Date announced Thursday 24th March 2022
Whitby Conservative Club
Flowergate Cross, Whitby YO21 3DT
[Harrison's Esso Garage]
Meeting starts 19.30hrs Prompt
Club subscriptions £45
Made up of £25 subs* + 8 match entries @£2.50 - £20
In a named [also specify contents ££], sealed envelope for Treasurer Dave Perrett
Sign up for the Knockouts £10
Sign up for the Monthly Sweeps
Payment up front before 1st match of October
6 months @£4/month Total £24
You have to be in it, to win it!
New Membership closses 31st October
Flowergate Cross, Whitby YO21 3DT
[Harrison's Esso Garage]
Meeting starts 19.30hrs Prompt
Club subscriptions £45
Made up of £25 subs* + 8 match entries @£2.50 - £20
In a named [also specify contents ££], sealed envelope for Treasurer Dave Perrett
Sign up for the Knockouts £10
Sign up for the Monthly Sweeps
Payment up front before 1st match of October
6 months @£4/month Total £24
You have to be in it, to win it!
New Membership closses 31st October
Subs* any increase voted for, following the Treasurers guidance, will be taken from match entries.
Members only
Order of Business
Order of Business
Apologies - Rich Deadman - on holiday.
Last years AGM minutes to be confirmed as True -
1 - Chairman’s report - William Atkinson
2 - Secretary’s report - Peter Horbury
3 - Treasurer’s report - Dave Perrett
4 - Re-election of officials - Chairman - Treasurer - Secretary
Club President - William Atkinson
Vice Presidents - Wilf Noble & Dave Cass
5 - The Committee 2021 - 2022
William Atkinson - Chairman & President
Dave Perrett - Treasurer
Peter Horbury - Secretary
Bernard Vasey - Weigh Master
Paul Short
Jason Ebison - Knockouts
Richard Deadman
Dave Ward
James Moore
Any proposals/amendments?
6 - Subscriptions
Seniors - Currently £25 [£5 includes insurance premium & £2 HF & HBoF of the Season mandatory]
Juniors - Currently 8.50
7 - Club Matches - 1st match Wed 28th Sept 2022. Currently Wed 19.00 - 22.00hrs & Sun 18.00 - 22.00hrs.
8 - Match entries - Currently £2.50
9 - Knockouts - Currently £6 Doubles & £4 Singles - £10 total for both. Preliminary Rounds [if req’d] Wed 12th Oct. 1st Singles Wed 19th Oct, 1st Doubles Wed 26th Oct 2022.
10 - Open Match - 27th Nov 2022 [Announced 11th Jan 2022 & registered for Penn Points 12th Jan 2022]
Date for Open Match meeting? To confirm sponsors, & ticket sale outlets etc.
11 - Christmas match - Sun 18th Dec 2022 - Stakesby Arms, sponsors etc?
Bar Break
A - Monthly Sweeps {not official WSAA Club business} - Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag of Fish - Peter Horbury currently has the ledger as Danny Middlemas is not fishing this season.
Peter will run if no Committee member volunteers - entry is strictly ‘Paid-up’ - £24 for both HF & HBoF or £12 for just HF or HBoF] in a named sealed envelope.
Any Other Business
See separate sheet.
Please just one member speaking at a time.
Many thanks for attending, Peter.
Last years AGM minutes to be confirmed as True -
1 - Chairman’s report - William Atkinson
2 - Secretary’s report - Peter Horbury
3 - Treasurer’s report - Dave Perrett
4 - Re-election of officials - Chairman - Treasurer - Secretary
Club President - William Atkinson
Vice Presidents - Wilf Noble & Dave Cass
5 - The Committee 2021 - 2022
William Atkinson - Chairman & President
Dave Perrett - Treasurer
Peter Horbury - Secretary
Bernard Vasey - Weigh Master
Paul Short
Jason Ebison - Knockouts
Richard Deadman
Dave Ward
James Moore
Any proposals/amendments?
6 - Subscriptions
Seniors - Currently £25 [£5 includes insurance premium & £2 HF & HBoF of the Season mandatory]
Juniors - Currently 8.50
7 - Club Matches - 1st match Wed 28th Sept 2022. Currently Wed 19.00 - 22.00hrs & Sun 18.00 - 22.00hrs.
8 - Match entries - Currently £2.50
9 - Knockouts - Currently £6 Doubles & £4 Singles - £10 total for both. Preliminary Rounds [if req’d] Wed 12th Oct. 1st Singles Wed 19th Oct, 1st Doubles Wed 26th Oct 2022.
10 - Open Match - 27th Nov 2022 [Announced 11th Jan 2022 & registered for Penn Points 12th Jan 2022]
Date for Open Match meeting? To confirm sponsors, & ticket sale outlets etc.
11 - Christmas match - Sun 18th Dec 2022 - Stakesby Arms, sponsors etc?
Bar Break
A - Monthly Sweeps {not official WSAA Club business} - Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag of Fish - Peter Horbury currently has the ledger as Danny Middlemas is not fishing this season.
Peter will run if no Committee member volunteers - entry is strictly ‘Paid-up’ - £24 for both HF & HBoF or £12 for just HF or HBoF] in a named sealed envelope.
