Wednesday 28th August 2019
Whitby Rifle Club
19.30 hrs
Whitby Rifle Club
19.30 hrs
Announced Thursday 7th February 2019 - reminders in Whitby Gazette & WSAA Fbk
Order of Business
Last years AGM minutes to be confirmed as True -
Vice Presidents - Wilf Noble & Dave Cass
B) Monday 18th February 2019 - Rich Deadman, if in attendance, would like to propose Bempton is put back as the Southern boundary.
C) Sunday 24th March 2019 - Dave Perrett, Treasurer
1) - No match entries - notification received they are fishing, but not returning to scales to pay dues.
2) - Fishing but not returning to the scales and not notifying officials by phone/text they are safe & well at home.
Some reliant on others to pass messages but they too forget/do not return to the scales themselves.
3) - Fishing but not notifying anyone a) they are fishing in the first place, nor b) safe & well at home having fished.
- Chairman’s report - William Atkinson
- Secretary’s report - Peter Horbury
- Treasurer’s report - Dave Perrett
- Re-election of officials - Chairman - Treasurer - Secretary
Vice Presidents - Wilf Noble & Dave Cass
- Committee - Currently - Bernard Vasey, Rob Allison, James Gilpin, Ben Laws, Malcolm Pitman, Paula Pitman, Paul Short, Jason Ebison
- Subscriptions -
- Club Matches -
- Match entries -
- Knockout competitions -
- Open Match - Sunday 17th November 2019
- Any Other Business - as posted on web site.
B) Monday 18th February 2019 - Rich Deadman, if in attendance, would like to propose Bempton is put back as the Southern boundary.
C) Sunday 24th March 2019 - Dave Perrett, Treasurer
1) - No match entries - notification received they are fishing, but not returning to scales to pay dues.
2) - Fishing but not returning to the scales and not notifying officials by phone/text they are safe & well at home.
Some reliant on others to pass messages but they too forget/do not return to the scales themselves.
3) - Fishing but not notifying anyone a) they are fishing in the first place, nor b) safe & well at home having fished.
Minutes of Annual General Meeting Wednesday 28th August 2019
Meeting started 19.35hrs, Whitby Rifle Club
Attending Committee members:-
William Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary President),
Dave Perrett (Honorary Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Rob Allison
Paula Pitman
Malcolm Pitman
Paul Short
Jason Ebison
Apologies received from Committee member James Gilpin (emailed he would be away on holiday - pointed out ‘it’s the first AGM I’ve missed’).
Danny Middlemas - by text - informing members he would continue to run scratch cards & sponsor Juniors, in Open, £20.00.
No apology received from Committee member Ben Laws.
Attending members:- in no specific order:-
Colin Stainthorpe
Mike Saunders
Dave Ward
Brian Harland
James Moore
Rob Taylor
Niki McCourt
Dave Hambley
17 members in total, a decent turnout, but 3 less than last year, well done and thank you for taking the time.
Members had handed Dave Perrett their named subscription envelopes.
Many thanks to Bernard Vasey for bringing plenty of ‘extra’ envelopes.
Many thanks.
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson brought the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming. He pointed out ‘now was the time’, should anyone wish to propose any changes to the running of the Club. In his view it had been the same for years, and saw no reason for change now.
1. Minutes of last years AGM -
Secretary Peter Horbury asked for a proposer & seconder to confirm the minutes of last years AGM as a true account (Minutes of last years meeting had been ‘on-line’ on the clubs web site from the day after the meeting). No matters arriving.
Proposed Paula Pitman, seconded Malcolm Pitman. Carried
2. Chairman’s report:-
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson said, as he had last year, it was good to have some efficient officials to keep things running smoothly. (Applause from members) Admitting he had not, as in previous years, been able to fish as often as he would of liked but would again do his best this season. He said it was maybe time for him to stand aside - this was dismissed, point blankly by members.
3. Secretary's report -
Peter Horbury read his report as follows:-
• Well here we are again, and thank you all for attending tonight.
• Apologies received from James Gilpin - first AGM he has every missed but away on holiday.
• Text received from Danny Middlemas - to inform members he will continue to run the scratch cards & sponsor the Open Juniors £20.00 - many thanks.
• Fish & Ships Festival Open was well attended with 87 anglers. Celebrity chef Jean-Christophe Novelli, for those that were there, I think you will agree made the presentation special.
