Wednesday 29th August 2018
19.30 hrs
Names were taken for Singles & Doubles Knockouts as the meeting progressed.
Minutes of Annual General Meeting Wednesday 29th August 2018
Meeting started 19.35hrs, Whitby Rifle Club
Attending Committee members:-
William Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary President),
Dave Perrett (Honorary Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Rob Allison
James Gilpin
Andrew Cass
Paula Pitman
Malcolm Pitman
Paul Short
Ben Laws
Apologies received from James Moore (work), Dave Hambley (Holiday), Rob Taylor (work), Stu Swales (work), Richard Deadman (holiday)
Attending members:- in no specific order
Danny Middlemas
Jason Ebison
Colin Stainthorpe
Mike Saunders
Dave Ward
Denis Thompson
Brian Harland
Dave Smith
Welcome to new member Allan Beale.
20 members in total, another excellent turnout, well done and thank you for taking the time.
Members had handed Dave Perrett their named envelopes of £30 (Subscriptions £20 + 5 matches £10). James Moore had very kindly sent in his, along with his sponsorship. Many thanks.
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson brought the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming.
1. Minutes of last years AGM -
Secretary Peter Horbury asked for a proposer & seconder to confirm the minutes of last years AGM as a true account (Minutes of last years meeting had been ‘on-line’ on the clubs web site from the day after the meeting). No matters arrising.
Proposed Paula Pitman, seconded Malcolm Pitman. Carried
2. Chairman’s report:-
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson said it was good to have some efficient officials to keep things running smoothly.
(Applause from members)
Admitting he had not, as in previous years, been able to fish as often as he would of liked but would again do his best this season.
William went on to thank members for being smartly dressed at last season’s presentation evening at Dunsley Hall.
3. Secretaries report -
Peter Horbury read his report as follows:-
• Well here we are again, and thank you all for attending tonight, and to any new or returning members, welcome.
• Apologies received from James Moore (work), Dave Hambley (Holiday), Rob Taylor (work), Stu Swales (work), Richard Deadman (holiday)
• Summer matches - Well done to Paul Short who won after 5 of the six matches.
13 anglers took part, and James ‘King Cod’ Gilpin won the last match.
• Open registered for Penn points with Cliff Brown at Sea Angler.
• Web site doing well just shy of 1,340,000 up over 400,000 since last years AGM.
• WSAA Facebook page we have 732 followers up 100 on last year.
• I think we all agree the venue & service at Dunsley Hall for our Presentation evening was a great success. Personally I think we should re book for this season. As is the Stakesby Arms for the Christmas match.
• As in previous seasons if we could have a photograph every match as it would be appreciated, and anyone can have a photo taken. Just ask Bernard, or James, I can’t guarantee being first to the weigh-in so if you have a nice fish please wait before gutting.
• Please all note there is a new aluminium ‘disabled’ ramp on the quay side near the wash tap. It is a real tripping hazard, and I personally don’t want to see anyone injury themselves or fall into the harbour (no railings).
{Malcolm Pitman informed members that the Council had received many complaints in respect of it being a hazard - ‘on-going’}
• I have made a list, in no particular order, of business brought to my attention or otherwise, of items which members may or may not choose to discuss in Any Other Business.
• Been in touch with Paul Hogarth, Goldsborough, and he is very happy with nothing to report re bad parking, so let us keep up this up. Thank you.
• Bass retention, as far as I am aware is zero - Confirmed by members.
• A reminder that match entry payments are the responsibility of the member to maintain & having made it known you are fishing, you must attend the weigh-in & pay your dues. Same goes for not fishing, let Dave know.
• Any Open sponsors - please let me know ASAP, so they can be put on the web site.
• East / West pier refurbishment works - I have been in contact with some SBC Engineers to gain some insight into any closures, to the public, whilst these works are on-going. While some areas will be closed to the public there are no specifics.
I have included this ‘topic’ in AOB for further discussion as we did make Skinningrove pier Out Of Bounds when engineering works were on-going.
• That concludes the Secretary’s report, thank you.
Peter Horbury was thanked by Chairman William Atkinson.
4. Treasurers report -
Was presented by Dave Perrett.
Dave went through the supplied spread sheets pointing out specific points of interest.
He thanked, in turn, all our sponsors & contributors to our Open without whom it could not go ahead.
