The meeting was held in the Pier Hotel on the 15th September 1999 at 8pm.
With 19 members attending.
The minutes of the meeting were read by the secretary for the 1998 AGM and were proposed a trues record by William Atkinson and seconded by Andy White.
The Treasurers report was read by Dave Johnson, the treasurer.
Which showed that the club started the season with a good bank balance of £707.19 and ended with a balance of £1,009.44.
An increase of £302.25.
The good weather on the day of the Open Match provided an excellent entry which showed a profit of £30.25.
The Ship Inn Open, which is sponsored by Pete Tyler of the Ship Inn showed a profit of £138.50.
Match entries, and knockouts, Heaviest Fish, and Xmas raised £647.00.
Subs were paid to the Federation, costs on annual prizes, plaques, cups and engraving.
Proposed by Dave Perrett, seconded Bernard Vasey.
President Noel Jameson.
Vice Presidents: Mike Russell
Tony Barningham
Keith Sports
Tony Neatby - Rods & Reels
Proposed Neil Inglis, seconded William Atkinson.
New Chairman Neil Inglis
Treasurer Dave Johnson.
Secretary Bernard Vasey
Neil Inglis
Dave Johnson
William Atkinson
Dave Perrett
Denis Thompson
Ian Russell
Bernard Vasey
Paul Kilpatrick
George Middlemas
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded by Colin Stainthorpe.
Open Competition.
To be held on the 14th November 1999.
Time 10am to 4pm, weigh in 5pm prompt.
£6.00 Seniors
£3.00 Juniors.
There is also a £1.00 extra entry in to the super pool. Juniors can also enter £1.00.
1st £350, 2nd £175, 3rd £100.
Junior Prize 1st £30.
Note:- Question. Sponsorship from the Pier Hotel for money.
Proposed by Ian Russell, seconded by Andy White.
Ship Inn Open.
Paul Kilpatrick would continue to organize the Ship Inn Open competition with Pete Tyler of the Ship Inn.
Club Events.
Knockout Competitions.
Singles to start 13th October.
Doubles to start 20th October
Dave Perrett take up the running of these events - Entry money to be paid to him.
Proposed Dave Perrett, seconded Rob Allison.
Heaviest Fish of the Month Competition (optional).
£1.00 entry per month to be paid on the 1st of every month.
To start from the 1st October.
Neil Inglis will be running this event, all entrants to pay £1.00 on the 1st of every month
Proposed Bernard Vasey, seconded Phil Mead.
Christmas Competition.
To be fished on the 19th December 1999.
Start fishing at 2pm to 7pm, weigh in by 8pm.
Entry fee
£5.00 senior
£2.50 Junior
Includes a Christmas meal.
Prize money £20 Heaviest Bag, £20 Heaviest Fish.
Dave Johnson proposed that prize money to increase to £25 - Passed.
Proposed Dave Johnson, seconded Ian Russell.
Club Competitions.
To start on the 29th September 1999, meeting at the Bandstand for the first two wednesday matches only.
Fishing to start at 7pm on wednesdays and 6pm on sundays.
Weigh in 10.15pm PROMPT.
It was proposed by Glen Kilpatrick, seconded by James Gilpin that an extra five minutes be added on to the weigh in time (10.20pm) for the scales to close due to the traffic alteration from the new sewage pipe installations.
Voted = For 9 / against 11.
Weigh in to stay 10.15 PROMPT.
Senior £5.00
Juniors £2.00
Proposed Dave Perrett, seconded by Bernard Vasey that the juniors pay £5.00 for the season and pay no entry money when they fish the rest of the season.
Voted - carried.
Christmas Festive Break.
Last match on the 22nd December 1999.
Restart fishing on the 5th January 2000.
Any Other Business.
It was proposed by Ian Russell, seconded by Colin Stainthorpe, that the Pay-Out for the club matches be changed from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, pay out to a 50 - 50. ie 1st The heaviest Fish, 2nd to the Heaviest Bag - one angler cannot win both - unless he is the only person to weigh in.
Vote showed an 8 for and a 5 against.
Passed for alteration for change.
Club Entry Money.
Club match entry money to be paid on the 'Sunday for two matches'. ie next wednesday and the following sunday. Money to be paid to Dave Johnson.
If not paid, to phone a committee member that he will be fishing - if not contacted fish can be refused to be weighed in.
We need to know how many has fished for the pay-out of the winnings to be made as soon as possible.
Committee member to help Bernard Vasey in weighing-in fish. Especially when a lot of members have returned with fish.
Proposal of club entry money and scales by Bernard Vasey, seconded by Neil Inglis / 'Passed'.
Whitby Open Match.
This match was entered in to The Sea Angler Penn Sea League Match run by Penn Rods & Reels, to Open Matches around the country.
Organizers return results to Sea Angler, where a points system was given to anglers fishing Open Matches.
Sea Angler Heaviest Club Fish Competition (cod).
William Atkinson informed members of a new competition run by Sea Angler for the Heaviest Club Fish, which would run for the three months, Oct, Nov, Dec. The prize would be a Trophy & Badges for each club which entered.
There would be a prize for the best cod weighed in through-out the country. There is 'no' entry fee.