• I have attended a meeting at Capt. Cook museum, and as far as I am aware there will be another Fish & Ships festival and Open but they are waiting for the sponsor to confirm.
• Summer matches - Well done to Brian Harland & Colin Stainthorpe who after 6 matches finished joint first with 13 points. 12 anglers took part this year. (applause from members)
• Open registered for Penn points with Cliff Brown at Sea Angler.
• Web site views, at time of writing, Weebly have discontinued this feature, site views as of 22nd August stood at 1.8 million.
• WSAA Facebook page we have 900 followers up 268 on last year.
• As last AGM I/we all agreed the venue & service at Dunsley Hall for our Presentation evening was a great success. Personally I think we should re book for this season. As is the Stakesby Arms for the Christmas match.
• As in previous seasons if we could have a photograph every match as it would be appreciated, and anyone can have a photo taken. Just as Bernard, or James, I can’t guarantee being first to the weigh-in so if you have a nice fish please wait before gutting.
• Last year I reported on the aluminium ‘disabled’ ramp on the quay side near the wash tap being a serious tripping hazard. Well it is still there so be careful.
• I have made a list, in no particular order, of business brought to my attention or otherwise, of items which members may or may not choose to discuss in Any Other Business.
• Tried contacting Paul Hogarth, Goldsborough, and as yet no reply so I must assume all is well with responsible parking. Thank you.
Brian Harland interrupted to report - during the summer matches he & Dan had found a sack of edible crab shells rotting next to the hedge. They loaded the sack & deposited it responsibly in a litter bin. This type of behaviour (by persons unknown) will get parking stopped, and no one would blame Paul if he did. (members thanked his actions)
• Every year members are reminded to only bring size fish to the scales. The fish measure at the scales, is for the use of the weigh-masters. If you do not have a fish measure of your own, buy one. See Any Other Business.
• A reminder that match entry payments are the responsibility of the member to maintain & having made it known you are fishing, you must attend the weigh-in & pay your dues. Same goes for not fishing, let Dave know. See Any Other Business.
• Any Open sponsors - please let me know ASAP, so they can be put on the web site.
• East / West pier refurbishment works - As last year I have written to SBC Engineers this week to gain some insight into any closures, to the public, whilst these works are on-going. I can report there will be “No Parking spaces” in Church Street car park in a couple of weeks as the pre-cast concrete flood defence sections start to arrive, until end of March 2020.
• East pier works near completion & engineers expect it to be closed off until late October. In my opinion out of bounds until then.
• West Pier - the deflector works at the battery Parade will start 2nd September - for 4 weeks. Should not affect us.
• There should be no unreasonable restrictions to the west pier “as & when” the ‘Orange’ section of wall is removed & replaced with sandstone during October.
• Yesterday I went to see Rob at Vinylsigns for pricing. About £60 + VAT, any colour, design, with or without any graphics of our choosing with or without eyelets. The pool table at The Fleece is 75” X 45”, height of 35”
Peter Horbury was thanked by Chairman William Atkinson. (applause from members)
4. Treasurers report -
Was presented by Dave Perrett.
Dave went through the detailed spread sheets, pointing out specific points of interest.
He thanked, in turn, all our sponsors & contributors to our Open without whom it could not go ahead.
Hook, Line & Sinker were thanked for their continued sponsorship of both Open & Christmas match.
Bank interest was up 90p, up on last year.
One expense was a new printer & inks for WSAA Secretary.
Peter Horbury pointed out that in the last 7 or so years as Secretary he had personally covered the costs of printer and ink (but his printer had ceased working).
Dave concluded although the Club was in a sound financial position he felt some changes were required, meal subsidies, an increase in subscriptions to say £25.00
Dave concluded his report with applause from the members.
Confirmed as true Peter Horbury, and seconded Jason Ebison.
5. Re-Election of Officials -
Hon. Chairman William Atkinson said as reported above, maybe it was time we had a new Chairman.
And if we wanted him to carry on he would.
William was given some words of support from members and agreed to carry on.
Proposed Paula Pitman, seconded by everyone. Carried
Hon. Treasurer Dave Perrett
Proposer Paula Pitman, seconder Jason Ebison. Carried
Secretary Peter Horbury
Proposer Paula Pitman, seconder Mike Saunders. Carried
Vice Presidents Wilf Noble & Dave Cass [to stay the same]. Carried
6. Committee -
To stay the same - eleven currently and that is/was sufficient reported William Atkinson. Carried.
