AGM 2012 |
Meeting started 2005 hrs, Whitby Rifle Club, wednesday 29th August 2012.
Attending committee members:-
Honorary W Atkinson (Chairman), D Perrett (Treasurer), P Horbury (Secretary), Honorary D Johnson,
R Allison, J Gilpin, C Stainthorpe, D Thompson, B Vasey, N Inglis, G Middlemas.
Attending members:-
A Cass, B Laws, P Dryden, M Bowman, M Beedle.
16 members in total.
No apologises received for none attending committee member:- P Mead.
3. Secretaries report – Open registered for Penn Points.
Letters requesting sponsorship for Open sent to Whitby Seafoods, Sainsbury’s Head office. Both declined but Sainsbury’s did suggest writing to new local store once open.
Letter sent to Ian Wassall, Manager of Sainsbury’s – no reply at time of meeting.
Sea Angler Clubman names required as soon as possible once everyone has registered so teams can be made and submitted.
4. Treasurers report – D Perrett issued finance report.
Proposed as true J Gilpin, seconded by N Inglis.
5. Re Election of Officials.
Chairman – same. Proposer J Gilpin, seconded C Stainthorpe.
Treasurer, same. Proposer D Thompson, seconded J Gilpin.
Secretary, same. P Horbury Proposer B Vasey, seconded by G Middlemas.
W Atkinson, Honorary Club President. Proposed B Vasey, seconded P Horbury.
Re - Vice President (s) – P Kilpatrick was to ask Glen Stocks and M Greaves if they would like the position (s). But 1 year hence and there has been no communication from P Kilpatrick.
D Perrett informed members that Glen Stocks no longer sponsors WCSA.
Secretary to write to G Clarke, Sirius Mining and M Beedle to write to a candidate who maybe interested.
6. Committee:-
G Middlemas let it be known that because of work commitments he would not be as active in the club as a committee member should be, therefore he wished to resign.
This was reluctantly accepted and it was proposed by N Inglis that B Laws be elected to replace G Middlemas, seconded by P Horbury. Carried.
The 12 committee members.
D Johnson, D Thompson, B Vasey, P Mead, R Allison, J Gilpin, W Atkinson,
D Perrett, P Horbury, N Inglis, C Stainthorpe, B Laws.
It was proposed by J Gilpin and seconded by P Horbury that “in the future should (and written in to 2012 WSAA Rules) any committee member fail to send an apology for non attendance at an AGM then they forfeit their position as a committee member”. Carried. Rules to be amended.
Currently £15 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep.
Proposed by P Horbury to stay the same.
Seconded by J Gilpin. Carried.
D Perrett confirmed, Juniors £7.50 + £1 insurance.
7. Club Matches:-
1st match 26th September 2012 meet at Bandstand at 1830 hrs.
D Perrett requested that all members put their subs and enough match entry fees for 1st month, into a sealed envelope and give to him at the end of the match, after the weigh in. R Allison to collect monies for HF and HF after match.
Christmas Break:- Last match of 2012 to be Xmas match Sunday 23rd December with matches resuming in the New Year, 2nd Jan 2013.
Christmas Match will be Sunday 23rd December 2012, fishing 1400-1900 hrs, food and presentation at Fleece Inn.
8. Match Entries:-
Proposed they stay the same as last year, by J Gilpin and seconded by B Laws. Carried.
9. Open Match:-
Sunday November 18th 2012.
Sponsors:- Fleece Inn – yes.
Keith’s Sports – J Gilpin to enquire.
Thompson Diggers – R Allison to enquire.
Lockers fish – P Horbury to contact M Vasey.
Smales Fish – yes.
J Verrill, (Mariondale Fisheries) – yes.
Time, as last year, 10am to 4pm.
Weigh in as last year 4.30pm to 5.15pm
2011, entrance fee was £10. Proposed to increase to £12 by D Thompson, seconded by A Cass. Carried.
Junior Sponsors, R Allison, G Middlemas, D Thompson, J Gilpin and A Cass £20 each. Gratefully accepted, thank you.
M Beedle donating £50 for Heaviest flat fish**. (** to be advertised on Open poster). Gratefully accepted, thank you.
Java donating £50 for 17th place. Gratefully accepted, thank you.