Hook, Line & Sinker were thanked for their continued sponsorship, James Moore was also thanked for the new trophy for the ‘Officials’.
Bank interest was up 20p, on last year (44p).
Dave concluded the Club was in a sound financial position.
Dave concluded his report with applause from the members.
Confirmed as true Peter Horbury, and seconded Jason Ebison. Carried
5. Re-Election of Officials -
Hon. Chairman William Atkinson said maybe it was time we had a new Chairman as he had had a difficult time these last few years. And if we wanted him to carry on he would. William was given some words of support from members, Dave Perrett said he was a figure head, in good humour Paula Pitman said he wasn’t going anywhere, James Gilpin saying he had no choice, and Brian Harland saying he was timeless and didn’t age.
Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Jason Ebison. Carried
Hon. Treasurer Dave Perrett
Proposer Paula Pitman, seconder James Gilpin. Carried
Secretary Peter Horbury
Proposer Paula Pitman, seconder James Gilpin. Carried
Vice Presidents Wilf Noble & Dave Cass [to stay the same]. Carried
6. Committee -
Andrew Cass informed the meeting he wished to step down due to work commitments.
It was proposed by James Gilpin, seconded Bernard Vasey that Jason Ebison be Andrew’s replacement. Carried.
7. Subscriptions -
Peter Horbury asked Dave Perrett if the Club subscriptions covered the insurance or had it increased, and if necessary should subscriptions increase to cover it. Dave Perrett told members £105 ‘in’ & £135 ‘out’, a shortfall of £30.00.
James Gilpin proposed the subscriptions be increased to £22.00 (an increase of £2.00), seconded Paula Pitman. Carried
Dave Perrett commented that members ‘envelopes’ would be amended accordingly ie one match entry less to cover the £2.00 increase. Honorary members now £7.00.
8. Club Matches -
Season starts Wed 26th Sept 2018, a 52 match season.
Christmas match Sunday 23rd December. Some discussion between members as to how close it was to Christmas with some unsure as to whether they would be fishing.
It was pointed out that the Christmas match was always the last Sunday before Christmas.
9. Match entries -
Currently £2.00
Proposed Paula Pitman to stay the same, seconded William Atkinson. Carried.
10. Knockout competitions -
Dates agreed as on web site re Diary, and dependent on whether there will be any preliminary rounds.
Doubles £6.00 / Singles £4.00 Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Dave ward to stay the same. Carried.
11. Open match, Sunday 25th November 2018 (and not as printed on the Order of Business)
Open match meeting date to be decided nearer the time but items were still discussed.
Ticket price £12.00 being in-line with other local clubs.
James Moore had sent his sponsorship in & was thanked.
Rob Allison wanted to be removed from the Juniors £20.00 sponsorship.
Peter Horbury said he would commit £20.00 in Rob’s place.
William Atkinson would speak to James Noble, and report back.
Rob Allison would speak to Thompson’s, and report back.
James Gilpin didn’t think there would be any problems with Keith’s Sports nor Coso’s, but would report back.
Ben Laws confirmed his £50.00 for 17th position but asked it be credited to Angel Fisheries.
New member Alan Beale said he would ask FHM Motors, Bramble farm, and report back.
Dave Smith to speak to Harry’s bar re a prize/meal voucher, to report back.
Paula Pitman made members aware that all raffle prizes can still go to Hook, Line & Sinker despite them being on holiday as Richard Deadman would oversee in their absence.
There then followed much discussion & debate when Rob Allison asked if juniors could win the Senior prize on a Junior entry fee?
“No” was the answer from Dave Perrett, some members then voiced their concerns.
Ultimately Dave Smith proposed that Juniors could win the Senior prize with a Junior entry fee ticket, seconded Ben Laws.
Put to a vote 10 ‘for’ & 9 ‘against’. Carried.
Andrew Cass then asked if a Junior entry fee should now increase.
Meeting started 19.35hrs, Whitby Rifle Club
Attending Committee members:-
William Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary President),
Dave Perrett (Honorary Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Rob Allison
James Gilpin
Andrew Cass
Paula Pitman
Malcolm Pitman
Paul Short
Ben Laws
Apologies received from James Moore (work), Dave Hambley (Holiday), Rob Taylor (work), Stu Swales (work), Richard Deadman (holiday)
Attending members:- in no specific order
Danny Middlemas
Jason Ebison
Colin Stainthorpe
Mike Saunders
Dave Ward
Denis Thompson
Brian Harland
Dave Smith
Welcome to new member Allan Beale.
