his Facebook page, it’s a suggestion, not cast in stone, it can evolve, so if anyone has any ideas, wishes to support the idea or has constructive challenge we would love to hear from you.
Regards Ian Bowell, George Smith
The Committee, for the time being, decided not to take part.
3) 2023 Open at Whitby Rifle Club - Feedback
Members reported that the new venue had been well received, parking was excellent, the venue was excellent, presentation of Prizes, both match & raffle was well visible.
Raffle ticket sales, by Mrs Horbury was from a central desk, and better than walking around with a pint pot.
The turnaround from match end to presentation was quicker, and the presentation and subsequently raffle ticket announcements could be heard.
The Rifle Club have since offered us an indoor weigh-in room for next season, so there should be no need for a gazebo.
Food, again was considered not necessary, but open to review.
4) Bernard Vasey has officially resigned from the Committee, and as weigh-master.
Weigh-in times were discussed so as not to make any 'one' Committee member liable to stop fishing early in order to open the scales at 22.00hrs.
Proposed Jason Ebison, seconded Peter Horbury:- Weigh-in 22.15 - 22.30hrs. Carried.
1st member back to collect the scales from the Fleece cellar and set up in readiness for a weigh-master or Committee member.
Having lost Bernard as a valued Committee member, potential replacements were discussed, and hopefully a volunteer would be found/suggested before the AGM 27th August 2024.
There was discussion re more Committee members helping with the weigh-ins, and clean-up - commitments were made.
5) Heaviest Fish caught out of Competition rules.
The wording of the rules to be amended to included ‘out of club hours'.
Proposed Jason Ebison, seconded W Atkinson - Carried.
6) Open.
Allegedly there was a report of unwanted fish being deposited in public litter bins, despite Open Rules asking for 'all fish to be taken home'.
Q? How to police, and what, if any, is wrong, as it’s a public litter bin?
Jason Ebison to report back.
Meeting closed 21.50hrs
Many thanks for giving up your time to attend
Published Wed 10th July 2024
Last edit Wed 10th July 2024
Last edit Wed 10th July 2024