Any Other Business
See separate sheet.
Please just one member speaking at a time.
Many thanks for attending, Peter.
Any other business 'Notes'
All members, so they do not forget, can have 'notes' made for the AGM during the season.
Monday 10th January 2022
Always a 'hot-potato' at an AGM.
1) - 105 whitings weighed-in - 3 double figure bags. Some members voiced their displeasure - Noted - requested to be discussed at AGM. A) - Increase whiting size (currently 30cms) legal size is 27cms. [Size reduced from 33cms to 30 at AGM 29th Aug 2012 (3rd from last paragraph) Proposed by B Laws, seconded N Inglis] B) - Introduce a 'Season Limit'. [ie X whitings per member per season]* C) - Introduce a 'Season Bag Limit'. [ie X whitings per bag per weigh-in]* *Mentioned that other Clubs have this. Bernard Vasey did some research, through the archives: 18th Jan 2017 - 199 whitings weighed-in, 6 dabs, 2 rockling & 1 codling - 6 'double-figure bags'. BL, DM, BH, DC, PP, & CMcC. |
Dave Perrett received a text after 21.00hrs "Not fishing" (3hrs into the evenings match).
2) - Unacceptable - members should text-in before match start 18.00hrs Sunday 19.00hrs Wednesday.
Noted - requested to be discussed at AGM. |
Thursday 13th Jan 2022 - JM
3) - Rules 1 & 10 - None entry means loss of weigh-in.
Noted - requested to be discussed - in reference to NM. |
Saturday 22nd Janaury 2022 - JE
4) - Solve problem of incomplete data for WSAA Open Match tickets.
Sunday 23rd January 2022 - PDH & BH
5) - To include Cloughton Open & Jamie Richardson Memorial Opens in WSAA Calender as 'day matches'.
Monday 21st February 2022 - DH - attendance
6) - Bell Trophy
7) - Secretary's Challenge Trophy
Thursday 10th March 2022 - PDH
8) - Set date for Secretary's Challenge Trophy - Cloughton are hosts. WSAA pick date.
Thursday 24th March 2022 - DP & PDH
9) - Reference to Match 49, Wed 23rd Mar - Dave Perrett believes Rule 26 needs a review.
Rule 26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - Anyone returning [to the scales] with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
Extract from AGM 28th August 2019 minutes:-
12. Any Other Business – A) Sunday 17th February 2019 - Jason Ebison Would like to implement a 'penalty' for returning to the scales with undersized fish. He is proposing, those who return with undersized fish forfeit their match total weight. There was much discussion on this topic with numerous suggestions, and members own accounts and dislikes of what members do at the scales. Rob Allison does not like to see a fish bag, and its contents just ‘tipped out’ on the pan. Fish should be placed on one at a time - giving the weigh master a chance to view the fish, and stop all the extra crud on the fish pan. Brian Harland pointed out that any rule/measure agreed on would ensure members double check their fishes size before retaining it. Peter Horbury pointed out that the measure at the scales ‘is for the use of the weigh masters’ and not the final checking point for an angler. Members must have their own measure, and not return with undersized fish. Billets shrink the most, and most ‘undersized fish’ were whitings - and undersized relates to WSAA Rules which is longer than Fishery recommendations - (just to clarify). Bernard Vasey recalled how fishery officials had been present at numerous weigh-ins, and if anyone had had an undersized fish it would their responsibility and not the Clubs. Jason Ebison proposed anyone returning with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Seconded Malc Pitman. Carried. 51 of 51 - Wed 30th March 2022
A visit from Dan Bennett, IFCA to confirm the 'correct way to measure a fish'. |
Friday 25th March 2022 - JE
10) - Addition to Rules - Fish bags must be empty at the start of a match.
11) - All members to be issued with a hard/paper copy of the Rules at the start of the season - after any amendments made at the AGM.
Minutes of the meeting
AGM Tues 2nd Aug 2022
Members only
Members only
Attending Committee
William Atkinson
Dave Perrett
Peter Horbury
Bernard Vasey
Jason Ebison
Paul Short
Dave Hambley
Colin Stainthorpe
Denis Thompson
Brian Harland
Total 10 attending
William Atkinson
Dave Perrett
Peter Horbury
Bernard Vasey
Jason Ebison
Paul Short
Dave Hambley
Colin Stainthorpe
Denis Thompson
Brian Harland
Total 10 attending
Apologies received from & to:-
Richard Deadman - on holiday abroad - P Horbury
Dave Ward - Commitments - D Perrett
James Moore - Not joining WSAA this season - no peelers due to pollution of the River Tees. He would continue to sponsor the Open & Dedicated Officials trophy - P Horbury
Meeting started 19.35hrs
Peter Horbury asked that the minutes of last AGM (Wed 1st Sept 2021) be confirmed as True for the record.
Proposed W Atkinson
Seconded - D Hambley
Richard Deadman - on holiday abroad - P Horbury
Dave Ward - Commitments - D Perrett
James Moore - Not joining WSAA this season - no peelers due to pollution of the River Tees. He would continue to sponsor the Open & Dedicated Officials trophy - P Horbury
Meeting started 19.35hrs
Peter Horbury asked that the minutes of last AGM (Wed 1st Sept 2021) be confirmed as True for the record.