20 members in total, another excellent turnout, well done and thank you for taking the time.
Members had handed Dave Perrett their named envelopes of £30 (Subscriptions £20 + 5 matches £10). James Moore had very kindly sent in his, along with his sponsorship. Many thanks.
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson brought the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming.
1. Minutes of last years AGM -
Secretary Peter Horbury asked for a proposer & seconder to confirm the minutes of last years AGM as a true account (Minutes of last years meeting had been ‘on-line’ on the clubs web site from the day after the meeting). No matters arrising.
Proposed Paula Pitman, seconded Malcolm Pitman. Carried
2. Chairman’s report:-
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson said it was good to have some efficient officials to keep things running smoothly.
(Applause from members)
Admitting he had not, as in previous years, been able to fish as often as he would of liked but would again do his best this season.
William went on to thank members for being smartly dressed at last season’s presentation evening at Dunsley Hall.
3. Secretaries report -
Peter Horbury read his report as follows:-
• Well here we are again, and thank you all for attending tonight, and to any new or returning members, welcome.
• Apologies received from James Moore (work), Dave Hambley (Holiday), Rob Taylor (work), Stu Swales (work), Richard Deadman (holiday)
• Summer matches - Well done to Paul Short who won after 5 of the six matches.
13 anglers took part, and James ‘King Cod’ Gilpin won the last match.
• Open registered for Penn points with Cliff Brown at Sea Angler.
• Web site doing well just shy of 1,340,000 up over 400,000 since last years AGM.
• WSAA Facebook page we have 732 followers up 100 on last year.
• I think we all agree the venue & service at Dunsley Hall for our Presentation evening was a great success. Personally I think we should re book for this season. As is the Stakesby Arms for the Christmas match.
• As in previous seasons if we could have a photograph every match as it would be appreciated, and anyone can have a photo taken. Just ask Bernard, or James, I can’t guarantee being first to the weigh-in so if you have a nice fish please wait before gutting.
• Please all note there is a new aluminium ‘disabled’ ramp on the quay side near the wash tap. It is a real tripping hazard, and I personally don’t want to see anyone injury themselves or fall into the harbour (no railings).
{Malcolm Pitman informed members that the Council had received many complaints in respect of it being a hazard - ‘on-going’}
• I have made a list, in no particular order, of business brought to my attention or otherwise, of items which members may or may not choose to discuss in Any Other Business.
• Been in touch with Paul Hogarth, Goldsborough, and he is very happy with nothing to report re bad parking, so let us keep up this up. Thank you.
• Bass retention, as far as I am aware is zero - Confirmed by members.
• A reminder that match entry payments are the responsibility of the member to maintain & having made it known you are fishing, you must attend the weigh-in & pay your dues. Same goes for not fishing, let Dave know.
• Any Open sponsors - please let me know ASAP, so they can be put on the web site.
• East / West pier refurbishment works - I have been in contact with some SBC Engineers to gain some insight into any closures, to the public, whilst these works are on-going. While some areas will be closed to the public there are no specifics.
I have included this ‘topic’ in AOB for further discussion as we did make Skinningrove pier Out Of Bounds when engineering works were on-going.
• That concludes the Secretary’s report, thank you.
Peter Horbury was thanked by Chairman William Atkinson.
4. Treasurers report -
Was presented by Dave Perrett.
Dave went through the supplied spread sheets pointing out specific points of interest.
He thanked, in turn, all our sponsors & contributors to our Open without whom it could not go ahead.
Hook, Line & Sinker were thanked for their continued sponsorship, James Moore was also thanked for the new trophy for the ‘Officials’.
Bank interest was up 20p, on last year (44p).
Dave concluded the Club was in a sound financial position.
Dave concluded his report with applause from the members.
Confirmed as true Peter Horbury, and seconded Jason Ebison. Carried
5. Re-Election of Officials -
Hon. Chairman William Atkinson said maybe it was time we had a new Chairman as he had had a difficult time these last few years. And if we wanted him to carry on he would. William was given some words of support from members, Dave Perrett said he was a figure head, in good humour Paula Pitman said he wasn’t going anywhere, James Gilpin saying he had no choice, and Brian Harland saying he was timeless and didn’t age.
Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Jason Ebison. Carried
Hon. Treasurer Dave Perrett
Proposer Paula Pitman, seconder James Gilpin. Carried
Secretary Peter Horbury
Proposer Paula Pitman, seconder James Gilpin. Carried
Vice Presidents Wilf Noble & Dave Cass [to stay the same]. Carried
6. Committee -
Andrew Cass informed the meeting he wished to step down due to work commitments.
It was proposed by James Gilpin, seconded Bernard Vasey that Jason Ebison be Andrew’s replacement. Carried.
7. Subscriptions -
Peter Horbury asked Dave Perrett if the Club subscriptions covered the insurance or had it increased, and if necessary should subscriptions increase to cover it. Dave Perrett told members £105 ‘in’ & £135 ‘out’, a shortfall of £30.00.
James Gilpin proposed the subscriptions be increased to £22.00 (an increase of £2.00), seconded Paula Pitman. Carried
Dave Perrett commented that members ‘envelopes’ would be amended accordingly ie one match entry less to cover the £2.00 increase. Honorary members now £7.00.
8. Club Matches -
Season starts Wed 26th Sept 2018, a 52 match season.
Christmas match Sunday 23rd December. Some discussion between members as to how close it was to Christmas with some unsure as to whether they would be fishing.
It was pointed out that the Christmas match was always the last Sunday before Christmas.
9. Match entries -
Currently £2.00
Proposed Paula Pitman to stay the same, seconded William Atkinson. Carried.
10. Knockout competitions -
Dates agreed as on web site re Diary, and dependent on whether there will be any preliminary rounds.
Doubles £6.00 / Singles £4.00 Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Dave ward to stay the same. Carried.
11. Open match, Sunday 25th November 2018 (and not as printed on the Order of Business)
Open match meeting date to be decided nearer the time but items were still discussed.
Ticket price £12.00 being in-line with other local clubs.
James Moore had sent his sponsorship in & was thanked.
Rob Allison wanted to be removed from the Juniors £20.00 sponsorship.
Peter Horbury said he would commit £20.00 in Rob’s place.
William Atkinson would speak to James Noble, and report back.
Rob Allison would speak to Thompson’s, and report back.
James Gilpin didn’t think there would be any problems with Keith’s Sports nor Coso’s, but would report back.
Ben Laws confirmed his £50.00 for 17th position but asked it be credited to Angel Fisheries.
New member Alan Beale said he would ask FHM Motors, Bramble farm, and report back.
Dave Smith to speak to Harry’s bar re a prize/meal voucher, to report back.
Paula Pitman made members aware that all raffle prizes can still go to Hook, Line & Sinker despite them being on holiday as Richard Deadman would oversee in their absence.
There then followed much discussion & debate when Rob Allison asked if juniors could win the Senior prize on a Junior entry fee?
“No” was the answer from Dave Perrett, some members then voiced their concerns.
Ultimately Dave Smith proposed that Juniors could win the Senior prize with a Junior entry fee ticket, seconded Ben Laws.
Put to a vote 10 ‘for’ & 9 ‘against’. Carried.
Andrew Cass then asked if a Junior entry fee should now increase.
Peter Horbury declared a Bar Break before AOB.
12. Any Other Business –
1. Bell Trophy & Secretary’s Challenge Trophy -
Dates would be picked later in the season due to a number of reasons. No 2019 tide table, and not enough information on any clashes with other already publicised opens ie Amble.
2. Sunday League -
Members had a chance to suggest a running format with many having thoughts, and hopefully it will draw in new members wanting to fish just once a week.
WSAA members welcomed the idea, Dave Perrett told members that Cloughton had a very similar theme.
Paula Pitman announced that Hook, Line & Sinker would sponsor £50.00. Paula & Malcolm Pitman were both thanked by members.
Dave Perrett went on to say the ‘WSAA oak carved shield’ could be used (as there was no trophy), it would be named Hook, Line & Sinker Sunday League Trophy.
More discussion followed, all WSAA members would automatically be in the Sunday League, the £2.00 match entry would stay the same. Administration would be a problem ‘if’ there was an ‘extra’ entry fee or a ‘one off’ payment.
Andrew Cass said he would fish the Sunday League, due to his current work commitments he would be getting back too late to fish a Wednesday night. He also knew of others interested if WSAA had such a League.
Peter Horbury asked Treasurer Dave Perrett on the ‘income’ from Domino Cards with a suggestion that any revenue raised could also go towards an extended prize fund for the Sunday League.