Members debated (again, as the offer is still on the table) Open Sponsorship of £150 from Whitby Sea fishing Supplies (WSS) {and 10% discount in store to all WSAA members} against, Whitby Angling Supplies (WAS) {approx. £100}.
D Perrett informed members that he had been approached directly by M Greaves, and told in no uncertain terms that if WSAA accepted the offer from WSS then he would walk away from WSAA.
D Perrett pointed out that should WSS offer be accepted in these early days and then the shop closed in the future, it would be impossible to go back to WAS.
Members argued that WSS offer was better and to take a chance on WSS sponsorship.
After further heated debate it was proposed to stay with WAS by D Thompson and seconded by J Gilpin.
The vote was a draw at 5 each, and the Chairman had the deciding vote, the motion was carried, WSAA would stay with WAS.
Open Match Meeting. W Atkinson to organise a room at Rifle Club on 8th or the 15th October 2012. Date to be announced.
Knockouts were organised by P Horbury last year and he asked if anyone else was prepared to do this. Nobody came forward so P Horbury said he would organise.
Proposed to stay the same, entrance fee £3 doubles and £2 singles by J Gilpin and seconded by D Perrett. Carried.
Singles, to start on 17th October 2012.
Doubles, to start on 24th October 2012.
There maybe elimination rounds.
Heaviest fish / bag of the month, R Allison and D Thompson to organise with entrance fee staying the same at £1 for each.
Christmas Match, 2-7pm 23rd December 2012 at the Fleece Inn. Entrance fee. Last year £10 senior and £5 junior, proposed to stay the same by J Gilpin and seconded by P Horbury. Carried.
10. Any Other Business:-
A) P Horbury asked for clarification of the club rules re hooks and showed the members a Holderness Twin Point Hook.
Members decided and agreed that only one of these hooks could be used on a trace. Rules to be amended.
It was also proposed by B Laws and seconded by A Cass that lures, jelly worms, floats be permitted (no spinners, no treble hooks). Carried. Rules to be amended.
B) P Horbury explained to the meeting, the summary in the letter members had recently received. During last season he had been approached by various members who were unhappy, for numerous reasons, with the ‘whiting bashing’. The Chairman confirmed that he also had been approached by unhappy members.
“Last year ‘whiting’ bashing proved unpopular with some members and some voiced their thoughts with ideas and others with their feet. Such comments were:-
“Unfair, due to anglers not wanting to travel to the Gare (inc Bempton).”
“A whiting quota should be implemented on each angler.”
“Conservation, why catch fish and then thrown away in the harbour!!”
“Whiting size limits should be increased.”
“Boundaries should be changed to ‘Open’ boundaries (Skinningrove to Cobble landing).”
As our Chairman said in his presentation speech, we are a fishing club and no one has broken any rules and whiting are allowed to be weighed.
Since then I have been told that the road to the Gare is ‘Private’ and that no one has a right of passage without a ‘permit’.
It remains to be seen if members thoughts on the subject are the same today.
So, to try and keep everyone happy, one idea I had and think we should discuss, would be to change the way we formulate the Leader Board. Instead of by weight alone, but by ‘points’ for both total weight and heaviest fish. Similar to the points system run by Alan Yates at Sea Angler Magazine for the Clubman Series. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, points respectively for 1st through to 5th, but in our case 1st to 3rd.”
Before any discussion took place, P Horbury recounted a phone conversation he had had the night before the meeting with P Short. P Short was all for the No.2 (as above) and saw no problems, as he said, “If I had wanted to catch endless whiting, I would have joined Saltburn or Redcar Clubs.”
Members debated various issues and decided to start with a North boundary change.
Two proposals were noted accordingly:-
i) Skinningrove Beck, proposed by D Thompson and seconded by D Perrett.
ii) Saltburn Pier, proposed by B Laws and seconded by A Cass.
The vote was tied at 6 each with the chairman having the deciding vote, proposal 1 carried. The new northerly WSAA club match boundary being Skinningrove Beck. Rules to be amended.
After further discussion, members recognised that it is rare to catch a whiting of the current size limit of 33 cms within the new boundary. It was proposed by B Laws and seconded by N Inglis to lower the WSAA size limit for whiting from 33 cms to 30 cms. Carried. Rules to be amended.
A Cass informed members that the Ship Inn was closed and asked that we now meet at the Fleece. Members to be kept informed nearer season starting.
Meeting ended 2225 hrs. Thank you all for attending.
