LW 22.30hrs, 1.7m
Following the AGM Wed 9th Sept. 2020 - please read as there are important changes.
Members must of paid their subscriptions £25, & match entries (now £2.50/match) in blocks of 8 matches minimum [£20] to WSAA Treasurer Dave Perrett.
WSAA membership enrolment closes end of October [to both new & returning members].
New members will need to download [see below] & fill in the application form, signed by two WSAA Members, and return to Committee by Proposer.
Singles & Doubles Knockouts - £10.00 in a named envelope to Jason Ebison.
Monthly Sweeps - HFish & HBoFish £4/month - members to pay for 6 months ie £24 in a named envelope to Danny Middlemas. Strictly in advance, starts Sun 4th Oct.
Members will not be req'd to meet at the Bandstand due to current Covid-19 guidelines as would be the norm for the first match of the season.
Members will treat the first match, like any other, and go fishing, starting at 19.00hrs.
Members must text-in if they are not fishing, well in advance of match start.
The weigh-in will be held under strict Covid-19 guidelines in Marina Front Car Park, Whitby, near Coates Marine Ltd. YO21 1EU
If possible only members with fish to attend, remember to text-in 'safe' going home.
Members will approach the scales when asked, members will place their fish on the pan & step back so the weigh-master can record the weight, remember largest fish first.
Members will then remove their own fish, confirm the weight, return to their car, and go home.
Members will not be permitted to 'gather around' those carrying out the 'weigh-in'.
Any photographs requested will be taken well away from the weigh-in.
Members will take away their own unwanted fish, and will not be able to gut them in this location.
Members must not gather in groups - follow Covid-19 guidelines or you will be asked to leave!!
Dave Perrett will not be holding court over the ledger, and taking money for match entries, hence why members pay in 8 match blocks [£20 in a named envelope].
Any match winnings will be added to match entries, and 'ticks' will be advanced when a member texts-in to say not fishing [as is the norm].
Tight lines

membership_application.pdf |