Dave commented the revenue raised would depend on the numbers who returned to the weigh-in and consequently socialised in the Fleece afterwards.
Peter Horbury proposed that Domino Cards be used to raise a further £50.00 (total £100.00) to further the fund re Sunday League (thereafter an excess from Domino cards would go to WSAA funds), seconded James Gilpin. Carried.
Danny Middlemas to run the Domino cards after each match.
3. Knockouts -
Jason Ebison had asked (last season) why ‘they’ have to be fished on a Wednesday and not a Sunday where anglers could benefit from an extra hour fishing.
Although Jason has had this answered by Dave Perrett, Peter Horbury felt it warranted leaving on AOB so current (& future) members could be enlightened.
Dave Perrett told members it had always been fished on a Wednesday night, unless as the Rules dictate, been pre-arranged by competing members to fish on the next available match by arrangement due possibly to a work commitment. Going on to say excuses such as unfavourable tides or a waste of bait on flat calm nights were no excuses, as had been used in the past.
William Atkinson added that it would not matter if they fished 10hrs, the result over 3hrs was the result.
4. Re Match 18 Sun 26th Nov 2017 -
Reminder - Paul Short reported snapping off a fish, only for Brian Harland's end tackle to become entangled in this line. On retrieval, Brian lands a fish 1 lb 04 oz on this line. Having consulted Dave Perrett the fish was allowed to be weighed-in.
The precedent being Ian Russell had done the same in the 1980's, and it was permitted with 'no' rules being broken.
However some members don't / didn't agree, "not in the spirit of fishing" and now wish to discuss this further with a possible rule change.
There was a ‘lot’ of discussion on this one.
Mike Saunders proposed that the current ruling/precedent remained in place, seconded Paula Pitman. Carried
5. Secretary's Challenge Trophy -
Reminder - Ian Thompson weighed-in 2 codlings 2 lb 04 oz, on behalf of Chris Scaife who had returned to Filey.
Some members are asking for clarification of the rules as the 'Only person' to be allowed to have fished weighed-in by someone else, was Adrian Nelson. This was pre-arranged & permission granted AGM 2001. Any Other Business 3
WSAA Rule 6 - States - Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time.
After much discussion it was decided that, as per WSAA Rules anglers must weigh-in their own fish.
Members asked that Peter Halder, Secretary of Cloughton Rocks, be informed, proposed James Gilpin, seconded Dave Ward. Carried.
6. Traffic Wardens -
Jason Ebison has pointed out, with the rise of Traffic Wardens in Whitby, meeting at The Bandstand for the first match of the season could potentially land members with a parking ticket.
An alternative meeting place could be the car park adjacent to Captain Cook's statue/Whitby Whale bones which is free after 6pm.
Again much heated discussion and views aired.
Dave Smith proposed members meet at the Bandstand (as tradition), seconded Ben Laws.
7 votes in favour
6 votes against.
7. East / West piers engineering works -
Following on from the Secretary’s report - It may be necessary to make this area 'Out of Bounds' depending on when 'works' are to commence, and whether or not public access is restricted during this time.
Peter Horbury again outlined the information received from SBC engineers, and after a short discussion it was concluded.
Peter Horbury proposed that WSAA play it by ear and await any further detailed information from SBC Engineers. When information comes through, a Committee meeting can be held to make any necessary decisions, seconded James Gilpin. Carried.
8. HF & HBoFish Sweeps -
Rob Allison announced that he is still going to run the HF & HBoFish Monthly Sweeps but, it was going up to £2.00 each ie £4.00/month. This being a privately run sweep there was no voting.
9. Beast from the East -
Mike Saunders highlighted that the average match entry was over 20 last season but when the Beast from the East hit, a Red Weather Warning was issued and 7 members still fished.
He asked, at what point does WSAA cancels a match?
Dave Perrett and William Atkinson pointed out that it was up to the individual member to make the decision to fish or not to.
10. WSAA Hoodies -
Jason Ebison reminded members if they wanted any hoodies he would take names and put in a ‘multi buy’ order as opposed to one by one.
11. Eels -
Dave Perrett asked if anyone knew where members stood in regard of the law.
Eels, being a migratory fish, when caught up-river req. a licence but as far as members are aware if caught in the harbour or on the shore line (as per WSAA Boundaries) they can be weighed-in but must be returned to the water afterwards.