Proposed W Atkinson
Seconded - D Hambley
1 - Chairman’s report [apology as this was missed at the start] -
William Atkinson thanked the officials for last season work, and especially Bernard Vasey who had heroically attended the weigh-ins, not fishing for 4 months, despite his ongoing sciatica.
Bernard Vasey explained how painful it was, and informed the meeting he was thinking of packing it in as he was struggling to get back in time, despite knocking off at 21.25hrs - he still struggled to get back in time.
W Atkinson informed Bernard it would get better with time.
William Atkinson thanked the officials for last season work, and especially Bernard Vasey who had heroically attended the weigh-ins, not fishing for 4 months, despite his ongoing sciatica.
Bernard Vasey explained how painful it was, and informed the meeting he was thinking of packing it in as he was struggling to get back in time, despite knocking off at 21.25hrs - he still struggled to get back in time.
W Atkinson informed Bernard it would get better with time.
2 - Secretary’s report - Peter Horbury
Many thanks to all for taking the time to attend.
Firstly, sad news, if you have not already heard Carla Smith, landlady of the Fleece passed away at the end of May.
Thank you to those who came to the presentation evening.
I think you will all agree it was a great success & the food was excellent at the Stables.
Photographs of the evening were posted on the web site the following day.
Although there was a small glitch, we were expecting the tables to have been laid-out before we left, and there is always a seating plan & dress code.
Disrespectful comments were heard, not just by us, but our wives, and noted.
Please appreciate Dave, Bernard & I put in a lot of time organising and staging the event for you all.
There is, as every year, a lot to discuss, so please just one addressing the floor at a time, and please no private conversations across the floor.
We will have no idle threats thrown across the floor from member to member as last year.
As you have read in the order of business, our Open date was published & registered for Penn Points.
As in previous seasons if we could have a photograph every match as it would be appreciated, and anyone can have a photo taken.
Just as Bernard, I can’t guarantee being first to the weigh-in, if you have a nice fish please wait before gutting.
Please support the domino cards and socialise in the pub after the match as these provide the funds for the Sunday League.
On the last match of the season you may have spotted Dan Bennett, IFCA at the weigh-in.
He confirmed to Jason, Bernard & I the correct way to measure a fish.
The spine cannot be bent in order for one fin to cross the line, equal pressure must be applied to both fins in order for a fin to cross the line.
Members are reminded to have/carry their own measure.
To be honest I do not have a lot to report, I have heard from Paul Hogarth, there hasn’t been any problem parking at Goldsborough.
Any Other Business - in no particular order, comments, remarks, and observations dated ‘as & when’ made by members for discussion.
Thank you
Many thanks to all for taking the time to attend.
Firstly, sad news, if you have not already heard Carla Smith, landlady of the Fleece passed away at the end of May.
Thank you to those who came to the presentation evening.
I think you will all agree it was a great success & the food was excellent at the Stables.
Photographs of the evening were posted on the web site the following day.
Although there was a small glitch, we were expecting the tables to have been laid-out before we left, and there is always a seating plan & dress code.
Disrespectful comments were heard, not just by us, but our wives, and noted.
Please appreciate Dave, Bernard & I put in a lot of time organising and staging the event for you all.
There is, as every year, a lot to discuss, so please just one addressing the floor at a time, and please no private conversations across the floor.
We will have no idle threats thrown across the floor from member to member as last year.
As you have read in the order of business, our Open date was published & registered for Penn Points.
As in previous seasons if we could have a photograph every match as it would be appreciated, and anyone can have a photo taken.
Just as Bernard, I can’t guarantee being first to the weigh-in, if you have a nice fish please wait before gutting.
Please support the domino cards and socialise in the pub after the match as these provide the funds for the Sunday League.
On the last match of the season you may have spotted Dan Bennett, IFCA at the weigh-in.
He confirmed to Jason, Bernard & I the correct way to measure a fish.
The spine cannot be bent in order for one fin to cross the line, equal pressure must be applied to both fins in order for a fin to cross the line.
Members are reminded to have/carry their own measure.
To be honest I do not have a lot to report, I have heard from Paul Hogarth, there hasn’t been any problem parking at Goldsborough.
Any Other Business - in no particular order, comments, remarks, and observations dated ‘as & when’ made by members for discussion.
Thank you
3 - Treasurers report
Dave Perrett explained the detail of the two sheets he had provided for members to scrutinise.
Dave reiterated, on behalf of WSAA, thanks to all sponsors.
On behalf of WSAA he had sent a condolence card to the Fleece, William Atkinson said he had gone to Carla’s funeral.
David concluded that the current finances were sound for the coming season.
David was thanked for his report - there were no questions.
Dave Perrett explained the detail of the two sheets he had provided for members to scrutinise.
Dave reiterated, on behalf of WSAA, thanks to all sponsors.
On behalf of WSAA he had sent a condolence card to the Fleece, William Atkinson said he had gone to Carla’s funeral.
David concluded that the current finances were sound for the coming season.
David was thanked for his report - there were no questions.