Paula Pitman asked what would happen to Ben Laws, who had not sent any apology, asking had the Club not dismissed one Committee member for the same offence (as per WSAA Rules).
Yes WSAA had done so in the past but Chairman William Atkinson said he like to give Ben Laws the benefit of doubt for the time being.
7. Subscriptions -
Peter Horbury asked Dave Perrett to expand on Club subscriptions going up to £25.00 from his report.
Dave Perrett told members it was a small increase, and would help cover both the Weebly expense (2 yearly) & printing costs until we can start using after-market inks.
Proposed Peter Horbury
Seconded Jason Ebison. Carried
Rob Allison proposed to do away with the end of season meal subsidy. Dave Perret informed members ‘this would save an awful lot of work’, and the financial savings could be used elsewhere.
Seconded Bernard Vasey. Carried
8. Club Matches -
Season starts Wed 2nd Oct 2019, a 49 match season.
Because the matches start in October, it was mentioned by Dave Perrett that the HF &HBoFish Sweeps would have to start on Match 2.
Peter Horbury suggested that he would take names, at the Bandstand, so that the Sweeps could start from Match 1. Names would then be passed on to Rob Allison, for him to collect monies. Approved.
9. Match entries -
Currently £2.00
Proposed to stay the same. Carried by all.
10. Knockout competitions -
The Draw would need to be held on the first Sunday so that the matches can start, as per WSAA Rules, ‘on the second Wednesday in October’.
Current entry fees - Doubles £6.00 / Singles £4.00
Proposed to stay the same. Carried by all.
11. Open match, Sunday 17th November 2019
Peter Horbury asked, for his benefit, and others, as he had been busy when Paula Pitman had made an announcement earlier.
Both Malc & Paula explained their commitment to £600.00 as joint Open Match sponsors for a £1,000.00 First place prize, providing Wilf / James Noble sponsor £500.00. Making joint main sponsors Hook, Line & Sinker & Wilf Nobles Plant Hire & Construction. The extra £100.00 could be used elsewhere. Member applauded, and gave thanks.
William Atkinson would approach James Noble, and saw no reason why they would not continue with their sponsorship.
[Confirmed Thursday 5th September - Many thanks to James Noble]
The £1,000 First place prize would bring it in line with The Station Open and hopefully attract more anglers. Paula also went on to tell members she could also have two other sponsors lined up.
Parking was discussed, as Peter Horbury had already informed members - Church Street car park would be closed to the public as sea defence works continue on Church Street.
Anglers could use the Station - Co-Op or Endeavour Wharf car parks, and walk the short distance across the swing bridge.
Peter Horbury pointed out that this years Open was our 40th, asking if members had any suggestions to celebrate this fact.
Paula suggested the extra £100 from their sponsorship could go to 40th place at the Open weigh-in. Bernard Vasey
suggested ‘Last Place’, should there be no one weighing-in at 40th.
Attending Committee members:-
William Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary President),
Dave Perrett (Honorary Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Rob Allison
Paula Pitman
Malcolm Pitman
Paul Short
Jason Ebison
Apologies received from Committee member James Gilpin (emailed he would be away on holiday - pointed out ‘it’s the first AGM I’ve missed’).
Danny Middlemas - by text - informing members he would continue to run scratch cards & sponsor Juniors, in Open, £20.00.
No apology received from Committee member Ben Laws.
Attending members:- in no specific order:-
Colin Stainthorpe
Mike Saunders
Dave Ward
Brian Harland
James Moore
Rob Taylor
Niki McCourt
Dave Hambley
17 members in total, a decent turnout, but 3 less than last year, well done and thank you for taking the time.
Members had handed Dave Perrett their named subscription envelopes.
Many thanks to Bernard Vasey for bringing plenty of ‘extra’ envelopes.
Many thanks.
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson brought the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming. He pointed out ‘now was the time’, should anyone wish to propose any changes to the running of the Club. In his view it had been the same for years, and saw no reason for change now.
1. Minutes of last years AGM -
Secretary Peter Horbury asked for a proposer & seconder to confirm the minutes of last years AGM as a true account (Minutes of last years meeting had been ‘on-line’ on the clubs web site from the day after the meeting). No matters arriving.