No further business was forthcoming from members, and the meeting was closed 21.37hrs.
Many thanks to all for attending.
Peter Horbury 30th August 2018
1. Bell Trophy & Secretary’s Challenge Trophy -
Dates would be picked later in the season due to a number of reasons. No 2019 tide table, and not enough information on any clashes with other already publicised opens ie Amble.
2. Sunday League -
Members had a chance to suggest a running format with many having thoughts, and hopefully it will draw in new members wanting to fish just once a week.
WSAA members welcomed the idea, Dave Perrett told members that Cloughton had a very similar theme.
Paula Pitman announced that Hook, Line & Sinker would sponsor £50.00. Paula & Malcolm Pitman were both thanked by members.
Dave Perrett went on to say the ‘WSAA oak carved shield’ could be used (as there was no trophy), it would be named Hook, Line & Sinker Sunday League Trophy.
More discussion followed, all WSAA members would automatically be in the Sunday League, the £2.00 match entry would stay the same. Administration would be a problem ‘if’ there was an ‘extra’ entry fee or a ‘one off’ payment.
Andrew Cass said he would fish the Sunday League, due to his current work commitments he would be getting back too late to fish a Wednesday night. He also knew of others interested if WSAA had such a League.
Peter Horbury asked Treasurer Dave Perrett on the ‘income’ from Domino Cards with a suggestion that any revenue raised could also go towards an extended prize fund for the Sunday League.
Dave commented the revenue raised would depend on the numbers who returned to the weigh-in and consequently socialised in the Fleece afterwards.
Peter Horbury proposed that Domino Cards be used to raise a further £50.00 (total £100.00) to further the fund re Sunday League (thereafter an excess from Domino cards would go to WSAA funds), seconded James Gilpin. Carried.
Danny Middlemas to run the Domino cards after each match.
3. Knockouts -
Jason Ebison had asked (last season) why ‘they’ have to be fished on a Wednesday and not a Sunday where anglers could benefit from an extra hour fishing.
Although Jason has had this answered by Dave Perrett, Peter Horbury felt it warranted leaving on AOB so current (& future) members could be enlightened.
Dave Perrett told members it had always been fished on a Wednesday night, unless as the Rules dictate, been pre-arranged by competing members to fish on the next available match by arrangement due possibly to a work commitment. Going on to say excuses such as unfavourable tides or a waste of bait on flat calm nights were no excuses, as had been used in the past.
William Atkinson added that it would not matter if they fished 10hrs, the result over 3hrs was the result.
4. Re Match 18 Sun 26th Nov 2017 -
Reminder - Paul Short reported snapping off a fish, only for Brian Harland's end tackle to become entangled in this line. On retrieval, Brian lands a fish 1 lb 04 oz on this line. Having consulted Dave Perrett the fish was allowed to be weighed-in.
The precedent being Ian Russell had done the same in the 1980's, and it was permitted with 'no' rules being broken.
However some members don't / didn't agree, "not in the spirit of fishing" and now wish to discuss this further with a possible rule change.
There was a ‘lot’ of discussion on this one.
Mike Saunders proposed that the current ruling/precedent remained in place, seconded Paula Pitman. Carried
5. Secretary's Challenge Trophy -
Reminder - Ian Thompson weighed-in 2 codlings 2 lb 04 oz, on behalf of Chris Scaife who had returned to Filey.
Some members are asking for clarification of the rules as the 'Only person' to be allowed to have fished weighed-in by someone else, was Adrian Nelson. This was pre-arranged & permission granted AGM 2001. Any Other Business 3
WSAA Rule 6 - States - Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time.
After much discussion it was decided that, as per WSAA Rules anglers must weigh-in their own fish.
Members asked that Peter Halder, Secretary of Cloughton Rocks, be informed, proposed James Gilpin, seconded Dave Ward. Carried.
6. Traffic Wardens -
Jason Ebison has pointed out, with the rise of Traffic Wardens in Whitby, meeting at The Bandstand for the first match of the season could potentially land members with a parking ticket.
An alternative meeting place could be the car park adjacent to Captain Cook's statue/Whitby Whale bones which is free after 6pm.
Again much heated discussion and views aired.
Dave Smith proposed members meet at the Bandstand (as tradition), seconded Ben Laws.
7 votes in favour
6 votes against.