4 - Re election of officials
Peter Horbury asked William Atkinson if there would be any problem with Vice Presidents - Wilf Noble & Dave Cass
W Atkinson did not see a problem although Wilf had not been well of late but was recovering. Proposed D Thompson, seconded C Stainthorpe
Club President - William Atkinson, Chairman - proposed P Horbury, seconded B Harland
Treasurer - Dave Perrett - Proposed W Atkinson, seconded B Vasey, seconded B Harland
Secretary - Peter Horbury - Proposed B Vasey, seconded B Harland
Peter Horbury asked William Atkinson if there would be any problem with Vice Presidents - Wilf Noble & Dave Cass
W Atkinson did not see a problem although Wilf had not been well of late but was recovering. Proposed D Thompson, seconded C Stainthorpe
Club President - William Atkinson, Chairman - proposed P Horbury, seconded B Harland
Treasurer - Dave Perrett - Proposed W Atkinson, seconded B Vasey, seconded B Harland
Secretary - Peter Horbury - Proposed B Vasey, seconded B Harland
5 - The Committee 2021 - 2022
William Atkinson
Dave Perrett
Peter Horbury
Bernard Vasey
Jason Ebison
Paul Short
Richard Deadman
Dave Ward
With James Moore resigning as he will not be fishing this season, P Horbury asked if there was anyone interested.
Dave Perrett said that Andy Neasham had shown an interest but was not at the meeting.
Denis Thompson suggested Dave Hambley, quickly seconded by J Ebison - carried.
William Atkinson
Dave Perrett
Peter Horbury
Bernard Vasey
Jason Ebison
Paul Short
Richard Deadman
Dave Ward
With James Moore resigning as he will not be fishing this season, P Horbury asked if there was anyone interested.
Dave Perrett said that Andy Neasham had shown an interest but was not at the meeting.
Denis Thompson suggested Dave Hambley, quickly seconded by J Ebison - carried.
6 - Subscriptions - Seniors
Currently £25 [£5 includes insurance premium & £2 HF & HBoF of the Season mandatory]
Juniors - Currently £8.50
Peter Horbury asked Treasurer Dave Perrett if he had any views, or a wish for members to review these as it was expect Club membership would be down this year due to fuel costs & lack of fresh/frozen peelers.
There was a short discussion as Brian Harland had asked about how Steve Swales would re-join, as he was an old member.
There would not be a problem.
P Horbury brought the meeting back in line to discuss subscriptions.
Dave concluded that fees should stay the same. Proposed P Horbury, seconded J Ebison
Currently £25 [£5 includes insurance premium & £2 HF & HBoF of the Season mandatory]
Juniors - Currently £8.50
Peter Horbury asked Treasurer Dave Perrett if he had any views, or a wish for members to review these as it was expect Club membership would be down this year due to fuel costs & lack of fresh/frozen peelers.
There was a short discussion as Brian Harland had asked about how Steve Swales would re-join, as he was an old member.
There would not be a problem.
P Horbury brought the meeting back in line to discuss subscriptions.
Dave concluded that fees should stay the same. Proposed P Horbury, seconded J Ebison
7 - Club matches
P Horbury said 1st match Wed 28th Sept 2022. Currently Wed 19.00 - 22.00hrs & Sun 18.00 - 22.00hrs
B Harland asked if we would be meeting at the Bandstand so he could inform Steve - confirmed.
P Horbury reminded B Harland that if Steve (or anyone else) could not make the Bandstand, they needed to inform a Committee member they were fishing & could not start until 17.00hrs. B Harland understood.
Proposed W Atkinson, Seconded D Thompson
P Horbury said 1st match Wed 28th Sept 2022. Currently Wed 19.00 - 22.00hrs & Sun 18.00 - 22.00hrs
B Harland asked if we would be meeting at the Bandstand so he could inform Steve - confirmed.
P Horbury reminded B Harland that if Steve (or anyone else) could not make the Bandstand, they needed to inform a Committee member they were fishing & could not start until 17.00hrs. B Harland understood.
Proposed W Atkinson, Seconded D Thompson
8 - Match entries
Currently £2.50 P Horbury asked D Perrett for any comments - Dave saw no need to increase the current fee from the treasurers prospective.
Proposed to stay the same P Horbury, seconded B Harland
Currently £2.50 P Horbury asked D Perrett for any comments - Dave saw no need to increase the current fee from the treasurers prospective.
Proposed to stay the same P Horbury, seconded B Harland
9 - Knockouts
Currently £6 Doubles & £4 Singles - £10 total for both. Preliminary Rounds [if req’d] Wed 12th Oct. 1st Singles Wed 19th Oct, 1st Doubles Wed 26th Oct 2022
J Ebison was asked if he was prepared to continue running the Knockouts - confirmed.
Proposed P Horbury, seconded B Vasey
Currently £6 Doubles & £4 Singles - £10 total for both. Preliminary Rounds [if req’d] Wed 12th Oct. 1st Singles Wed 19th Oct, 1st Doubles Wed 26th Oct 2022
J Ebison was asked if he was prepared to continue running the Knockouts - confirmed.
Proposed P Horbury, seconded B Vasey
10 - Open Match
27th Nov 2022 [Announced 11th Jan 2022 & registered for Penn Points 12th Jan 2022] Date for Open Match meeting? To confirm sponsors, & ticket sale outlets etc.