Attending committee members:-
Honorary W Atkinson (Chairman), D Perrett (Treasurer), P Horbury (Secretary), Honorary D Johnson,
R Allison, J Gilpin, C Stainthorpe, D Thompson, B Vasey, N Inglis, G Middlemas.
Attending members:-
A Cass, B Laws, P Dryden, M Bowman, M Beedle.
16 members in total.
No apologises received for none attending committee member:- P Mead.
- Last years minutes had been posted to all members by P Horbury and confirmed as true. Proposer J Gilpin, seconded by R Allison.
3. Secretaries report – Open registered for Penn Points.
Letters requesting sponsorship for Open sent to Whitby Seafoods, Sainsbury’s Head office. Both declined but Sainsbury’s did suggest writing to new local store once open.
Letter sent to Ian Wassall, Manager of Sainsbury’s – no reply at time of meeting.
Sea Angler Clubman names required as soon as possible once everyone has registered so teams can be made and submitted.
4. Treasurers report – D Perrett issued finance report.
Proposed as true J Gilpin, seconded by N Inglis.
5. Re Election of Officials.
Chairman – same. Proposer J Gilpin, seconded C Stainthorpe.
Treasurer, same. Proposer D Thompson, seconded J Gilpin.
Secretary, same. P Horbury Proposer B Vasey, seconded by G Middlemas.
W Atkinson, Honorary Club President. Proposed B Vasey, seconded P Horbury.
Re - Vice President (s) – P Kilpatrick was to ask Glen Stocks and M Greaves if they would like the position (s). But 1 year hence and there has been no communication from P Kilpatrick.
D Perrett informed members that Glen Stocks no longer sponsors WCSA.
Secretary to write to G Clarke, Sirius Mining and M Beedle to write to a candidate who maybe interested.
6. Committee:-
G Middlemas let it be known that because of work commitments he would not be as active in the club as a committee member should be, therefore he wished to resign.
This was reluctantly accepted and it was proposed by N Inglis that B Laws be elected to replace G Middlemas, seconded by P Horbury. Carried.
The 12 committee members.
D Johnson, D Thompson, B Vasey, P Mead, R Allison, J Gilpin, W Atkinson,
D Perrett, P Horbury, N Inglis, C Stainthorpe, B Laws.
It was proposed by J Gilpin and seconded by P Horbury that “in the future should (and written in to 2012 WSAA Rules) any committee member fail to send an apology for non attendance at an AGM then they forfeit their position as a committee member”. Carried. Rules to be amended.
Currently £15 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep.
Proposed by P Horbury to stay the same.
Seconded by J Gilpin. Carried.
D Perrett confirmed, Juniors £7.50 + £1 insurance.
7. Club Matches:-
1st match 26th September 2012 meet at Bandstand at 1830 hrs.
D Perrett requested that all members put their subs and enough match entry fees for 1st month, into a sealed envelope and give to him at the end of the match, after the weigh in. R Allison to collect monies for HF and HF after match.
Christmas Break:- Last match of 2012 to be Xmas match Sunday 23rd December with matches resuming in the New Year, 2nd Jan 2013.
Christmas Match will be Sunday 23rd December 2012, fishing 1400-1900 hrs, food and presentation at Fleece Inn.
8. Match Entries:-
Proposed they stay the same as last year, by J Gilpin and seconded by B Laws. Carried.
9. Open Match:-
Sunday November 18th 2012.
Sponsors:- Fleece Inn – yes.
Keith’s Sports – J Gilpin to enquire.
Thompson Diggers – R Allison to enquire.
Lockers fish – P Horbury to contact M Vasey.
Smales Fish – yes.
J Verrill, (Mariondale Fisheries) – yes.
Time, as last year, 10am to 4pm.
Weigh in as last year 4.30pm to 5.15pm
2011, entrance fee was £10. Proposed to increase to £12 by D Thompson, seconded by A Cass. Carried.
Junior Sponsors, R Allison, G Middlemas, D Thompson, J Gilpin and A Cass £20 each. Gratefully accepted, thank you.
M Beedle donating £50 for Heaviest flat fish**. (** to be advertised on Open poster). Gratefully accepted, thank you.
Java donating £50 for 17th place. Gratefully accepted, thank you.