Meeting closed at 10.10pm
Chairman Neil Inglis.
With 19 members attending.
The minutes of the meeting were read by the secretary for the 1998 AGM and were proposed a trues record by William Atkinson and seconded by Andy White.
The Treasurers report was read by Dave Johnson, the treasurer.
Which showed that the club started the season with a good bank balance of £707.19 and ended with a balance of £1,009.44.
An increase of £302.25.
The good weather on the day of the Open Match provided an excellent entry which showed a profit of £30.25.
The Ship Inn Open, which is sponsored by Pete Tyler of the Ship Inn showed a profit of £138.50.
Match entries, and knockouts, Heaviest Fish, and Xmas raised £647.00.
Subs were paid to the Federation, costs on annual prizes, plaques, cups and engraving.
Proposed by Dave Perrett, seconded Bernard Vasey.
President Noel Jameson.
Vice Presidents: Mike Russell
Tony Barningham
Keith Sports
Tony Neatby - Rods & Reels
Proposed Neil Inglis, seconded William Atkinson.
New Chairman Neil Inglis
Treasurer Dave Johnson.
Secretary Bernard Vasey
Neil Inglis
Dave Johnson
William Atkinson
Dave Perrett
Denis Thompson
Ian Russell
Bernard Vasey
Paul Kilpatrick
George Middlemas
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded by Colin Stainthorpe.
Open Competition.
To be held on the 14th November 1999.
Time 10am to 4pm, weigh in 5pm prompt.
£6.00 Seniors
£3.00 Juniors.
There is also a £1.00 extra entry in to the super pool. Juniors can also enter £1.00.
1st £350, 2nd £175, 3rd £100.
Junior Prize 1st £30.
Note:- Question. Sponsorship from the Pier Hotel for money.
Proposed by Ian Russell, seconded by Andy White.
Ship Inn Open.
Paul Kilpatrick would continue to organize the Ship Inn Open competition with Pete Tyler of the Ship Inn.
Club Events.
Knockout Competitions.
Singles to start 13th October.
Doubles to start 20th October
Dave Perrett take up the running of these events - Entry money to be paid to him.
Proposed Dave Perrett, seconded Rob Allison.
Heaviest Fish of the Month Competition (optional).
£1.00 entry per month to be paid on the 1st of every month.
To start from the 1st October.
Neil Inglis will be running this event, all entrants to pay £1.00 on the 1st of every month
Proposed Bernard Vasey, seconded Phil Mead.
Christmas Competition.
To be fished on the 19th December 1999.
Start fishing at 2pm to 7pm, weigh in by 8pm.
Entry fee
£5.00 senior
£2.50 Junior
Includes a Christmas meal.
Prize money £20 Heaviest Bag, £20 Heaviest Fish.
Dave Johnson proposed that prize money to increase to £25 - Passed.
Proposed Dave Johnson, seconded Ian Russell.
Club Competitions.
To start on the 29th September 1999, meeting at the Bandstand for the first two wednesday matches only.
Fishing to start at 7pm on wednesdays and 6pm on sundays.
Weigh in 10.15pm PROMPT.
It was proposed by Glen Kilpatrick, seconded by James Gilpin that an extra five minutes be added on to the weigh in time (10.20pm) for the scales to close due to the traffic alteration from the new sewage pipe installations.
Voted = For 9 / against 11.
Weigh in to stay 10.15 PROMPT.
Senior £5.00
Juniors £2.00
Proposed Dave Perrett, seconded by Bernard Vasey that the juniors pay £5.00 for the season and pay no entry money when they fish the rest of the season.
Voted - carried.
Christmas Festive Break.
Last match on the 22nd December 1999.
Restart fishing on the 5th January 2000.
Any Other Business.
It was proposed by Ian Russell, seconded by Colin Stainthorpe, that the Pay-Out for the club matches be changed from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, pay out to a 50 - 50. ie 1st The heaviest Fish, 2nd to the Heaviest Bag - one angler cannot win both - unless he is the only person to weigh in.
Vote showed an 8 for and a 5 against.
Passed for alteration for change.
Club Entry Money.
Club match entry money to be paid on the 'Sunday for two matches'. ie next wednesday and the following sunday. Money to be paid to Dave Johnson.
If not paid, to phone a committee member that he will be fishing - if not contacted fish can be refused to be weighed in.
We need to know how many has fished for the pay-out of the winnings to be made as soon as possible.
Committee member to help Bernard Vasey in weighing-in fish. Especially when a lot of members have returned with fish.
Proposal of club entry money and scales by Bernard Vasey, seconded by Neil Inglis / 'Passed'.
Whitby Open Match.
This match was entered in to The Sea Angler Penn Sea League Match run by Penn Rods & Reels, to Open Matches around the country.
Organizers return results to Sea Angler, where a points system was given to anglers fishing Open Matches.
Sea Angler Heaviest Club Fish Competition (cod).
William Atkinson informed members of a new competition run by Sea Angler for the Heaviest Club Fish, which would run for the three months, Oct, Nov, Dec. The prize would be a Trophy & Badges for each club which entered.
There would be a prize for the best cod weighed in through-out the country. There is 'no' entry fee.
Meeting closed at 10.10pm
Chairman Neil Inglis.