P Horbury asked W Atkinson to arrange a venue for the ‘Open meeting’. W Atkinson confirmed he would book a room & report back.
Late Oct - early Nov - D Perrett said would give time to organise tickets & sponsors at least 3 weeks prior. And reiterated that all members can attend, not just the Committee.
27th Nov 2022 [Announced 11th Jan 2022 & registered for Penn Points 12th Jan 2022] Date for Open Match meeting? To confirm sponsors, & ticket sale outlets etc.
P Horbury asked W Atkinson to arrange a venue for the ‘Open meeting’. W Atkinson confirmed he would book a room & report back.
Late Oct - early Nov - D Perrett said would give time to organise tickets & sponsors at least 3 weeks prior. And reiterated that all members can attend, not just the Committee.
11 - Christmas match
Sun 18th Dec 2022 - Stakesby Arms? D Perrett to book & report back, saying that the Met venue was suitable as the owners of Stakesby had switched, due to staff shortages.
Sun 18th Dec 2022 - Stakesby Arms? D Perrett to book & report back, saying that the Met venue was suitable as the owners of Stakesby had switched, due to staff shortages.
Bar Break
Whilst waiting for members to return, P Horbury sought clarification from D Perrett & W Atkinson re Ryan Collinson's [new member 18yrs] request to be guardian of his friend Lewis, 16yrs.
D Perrett saw no problem as long as the proper letter of authority came from the parents.
P Horbury informed Ryan Collinson of the decision Wednesday morning.
D Perrett saw no problem as long as the proper letter of authority came from the parents.
P Horbury informed Ryan Collinson of the decision Wednesday morning.
12 - Monthly Sweeps
{not official WSAA Club business}
Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag of Fish - Peter Horbury currently has the ledger as Danny Middlemas is not fishing this season.
Peter will run if no Committee member volunteers - entry is strictly ‘Paid-up’ - £24 for both HF & HBoF or £12 for just HF or HBoF] in a named sealed envelope.
The meeting reconvened and P Horbury read out a note from Dan Middlemas he had posted, along with ‘the book’.
“Not fishing Club next season, could money I’ve donated to Whitby Open be
“Sponsored by Dam Midd Custom Rods” - thanks Dan
D Perrett informed the meeting £132 was in the envelope he had - £20 for Juniors & the rest for prize/prizes.
No one volunteered to run ‘the book’, so Peter said he would.
Questions were asked as to how new members could join if they joined WSAA late [membership closes at the end of October].
Peter said it would not be a problem as long as they pay in full for the months they will be fishing.
D Thompson said it had been a nightmare when he ran it, chasing round for money after a match at the end of the month.
It would be run at Peter’s digression - B Harland
{not official WSAA Club business}
Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag of Fish - Peter Horbury currently has the ledger as Danny Middlemas is not fishing this season.
Peter will run if no Committee member volunteers - entry is strictly ‘Paid-up’ - £24 for both HF & HBoF or £12 for just HF or HBoF] in a named sealed envelope.
The meeting reconvened and P Horbury read out a note from Dan Middlemas he had posted, along with ‘the book’.
“Not fishing Club next season, could money I’ve donated to Whitby Open be
“Sponsored by Dam Midd Custom Rods” - thanks Dan
D Perrett informed the meeting £132 was in the envelope he had - £20 for Juniors & the rest for prize/prizes.
No one volunteered to run ‘the book’, so Peter said he would.
Questions were asked as to how new members could join if they joined WSAA late [membership closes at the end of October].
Peter said it would not be a problem as long as they pay in full for the months they will be fishing.
D Thompson said it had been a nightmare when he ran it, chasing round for money after a match at the end of the month.
It would be run at Peter’s digression - B Harland
Any Other Business
Peter reiterated that this was a collection of members comments, views, remarks & requests to discuss at this meeting.
Peter reiterated that this was a collection of members comments, views, remarks & requests to discuss at this meeting.
1) - 9th Jan 2022 - 105 whitings weighed-in - 3 double figure bags.
Some members voiced their displeasure - Noted - requested to be discussed at AGM.
Possible suggestions:-
A) - Increase whiting size (currently 30cms) legal size is 27cms.
[Size reduced from 33cms to 30 at AGM 29th Aug 2012 (3rd from last paragraph) Proposed by B Laws, seconded N Inglis]
B) - Introduce a 'Season Limit'. [ie X whitings per member per season]*
C) - Introduce a 'Season Bag Limit'. [ie X whitings per bag per weigh-in]*
*Mentioned that other Clubs have this.
Bernard Vasey did some research, through the archives:
18th Jan 2017 - 199 whitings weighed-in, 6 dabs, 2 rockling & 1 codling - 6 'double-figure bags'.
BL, DM, BH, DC, PP, & CMcC.
Members discussed the various comments above, and finally a proposal was on the table.
Proposed D Thompson that the size limit [for seniors] be increased back to 33cms, seconded D Perrett.
D Perrett asked to confirm Juniors size limit for whitings to encourage Junior members.
Short discussion, P Horbury said he was happy for it to be 27cms.
Unanimously agreed - Junior whiting size limit would be 27cms, or the legal IFCA size added B Vasey - Carried.