Proposed Paula Pitman, seconded Malcolm Pitman. Carried
2. Chairman’s report:-
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson said, as he had last year, it was good to have some efficient officials to keep things running smoothly. (Applause from members) Admitting he had not, as in previous years, been able to fish as often as he would of liked but would again do his best this season. He said it was maybe time for him to stand aside - this was dismissed, point blankly by members.
3. Secretary's report -
Peter Horbury read his report as follows:-
• Well here we are again, and thank you all for attending tonight.
• Apologies received from James Gilpin - first AGM he has every missed but away on holiday.
• Text received from Danny Middlemas - to inform members he will continue to run the scratch cards & sponsor the Open Juniors £20.00 - many thanks.
• Fish & Ships Festival Open was well attended with 87 anglers. Celebrity chef Jean-Christophe Novelli, for those that were there, I think you will agree made the presentation special.
• I have attended a meeting at Capt. Cook museum, and as far as I am aware there will be another Fish & Ships festival and Open but they are waiting for the sponsor to confirm.
• Summer matches - Well done to Brian Harland & Colin Stainthorpe who after 6 matches finished joint first with 13 points. 12 anglers took part this year. (applause from members)
• Open registered for Penn points with Cliff Brown at Sea Angler.
• Web site views, at time of writing, Weebly have discontinued this feature, site views as of 22nd August stood at 1.8 million.
• WSAA Facebook page we have 900 followers up 268 on last year.
• As last AGM I/we all agreed the venue & service at Dunsley Hall for our Presentation evening was a great success. Personally I think we should re book for this season. As is the Stakesby Arms for the Christmas match.
• As in previous seasons if we could have a photograph every match as it would be appreciated, and anyone can have a photo taken. Just as Bernard, or James, I can’t guarantee being first to the weigh-in so if you have a nice fish please wait before gutting.
• Last year I reported on the aluminium ‘disabled’ ramp on the quay side near the wash tap being a serious tripping hazard. Well it is still there so be careful.
• I have made a list, in no particular order, of business brought to my attention or otherwise, of items which members may or may not choose to discuss in Any Other Business.
• Tried contacting Paul Hogarth, Goldsborough, and as yet no reply so I must assume all is well with responsible parking. Thank you.
Brian Harland interrupted to report - during the summer matches he & Dan had found a sack of edible crab shells rotting next to the hedge. They loaded the sack & deposited it responsibly in a litter bin. This type of behaviour (by persons unknown) will get parking stopped, and no one would blame Paul if he did. (members thanked his actions)
• Every year members are reminded to only bring size fish to the scales. The fish measure at the scales, is for the use of the weigh-masters. If you do not have a fish measure of your own, buy one. See Any Other Business.
• A reminder that match entry payments are the responsibility of the member to maintain & having made it known you are fishing, you must attend the weigh-in & pay your dues. Same goes for not fishing, let Dave know. See Any Other Business.
• Any Open sponsors - please let me know ASAP, so they can be put on the web site.
• East / West pier refurbishment works - As last year I have written to SBC Engineers this week to gain some insight into any closures, to the public, whilst these works are on-going. I can report there will be “No Parking spaces” in Church Street car park in a couple of weeks as the pre-cast concrete flood defence sections start to arrive, until end of March 2020.
• East pier works near completion & engineers expect it to be closed off until late October. In my opinion out of bounds until then.
• West Pier - the deflector works at the battery Parade will start 2nd September - for 4 weeks. Should not affect us.
• There should be no unreasonable restrictions to the west pier “as & when” the ‘Orange’ section of wall is removed & replaced with sandstone during October.
• Yesterday I went to see Rob at Vinylsigns for pricing. About £60 + VAT, any colour, design, with or without any graphics of our choosing with or without eyelets. The pool table at The Fleece is 75” X 45”, height of 35”
Peter Horbury was thanked by Chairman William Atkinson. (applause from members)
4. Treasurers report -
Was presented by Dave Perrett.
Dave went through the detailed spread sheets, pointing out specific points of interest.
He thanked, in turn, all our sponsors & contributors to our Open without whom it could not go ahead.
Hook, Line & Sinker were thanked for their continued sponsorship of both Open & Christmas match.
Bank interest was up 90p, up on last year.
One expense was a new printer & inks for WSAA Secretary.
Peter Horbury pointed out that in the last 7 or so years as Secretary he had personally covered the costs of printer and ink (but his printer had ceased working).
Dave concluded although the Club was in a sound financial position he felt some changes were required, meal subsidies, an increase in subscriptions to say £25.00
Dave concluded his report with applause from the members.