7. East / West piers engineering works -
Following on from the Secretary’s report - It may be necessary to make this area 'Out of Bounds' depending on when 'works' are to commence, and whether or not public access is restricted during this time.
Peter Horbury again outlined the information received from SBC engineers, and after a short discussion it was concluded.
Peter Horbury proposed that WSAA play it by ear and await any further detailed information from SBC Engineers. When information comes through, a Committee meeting can be held to make any necessary decisions, seconded James Gilpin. Carried.
8. HF & HBoFish Sweeps -
Rob Allison announced that he is still going to run the HF & HBoFish Monthly Sweeps but, it was going up to £2.00 each ie £4.00/month. This being a privately run sweep there was no voting.
9. Beast from the East -
Mike Saunders highlighted that the average match entry was over 20 last season but when the Beast from the East hit, a Red Weather Warning was issued and 7 members still fished.
He asked, at what point does WSAA cancels a match?
Dave Perrett and William Atkinson pointed out that it was up to the individual member to make the decision to fish or not to.
10. WSAA Hoodies -
Jason Ebison reminded members if they wanted any hoodies he would take names and put in a ‘multi buy’ order as opposed to one by one.
11. Eels -
Dave Perrett asked if anyone knew where members stood in regard of the law.
Eels, being a migratory fish, when caught up-river req. a licence but as far as members are aware if caught in the harbour or on the shore line (as per WSAA Boundaries) they can be weighed-in but must be returned to the water afterwards.
No further business was forthcoming from members, and the meeting was closed 21.37hrs.
Many thanks to all for attending.
Peter Horbury 30th August 2018
Order of Business
1. Last years AGM minutes to be confirmed as True -
2. Chairman’s report -
3. Secretary’s report -
4. Treasurer’s report -
5. Re-election of officials -
Chairman -
Treasurer -
Secretary -
Club President -
Vice President -
6. Committee -
7. Subscriptions -
8. Club Matches -
9. Match entries -
10. Open Match - Sunday 25th November 2018
Bar Break
11. Knockouts
1. Last years AGM minutes to be confirmed as True -
2. Chairman’s report -
3. Secretary’s report -
4. Treasurer’s report -
5. Re-election of officials -
Chairman -
Treasurer -
Secretary -
Club President -
Vice President -
6. Committee -
7. Subscriptions -
8. Club Matches -
9. Match entries -
10. Open Match - Sunday 25th November 2018
Bar Break
11. Knockouts
12. Any Other Business -
1) - Bell Trophy WSAA pick the date between 1st January & 31st March 2019
2) - Having picked Bell Trophy date, pick Secretary's Challenge Trophy date. 3) - Sunday League - members have shown an interest in a Sunday League. 4) - Knockouts - Question - Why do they have to be fished on a Wednesday? Asks Jason Ebison. Would it not be better to fish them on a Sunday, and benefit from the 1 hr of extra fishing. 5) - Re Match 18 Sun 26th Nov 2017. Reminder - Paul Short reported snapping off a fish, only for Brian Harland's end tackle to become entangled in this line. On retrieval, Brian lands a fish 1 lb 04 oz on this line. Having consulted Dave Perrett the fish was allowed to be weighed-in. The precedent being Ian Russell had done the same in the 1980's, and it was permitted with 'no' rules being broken. However some members don't' / didn't agree, "not in the spirit of fishing" and now wish to discus this further with a possible rule change. 6) - Secretary's Challenge Trophy - Reminder - Ian Thompson weighed-in 2 codlings 2 lb 04 oz, on behalf of Chris Scaife who had returned to Filey. Some members are asking for clarification of the rules as the 'Only person' to be allowed to have fished weighed-in by someone else, was Adrian Nelson. This was pre-arranged & permission granted AGM 2001. Any Other Business 3 WSAA Rule 6 - States - Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time. 7) - Jason Ebison has pointed out, with the rise of Traffic Wardens in Whitby, meeting at The Bandstand for the first match of the season could potentially land members with a parking ticket. An alternative meeting place could be the car park adjacent to Captain Cook's statue/Whitby Whale bones which is free after 6pm. 8) - East pier - it may be necessary to make this area 'Out of Bounds' depending on when 'works' are to commence, and whether or not public access is restricted during this time. Proposers & Seconders req'd. |
Published Thursday 11th January 2018
Last edit Thursday 30th August 2018
Last edit Thursday 30th August 2018