Some members voiced their displeasure - Noted - requested to be discussed at AGM.
Possible suggestions:-
A) - Increase whiting size (currently 30cms) legal size is 27cms.
[Size reduced from 33cms to 30 at AGM 29th Aug 2012 (3rd from last paragraph) Proposed by B Laws, seconded N Inglis]
B) - Introduce a 'Season Limit'. [ie X whitings per member per season]*
C) - Introduce a 'Season Bag Limit'. [ie X whitings per bag per weigh-in]*
*Mentioned that other Clubs have this.
Bernard Vasey did some research, through the archives:
18th Jan 2017 - 199 whitings weighed-in, 6 dabs, 2 rockling & 1 codling - 6 'double-figure bags'.
BL, DM, BH, DC, PP, & CMcC.
Members discussed the various comments above, and finally a proposal was on the table.
Proposed D Thompson that the size limit [for seniors] be increased back to 33cms, seconded D Perrett.
D Perrett asked to confirm Juniors size limit for whitings to encourage Junior members.
Short discussion, P Horbury said he was happy for it to be 27cms.
Unanimously agreed - Junior whiting size limit would be 27cms, or the legal IFCA size added B Vasey - Carried.
2) - Dave Perrett received a text after 21.00hrs "Not fishing" (3hrs into the evenings match).
Unacceptable - members should text-in before match start 18.00hrs Sunday 19.00hrs Wednesday.
Noted - requested to be discussed at AGM.
Basically members agreed this was a no brainer - members need to text-in before match start, or be counted as fishing.
P Short suggested 1hr prior, but this was dismissed as too early. Texts are time recorded, and Peter & Dave check for messages once in the Fleece.
Proposed B Vasey members must text-in before the match starts ‘Not fishing’ or be counted as fishing', seconded J Ebison.
Unacceptable - members should text-in before match start 18.00hrs Sunday 19.00hrs Wednesday.
Noted - requested to be discussed at AGM.
Basically members agreed this was a no brainer - members need to text-in before match start, or be counted as fishing.
P Short suggested 1hr prior, but this was dismissed as too early. Texts are time recorded, and Peter & Dave check for messages once in the Fleece.
Proposed B Vasey members must text-in before the match starts ‘Not fishing’ or be counted as fishing', seconded J Ebison.
3) - Thursday 13th Jan 2022 - JM
Rules 1 & 10 - None entry means loss of weigh-in.
Noted - requested to be discussed - in reference to NM.
Unfortunately J Moore was not at the meeting [as mentioned earlier], members discussed this and concluded the Rule would stay the same.
W Atkinson said if you are not paid-in, you’re not entered.
D Perrett said that the pre-payment of 8 matches soon goes and this is where non-payment of match entries normally occurs. In the first 8 days you’ve used 3 match entries.
Examples were given of previous casualties, some double figure bags!!
Unanimously carried
Rules 1 & 10 - None entry means loss of weigh-in.
Noted - requested to be discussed - in reference to NM.
Unfortunately J Moore was not at the meeting [as mentioned earlier], members discussed this and concluded the Rule would stay the same.
W Atkinson said if you are not paid-in, you’re not entered.
D Perrett said that the pre-payment of 8 matches soon goes and this is where non-payment of match entries normally occurs. In the first 8 days you’ve used 3 match entries.
Examples were given of previous casualties, some double figure bags!!
Unanimously carried
4) - Saturday 22nd Jan 2022 - JE
Solve problem of incomplete data for WSAA Open Match tickets.
J Ebison could not remember but once jolted he recalled tickets were not filled it at the point of sale.
P Horbury recounted where one season he had been presented with two tickets with the same name [the person who bought the tickets] and two different weights.
B Vasey recalled where one angler had presented his ‘Parking ticket’ as a match ticket.
In complete ticket holders will be asked to fill-in the ticket with the required information before the weigh-master(s) will proceed.
Solve problem of incomplete data for WSAA Open Match tickets.
J Ebison could not remember but once jolted he recalled tickets were not filled it at the point of sale.
P Horbury recounted where one season he had been presented with two tickets with the same name [the person who bought the tickets] and two different weights.
B Vasey recalled where one angler had presented his ‘Parking ticket’ as a match ticket.
In complete ticket holders will be asked to fill-in the ticket with the required information before the weigh-master(s) will proceed.
5) - Sunday 23rd January 2022 - PDH & BH
To include Cloughton Open & Jamie Richardson Memorial Opens on WSAA Calendar as 'day matches'.
Again much discussion from personal experiences D Perrett asked if there was any significance to these two matches, and why hadn’t other Opens been included.
P Horbury replied that there was no significance, as they were merely examples for members to include or dismiss from the WSAA calendar.
D Perrett said if all the day matches were included into the calendar then there would be no Sunday night matches for two months+.
Dave also remembering that B Vasey used to have to man a WSAA members weigh-in for members who had caught fish but did not want to travel to the official Open weigh-in for club weights.
Proposed D Thompson leave Open matches to be fished on an individual’s choice, seconded P Horbury.
To include Cloughton Open & Jamie Richardson Memorial Opens on WSAA Calendar as 'day matches'.