Confirmed as true Peter Horbury, and seconded Jason Ebison.
5. Re-Election of Officials -
Hon. Chairman William Atkinson said as reported above, maybe it was time we had a new Chairman.
And if we wanted him to carry on he would.
William was given some words of support from members and agreed to carry on.
Proposed Paula Pitman, seconded by everyone. Carried
Hon. Treasurer Dave Perrett
Proposer Paula Pitman, seconder Jason Ebison. Carried
Secretary Peter Horbury
Proposer Paula Pitman, seconder Mike Saunders. Carried
Vice Presidents Wilf Noble & Dave Cass [to stay the same]. Carried
6. Committee -
To stay the same - eleven currently and that is/was sufficient reported William Atkinson. Carried.
Paula Pitman asked what would happen to Ben Laws, who had not sent any apology, asking had the Club not dismissed one Committee member for the same offence (as per WSAA Rules).
Yes WSAA had done so in the past but Chairman William Atkinson said he like to give Ben Laws the benefit of doubt for the time being.
7. Subscriptions -
Peter Horbury asked Dave Perrett to expand on Club subscriptions going up to £25.00 from his report.
Dave Perrett told members it was a small increase, and would help cover both the Weebly expense (2 yearly) & printing costs until we can start using after-market inks.
Proposed Peter Horbury
Seconded Jason Ebison. Carried
Rob Allison proposed to do away with the end of season meal subsidy. Dave Perret informed members ‘this would save an awful lot of work’, and the financial savings could be used elsewhere.
Seconded Bernard Vasey. Carried
8. Club Matches -
Season starts Wed 2nd Oct 2019, a 49 match season.
Because the matches start in October, it was mentioned by Dave Perrett that the HF &HBoFish Sweeps would have to start on Match 2.
Peter Horbury suggested that he would take names, at the Bandstand, so that the Sweeps could start from Match 1. Names would then be passed on to Rob Allison, for him to collect monies. Approved.
9. Match entries -
Currently £2.00
Proposed to stay the same. Carried by all.
10. Knockout competitions -
The Draw would need to be held on the first Sunday so that the matches can start, as per WSAA Rules, ‘on the second Wednesday in October’.
Current entry fees - Doubles £6.00 / Singles £4.00
Proposed to stay the same. Carried by all.
11. Open match, Sunday 17th November 2019
Peter Horbury asked, for his benefit, and others, as he had been busy when Paula Pitman had made an announcement earlier.
Both Malc & Paula explained their commitment to £600.00 as joint Open Match sponsors for a £1,000.00 First place prize, providing Wilf / James Noble sponsor £500.00. Making joint main sponsors Hook, Line & Sinker & Wilf Nobles Plant Hire & Construction. The extra £100.00 could be used elsewhere. Member applauded, and gave thanks.
William Atkinson would approach James Noble, and saw no reason why they would not continue with their sponsorship.
[Confirmed Thursday 5th September - Many thanks to James Noble]
The £1,000 First place prize would bring it in line with The Station Open and hopefully attract more anglers. Paula also went on to tell members she could also have two other sponsors lined up.
Parking was discussed, as Peter Horbury had already informed members - Church Street car park would be closed to the public as sea defence works continue on Church Street.
Anglers could use the Station - Co-Op or Endeavour Wharf car parks, and walk the short distance across the swing bridge.
Peter Horbury pointed out that this years Open was our 40th, asking if members had any suggestions to celebrate this fact.
Paula suggested the extra £100 from their sponsorship could go to 40th place at the Open weigh-in. Bernard Vasey
suggested ‘Last Place’, should there be no one weighing-in at 40th.
Peter Horbury declared a Bar Break
After the bar break members continued with Open match debate.
Dave Perrett asked Peter Horbury to inform Sea Angler of the ‘new’ first place prize, (once Nobles were confirmed).
[Emailed Cliff Brown at Sea Angler with update Friday 6th September 2019]
Dave Ward said he could get two £100.00 sponsors in Woodfellas & Car Land, as last year. Dave was thanked by all.
Members then discussed the Open poster & Peter Horbury said he would take on board members suggestions and try to implement these.
Rob Allison would have a word with his brother-in-law Mick Beedle re his ‘Flat Fish’ sponsorship.