Members debated (again, as the offer is still on the table) Open Sponsorship of £150 from Whitby Sea fishing Supplies (WSS) {and 10% discount in store to all WSAA members} against, Whitby Angling Supplies (WAS) {approx. £100}.
D Perrett informed members that he had been approached directly by M Greaves, and told in no uncertain terms that if WSAA accepted the offer from WSS then he would walk away from WSAA.
D Perrett pointed out that should WSS offer be accepted in these early days and then the shop closed in the future, it would be impossible to go back to WAS.
Members argued that WSS offer was better and to take a chance on WSS sponsorship.
After further heated debate it was proposed to stay with WAS by D Thompson and seconded by J Gilpin.
The vote was a draw at 5 each, and the Chairman had the deciding vote, the motion was carried, WSAA would stay with WAS.
Open Match Meeting. W Atkinson to organise a room at Rifle Club on 8th or the 15th October 2012. Date to be announced.
Knockouts were organised by P Horbury last year and he asked if anyone else was prepared to do this. Nobody came forward so P Horbury said he would organise.
Proposed to stay the same, entrance fee £3 doubles and £2 singles by J Gilpin and seconded by D Perrett. Carried.
Singles, to start on 17th October 2012.
Doubles, to start on 24th October 2012.
There maybe elimination rounds.
Heaviest fish / bag of the month, R Allison and D Thompson to organise with entrance fee staying the same at £1 for each.
Christmas Match, 2-7pm 23rd December 2012 at the Fleece Inn. Entrance fee. Last year £10 senior and £5 junior, proposed to stay the same by J Gilpin and seconded by P Horbury. Carried.
10. Any Other Business:-
A) P Horbury asked for clarification of the club rules re hooks and showed the members a Holderness Twin Point Hook.
Members decided and agreed that only one of these hooks could be used on a trace. Rules to be amended.
It was also proposed by B Laws and seconded by A Cass that lures, jelly worms, floats be permitted (no spinners, no treble hooks). Carried. Rules to be amended.
B) P Horbury explained to the meeting, the summary in the letter members had recently received. During last season he had been approached by various members who were unhappy, for numerous reasons, with the ‘whiting bashing’. The Chairman confirmed that he also had been approached by unhappy members.
“Last year ‘whiting’ bashing proved unpopular with some members and some voiced their thoughts with ideas and others with their feet. Such comments were:-
“Unfair, due to anglers not wanting to travel to the Gare (inc Bempton).”
“A whiting quota should be implemented on each angler.”
“Conservation, why catch fish and then thrown away in the harbour!!”
“Whiting size limits should be increased.”
“Boundaries should be changed to ‘Open’ boundaries (Skinningrove to Cobble landing).”
As our Chairman said in his presentation speech, we are a fishing club and no one has broken any rules and whiting are allowed to be weighed.
Since then I have been told that the road to the Gare is ‘Private’ and that no one has a right of passage without a ‘permit’.
It remains to be seen if members thoughts on the subject are the same today.
So, to try and keep everyone happy, one idea I had and think we should discuss, would be to change the way we formulate the Leader Board. Instead of by weight alone, but by ‘points’ for both total weight and heaviest fish. Similar to the points system run by Alan Yates at Sea Angler Magazine for the Clubman Series. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, points respectively for 1st through to 5th, but in our case 1st to 3rd.”
Before any discussion took place, P Horbury recounted a phone conversation he had had the night before the meeting with P Short. P Short was all for the No.2 (as above) and saw no problems, as he said, “If I had wanted to catch endless whiting, I would have joined Saltburn or Redcar Clubs.”
Members debated various issues and decided to start with a North boundary change.
Two proposals were noted accordingly:-
i) Skinningrove Beck, proposed by D Thompson and seconded by D Perrett.
ii) Saltburn Pier, proposed by B Laws and seconded by A Cass.
The vote was tied at 6 each with the chairman having the deciding vote, proposal 1 carried. The new northerly WSAA club match boundary being Skinningrove Beck. Rules to be amended.
After further discussion, members recognised that it is rare to catch a whiting of the current size limit of 33 cms within the new boundary. It was proposed by B Laws and seconded by N Inglis to lower the WSAA size limit for whiting from 33 cms to 30 cms. Carried. Rules to be amended.
A Cass informed members that the Ship Inn was closed and asked that we now meet at the Fleece. Members to be kept informed nearer season starting.
Meeting ended 2225 hrs. Thank you all for attending.