Again much discussion from personal experiences D Perrett asked if there was any significance to these two matches, and why hadn’t other Opens been included.
P Horbury replied that there was no significance, as they were merely examples for members to include or dismiss from the WSAA calendar.
D Perrett said if all the day matches were included into the calendar then there would be no Sunday night matches for two months+.
Dave also remembering that B Vasey used to have to man a WSAA members weigh-in for members who had caught fish but did not want to travel to the official Open weigh-in for club weights.
Proposed D Thompson leave Open matches to be fished on an individual’s choice, seconded P Horbury.
6) - Monday 21st Feb 2022 - DH - Poor attendance
- Bell Trophy
- Secretary's Challenge Trophy
Dave Hambley stressed that this wasn’t about numbers fishing, but about supporting the venues & hosts after the match. Dave went on to say that members should be supporting the club.
D Perrett said 13 had fished the Bell T & 16 the Secretary’s Challenge.
D Perrett recounted that members had gone in the pub but left because they didn’t like chilli & rice/jacket potatoes & garlic bread.
Members had noted a downturn in those socialising in the Fleece after a match. The lack of sales of domino cards - the proceeds of which provide the prize fund for the Sunday league.
W Atkinson said to give it another year, and see if there is any improvement.
- Bell Trophy
- Secretary's Challenge Trophy
Dave Hambley stressed that this wasn’t about numbers fishing, but about supporting the venues & hosts after the match. Dave went on to say that members should be supporting the club.
D Perrett said 13 had fished the Bell T & 16 the Secretary’s Challenge.
D Perrett recounted that members had gone in the pub but left because they didn’t like chilli & rice/jacket potatoes & garlic bread.
Members had noted a downturn in those socialising in the Fleece after a match. The lack of sales of domino cards - the proceeds of which provide the prize fund for the Sunday league.
W Atkinson said to give it another year, and see if there is any improvement.
7) - Thursday 10th Mar 2022 - PDH
Set date for Secretary's Challenge Trophy - Cloughton are hosts. WSAA pick date.
As there wasn’t a tide-table for 2023 a date would be picked ‘as & when’.
Cloughton as hosts always provide good food.
Set date for Secretary's Challenge Trophy - Cloughton are hosts. WSAA pick date.
As there wasn’t a tide-table for 2023 a date would be picked ‘as & when’.
Cloughton as hosts always provide good food.
8) - Thursday 24th Mar 2022 - DP & PDH
Reference to Match 49, Wed 23rd Mar - Dave Perrett believes Rule 26 needs a review.
Rule 26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - Anyone returning [to the scales] with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
Reference to Match 49, Wed 23rd Mar - Dave Perrett believes Rule 26 needs a review.
Rule 26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - Anyone returning [to the scales] with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
Extract from AGM 28th August 2019 minutes:-
12. Any Other Business – A) Sunday 17th February 2019 - Jason Ebison Would like to implement a 'penalty' for returning to the scales with undersized fish. He is proposing, those who return with undersized fish forfeit their match total weight. There was much discussion on this topic with numerous suggestions, and members own accounts and dislikes of what members do at the scales. Rob Allison does not like to see a fish bag, and its contents just ‘tipped out’ on the pan. Fish should be placed on one at a time - giving the weigh master a chance to view the fish, and stop all the extra crud on the fish pan. Brian Harland pointed out that any rule/measure agreed on would ensure members double check their fishes size before retaining it. Peter Horbury pointed out that the measure at the scales ‘is for the use of the weigh masters’ and not the final checking point for an angler. Members must have their own measure, and not return with undersized fish. Billets shrink the most, and most ‘undersized fish’ were whitings - and undersized relates to WSAA Rules which is longer than Fishery recommendations - (just to clarify). Bernard Vasey recalled how fishery officials had been present at numerous weigh-ins, and if anyone had had an undersized fish it would their responsibility and not the Clubs. Jason Ebison proposed anyone returning with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Seconded Malc Pitman. Carried. |
This one got very heated, Jason Ebison said that this rule was not what he had proposed and had referred/checked his notes of 2019 as to what he had proposed, “if an undersized fish is put on the scales then the total weight is forfeited’.
Going on to say, the rule as is, is an interpretation by Peter Horbury.
Peter Horbury replied that the rule as written is and has been in for force two seasons, as is written from the AGM notes 17th Feb 2019, and voted on at the AGM of 28th Aug 2019. [both extracts above in italics].
D Thompson asked if members could use the weigh-masters measure - No was the reply, and P Horbury went on to say that members do not measure their fish in front of the weigh-master.
D Thompson went on to say that whitings are never ever check & in his opinion looked suspect.
P Horbury said that the rules were on the web site, and J Ebison’s reply was that no one reads the web site [hence his next request for printed rules to be issued at the start of every season].
At this point B Vasey exclaimed that it was a difficult enough job without people turning up with bags of whiting as they all looked size.
To which D Thompson didn’t agree.
B Vasey went on to say he was sick & tired of this, and wanted to resign as he could not cope when bags of whitings are tipped in the fish pan.
D Perrett was asked to comment, he said Pass.
P Horbury recounted Rule 26, W Atkinson said that they should get a good bollocking, D Perrett remarked that Scarborough ‘do/used to’ deduct ‘a pound’ off.