Weigh-in to stay the same 16.30 - 17.00hrs
The cheating at the European Open Beach Championships was discussed. Although our Open is an open match to all, it was felt that Martin Booth would not be permitted to compete. Ticket Sales envelopes, provided to shops, would re-iterate this.
Open Ticket sales, to stop at 10.15hrs on the day.
Paula asked for confirmation Ticket sales are non-refundable. Confirmed.
Open Match meeting - mid October.
Members assume Ben Laws will run the Open Optional Pairs. - to be confirmed.
Paula asked why we are involved in the Fish & Ships Open and did the Club get ‘anything’ out of it.
Dave Perrett answered - ‘No’ the Club ‘per se’ did not get anything out of it but some money was taken from ticket sales to reimburse the club members, and others, who had given up their time to ensure the smooth running of the event.
The Club ran the event because of their love of fishing and being the only fishing club in Whitby, with our contacts we were the right people to make a success of the event.
Members of the public had interacted with the weigh-master, viewing his folder of Whitby Gazette press cuttings.
Dave Perrett had explained to others what fish were being weighed-in.
The sponsors had done an excellent job, everyone was well catered for and members joined in with their tales of the food, and prize giving.
A successful event as Peter Horbury had reported in his ‘report’.
Jason Ebison reported that WSAA had had good coverage from the event in the media.
12. Any Other Business –
A) Sunday 17th February 2019 - Jason Ebison
Would like to implement a 'penalty' for returning to the scales with undersized fish. He is proposing, those who return with undersized fish forfeit their match total weight.
There was much discussion on this topic with numerous suggestions, and members own accounts and dislikes of what members do at the scales.
Rob Allison does not like to see a fish bag, and its contents just ‘tipped out’ on the pan. Fish should be placed on one at a time - giving the weigh master a chance to view the fish, and stop all the extra crud on the fish pan.
Brian Harland pointed out that any rule/measure agreed on would ensure members double check their fishes size before retaining it.
Peter Horbury pointed out that the measure at the scales ‘is for the use of the weigh masters’ and not the final checking point for an angler.
Members must have their own measure, and not return with undersized fish.
Billets shrink the most, and most ‘undersized fish’ were whitings - and undersized relates to WSAA Rules which is longer than Fishery recommendations - (just to clarify).
Bernard Vasey recalled how fishery officials had been present at numerous weigh-ins, and if anyone had had an undersized fish it would their responsibility and not the Clubs.
Jason Ebison proposed anyone returning with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Seconded Malc Pitman. Carried.
B) Sunday 24th March 2019 - Dave Perrett, Treasurer
1) - No match entries - notification received they are fishing, but not returning to scales to pay dues.
Again much discussion but eventually.
Mike Saunders proposed - That anyone who, having notified the Committee they are fishing BUT does not return to the scales to settle their dues forfeits this facility to ‘fish & pay later’.
Seconded Jason Ebison. Carried.
2) - Fishing but not returning to the scales and not notifying officials by phone/text they are safe & well at home.
Some reliant on others to pass messages but they too forget/do not return to the scales themselves.
3) - Fishing but not notifying anyone a) they are fishing in the first place, nor b) safe & well at home having fished.
2) & 3) above. After much discussion, and admission of guilt for not passing on messages and going straight home themselves (no names), then forgetting to contact the Committee with messages from others.
This has led to members frantically texting members as to their safe wellbeing after the weigh-in.
Proposed by Peter Horbury - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
Seconded Malc Pitman. Carried.
C) - Jason Ebison informed members he was having trouble sourcing Gildan hoodies.
Dave Perrett made a few suggestions, but as Jason pointed out, when it came to placing an order, they had no stock of the req’d size.
Jason to report back when season starts.
No further business was forthcoming from members, and the meeting was closed 21.55hrs.
Many thanks to all for attending.
Peter Horbury 29th August 2019
Dave Perrett asked Peter Horbury to inform Sea Angler of the ‘new’ first place prize, (once Nobles were confirmed).
[Emailed Cliff Brown at Sea Angler with update Friday 6th September 2019]
Dave Ward said he could get two £100.00 sponsors in Woodfellas & Car Land, as last year. Dave was thanked by all.
Members then discussed the Open poster & Peter Horbury said he would take on board members suggestions and try to implement these.
Rob Allison would have a word with his brother-in-law Mick Beedle re his ‘Flat Fish’ sponsorship.