P Horbury asked J Ebison why after 2 years this has never been brought up before?
J Ebison replied that he wants an easy life & never reads what’s on the web site. A lot of people don’t read what’s on the web site which is why we need a hard copy issued every season. P Horbury replied that is next to discuss.
B Harland chipped in that the web site is very interesting and can’t wait for the next report.
D Perrett asked what was the rule to be, and D Hambley said if a Fisheries officer was there the member would receive a fine!
D Thompson & W Atkinson proposed and seconded that any undersized fish put on the scales results in a 2 lb deduction.
Going on to say, the rule as is, is an interpretation by Peter Horbury.
Peter Horbury replied that the rule as written is and has been in for force two seasons, as is written from the AGM notes 17th Feb 2019, and voted on at the AGM of 28th Aug 2019. [both extracts above in italics].
D Thompson asked if members could use the weigh-masters measure - No was the reply, and P Horbury went on to say that members do not measure their fish in front of the weigh-master.
D Thompson went on to say that whitings are never ever check & in his opinion looked suspect.
P Horbury said that the rules were on the web site, and J Ebison’s reply was that no one reads the web site [hence his next request for printed rules to be issued at the start of every season].
At this point B Vasey exclaimed that it was a difficult enough job without people turning up with bags of whiting as they all looked size.
To which D Thompson didn’t agree.
B Vasey went on to say he was sick & tired of this, and wanted to resign as he could not cope when bags of whitings are tipped in the fish pan.
D Perrett was asked to comment, he said Pass.
P Horbury recounted Rule 26, W Atkinson said that they should get a good bollocking, D Perrett remarked that Scarborough ‘do/used to’ deduct ‘a pound’ off.
P Horbury asked J Ebison why after 2 years this has never been brought up before?
J Ebison replied that he wants an easy life & never reads what’s on the web site. A lot of people don’t read what’s on the web site which is why we need a hard copy issued every season. P Horbury replied that is next to discuss.
B Harland chipped in that the web site is very interesting and can’t wait for the next report.
D Perrett asked what was the rule to be, and D Hambley said if a Fisheries officer was there the member would receive a fine!
D Thompson & W Atkinson proposed and seconded that any undersized fish put on the scales results in a 2 lb deduction.
Personal opinion - do not agree with this rule change.
9) - A visit from Dan Bennett, IFCA to confirm the 'correct way to measure a fish'.
51 of 51 - Wed 30th March 2022
Confirmed by B Vasey, J Ebison & P Horbury - the spine cannot be bent so that a fin crosses the line. The spine must remain straight, and equal pressure applied to the fins in order for one or the other to cross the line.
51 of 51 - Wed 30th March 2022
Confirmed by B Vasey, J Ebison & P Horbury - the spine cannot be bent so that a fin crosses the line. The spine must remain straight, and equal pressure applied to the fins in order for one or the other to cross the line.
10) - Friday 25th March 2022 - JE
I) - Addition to Rules - Fish bags must be empty at the start of a match.
Both D Perrett & P Horbury thought this was already written, as it used to be years ago. P Horbury checked back to 2013 and could not find the rule.
As P Horbury recounted when fishing Cloughton & then fishing the Club, he had always asked their weigh-master to cut the back of the fish once weighed-in.
J Ebison proposed that fish bags must be empty at the start of a match - carried.
II) - All members to be issued with a hard/paper copy of the Rules at the start of the season - after any amendments made at the AGM.
J Ebison went to say that if there was an infringement of the rule then there would be no argument for them saying they haven’t read them, as many don’t go on the web site. J Ebison used D Thompson as an example, and W Atkinson pointed out that Denis would know the rules.
P Horbury provided the car registration form & asked J Ebison what it said in the last paragraph.
P Horbury pointed out there is a tick-box to say you’ve read the rules & expectations and will abide by them, and signed the form. B Vasey backed this up.
Members to be issued with a hard copy of the rules at the start of a season.
I) - Addition to Rules - Fish bags must be empty at the start of a match.
Both D Perrett & P Horbury thought this was already written, as it used to be years ago. P Horbury checked back to 2013 and could not find the rule.
As P Horbury recounted when fishing Cloughton & then fishing the Club, he had always asked their weigh-master to cut the back of the fish once weighed-in.
J Ebison proposed that fish bags must be empty at the start of a match - carried.
II) - All members to be issued with a hard/paper copy of the Rules at the start of the season - after any amendments made at the AGM.
J Ebison went to say that if there was an infringement of the rule then there would be no argument for them saying they haven’t read them, as many don’t go on the web site. J Ebison used D Thompson as an example, and W Atkinson pointed out that Denis would know the rules.
P Horbury provided the car registration form & asked J Ebison what it said in the last paragraph.
P Horbury pointed out there is a tick-box to say you’ve read the rules & expectations and will abide by them, and signed the form. B Vasey backed this up.
Members to be issued with a hard copy of the rules at the start of a season.
Meeting closed 21.50hrs
Thank you all for coming.
Thank you all for coming.
Rules ammended accordingly.
Published Wed 3rd Aug 2022
Last edit Wed 3rd Aug 2022
Last edit Wed 3rd Aug 2022