Weigh-in to stay the same 16.30 - 17.00hrs
The cheating at the European Open Beach Championships was discussed. Although our Open is an open match to all, it was felt that Martin Booth would not be permitted to compete. Ticket Sales envelopes, provided to shops, would re-iterate this.
Open Ticket sales, to stop at 10.15hrs on the day.
Paula asked for confirmation Ticket sales are non-refundable. Confirmed.
Open Match meeting - mid October.
Members assume Ben Laws will run the Open Optional Pairs. - to be confirmed.
Paula asked why we are involved in the Fish & Ships Open and did the Club get ‘anything’ out of it.
Dave Perrett answered - ‘No’ the Club ‘per se’ did not get anything out of it but some money was taken from ticket sales to reimburse the club members, and others, who had given up their time to ensure the smooth running of the event.
The Club ran the event because of their love of fishing and being the only fishing club in Whitby, with our contacts we were the right people to make a success of the event.
Members of the public had interacted with the weigh-master, viewing his folder of Whitby Gazette press cuttings.
Dave Perrett had explained to others what fish were being weighed-in.
The sponsors had done an excellent job, everyone was well catered for and members joined in with their tales of the food, and prize giving.
A successful event as Peter Horbury had reported in his ‘report’.
Jason Ebison reported that WSAA had had good coverage from the event in the media.
12. Any Other Business –
A) Sunday 17th February 2019 - Jason Ebison
Would like to implement a 'penalty' for returning to the scales with undersized fish. He is proposing, those who return with undersized fish forfeit their match total weight.
There was much discussion on this topic with numerous suggestions, and members own accounts and dislikes of what members do at the scales.
Rob Allison does not like to see a fish bag, and its contents just ‘tipped out’ on the pan. Fish should be placed on one at a time - giving the weigh master a chance to view the fish, and stop all the extra crud on the fish pan.
Brian Harland pointed out that any rule/measure agreed on would ensure members double check their fishes size before retaining it.
Peter Horbury pointed out that the measure at the scales ‘is for the use of the weigh masters’ and not the final checking point for an angler.
Members must have their own measure, and not return with undersized fish.
Billets shrink the most, and most ‘undersized fish’ were whitings - and undersized relates to WSAA Rules which is longer than Fishery recommendations - (just to clarify).
Bernard Vasey recalled how fishery officials had been present at numerous weigh-ins, and if anyone had had an undersized fish it would their responsibility and not the Clubs.
Jason Ebison proposed anyone returning with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Seconded Malc Pitman. Carried.
B) Sunday 24th March 2019 - Dave Perrett, Treasurer
1) - No match entries - notification received they are fishing, but not returning to scales to pay dues.
Again much discussion but eventually.
Mike Saunders proposed - That anyone who, having notified the Committee they are fishing BUT does not return to the scales to settle their dues forfeits this facility to ‘fish & pay later’.
Seconded Jason Ebison. Carried.
2) - Fishing but not returning to the scales and not notifying officials by phone/text they are safe & well at home.
Some reliant on others to pass messages but they too forget/do not return to the scales themselves.
3) - Fishing but not notifying anyone a) they are fishing in the first place, nor b) safe & well at home having fished.
2) & 3) above. After much discussion, and admission of guilt for not passing on messages and going straight home themselves (no names), then forgetting to contact the Committee with messages from others.
This has led to members frantically texting members as to their safe wellbeing after the weigh-in.
Proposed by Peter Horbury - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
Seconded Malc Pitman. Carried.
C) - Jason Ebison informed members he was having trouble sourcing Gildan hoodies.
Dave Perrett made a few suggestions, but as Jason pointed out, when it came to placing an order, they had no stock of the req’d size.
Jason to report back when season starts.
No further business was forthcoming from members, and the meeting was closed 21.55hrs.
Many thanks to all for attending.
Peter Horbury 29th August 2019
Names & payment will be taken at AGM, as last year.
The draws will be held after the 'first' sunday match (6th Oct) so series can start as per norm on 2nd wednesday of October.
2nd Wed for Singles & 3rd Wed for Doubles. ie 9th & 16th Oct.
Names & payment will be taken at AGM, as last year.
The draws will be held after the 'first' sunday match (6th Oct) so series can start as per norm on 2nd wednesday of October.
2nd Wed for Singles & 3rd Wed for Doubles. ie 9th & 16th Oct.
Published Thursday 7th February 2019
Last edit Friday 6th September 2019
Last edit Friday 6th September 2019