Members only
Wed 9th Sept 2020
Minutes of Annual General Meeting Wednesday 9th September 2019
Members only meeting started 19.45hrs, Whitby Community College [Caedmon Site]
Attending Committee members:-
Dave Perrett (Honorary Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Paul Short
Jason Ebison
Richard Deadman
Attending members:- in no specific order:-
James Gilpin
Colin Stainthorpe
Danny Middlemas
Dave Ward
Brian Harland
Dave Hambley
Mike Vickers
Andy Neasham
Mark Sivils
On arrival, members filled in the College Covid register, used the hand sanitiser, placed their subscription envelopes in a bag [at the stage side] and took a socially distanced table & chair.
Once everyone was seated, Site Manager, James Gilpin, then gave a tool box talk. Detailing what to do if the fire alarm sounded. Informing the meeting he had gone to some considerable personal effort to get this meeting arranged, and his word was final - do as you are told or you will be asked to leave site.
He went on to inform the meeting he had today spoken with his contact at the Angling Trust, and ‘we’ as a Club can operate a fishing season under the latest Covid19 Rules, with their support, as long as the guidelines are followed, and the Club takes steps to implement them.
Secretary Peter Horbury informed the meeting that Chairman William Atkinson had sent his apology for not attending.
He then asked if there were any apologies from the Committee Members Paula & Malcolm Pitman - none were forthcoming.
Peter Horbury then asked for confirmation that everyone attending had paid their subscriptions, deposited in a named sealed envelope for Treasurer Dave Perrett.
Secretary’s report.
Many thanks to all for coming, as these difficult & unprecedented times continue.
Many thanks to James Gilpin & Clare Ebison for their Health & Safety input. Jason Ebison informed the meeting that his wife would give more detail once the ‘fine print’ of the latest government rules were released. Thank you.
Our Chairman cannot be with us tonight, but he did have one clear message, to reiterate Rule 23 - Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
On the 11th Aug. the Committee held a meeting to discuss the breach of Rule 23 on the Clubs WhatsApp group. A brief summary of that meeting was published on line.
Consequently new members now have to apply in writing, using the downloadable form online. Two current members now have to vouch for new members. The ‘proposer’ brings the completed form and subscription to the Committee for approval.
At said meeting, the Committee, were unsure if we could hold this AGM, so we discussed the items normally covered by an AGM so that some things were in place.
Dave Perrett had made it clear he would not be opening & closing the ledger after every match due to Covid-19, and whether or not he himself would be socialising in the Fleece.
Match entries are now on an 8 match [£16] or more basis, money in a named sealed envelope, cheque or BACS. These can be posted through Dave’s letter box or handed in at a weigh-in. Match winnings would go towards match credits.
Members will now text-in ‘if they are not fishing’ before the start of the match. No text and Dave will take it the member has fished.
Subscriptions, and match entry fees, at the time, were considered adequate but subject to change if necessary.
Two members were nominated & invited to join the Committee - Rich Deadman & Dave Hambley. Dave Hambley has politely turned down the invitation for family reasons. Richard Deadman has accepted. Therefore we still have space(s).
Knockouts - Jason Ebison has already started taking entrants & £10 entries in named sealed envelopes. Jason has made it clear, no payment, no entry. The draw will be held as detailed on the Diary page online Tues 6th Oct. then announced to members on Wed. 7th Oct. with competition starting Wed 14th Oct.
Our annual open will not take place for numerous reasons, social distancing, sponsorship, raffle ticket sales, prize giving - handling of items from person to person, and the latest restrictions.
Bell Trophy & Secretary’s Challenge will be on a wait & see basis.
Bernard Vasey has stepped down, nee retired [as he prompted the meeting] from weigh-master duties & we thank him for his service to the club [applause]. James Gilpin will continue as will I [Peter Horbury], and can Danny Middlemas confirm he would like to step in? Danny confirmed he was happy to act as a weigh-master as and when.
There was [at the Committee meeting] discussion on moving the weigh-in to Sandsend car park, as our ‘Summer-matches’. But Dave Perrett pointed out this would take business away from the Fleece should members wish to partake in refreshments.
Seeing how the weigh-in is outside, social distancing should not be a problem, the car park is open, as is street parking.
Members will take their orderly turn to weigh-in, and not crowd the scales observing the current Covid-19 Rules.
I understand Rob Allison will not be joining, so we need someone to run the Monthly Sweeps - see AOB No.5. [Dave Perrett informed the meeting that Rob had made it known he would not be running the Monthly Sweeps but was unsure as to his intended membership status].
Congratulations to Colin Stainthorpe who has been the run-away winner of the Summer Matches. There has been no public posts on this event - as directed by the Angling Trust [applause].
And that concludes the Secretary’s report.
Treasurers report.
Dave Perrett pointed out the ‘books’ had been done to the best of his abilities as payments, in the form of winnings for the intended but cancelled presentation had yet to be paid out. Club income would be down without the Open. Dave thanked all our Open sponsors on behalf of WSAA, including Hook, Line & Sinker for their additional sponsorship of the Christmas match [Paula & Malc Pitman]. Applause from members.
Dave was worried that the funds, and the forthcoming income from membership may not be enough to keep the club afloat if this pandemic continues for too long. Some of current funds [£600] had been given to WSAA to support the David "Sten" Stonehouse Memorial Sandsend Trophy [£50 for 16yrs AGM 2015].
Dave Perrett reminded members it was his job to manage the finances and report to members with his recommendations.
Dave was thanked for his report.
Re-Election of Officials.
Chairman - William Atkinson - Carried unanimously.
Treasurer - Dave Perrett - Prop James Gilpin, seconder Rich Deadman - Carried.
Secretary - Peter Horbury - Prop Dave Perrett, seconder James Gilpin - Carried.
Club President William Atkinson [written in stone] - carried unanimously.
Vice Presidents - Wilf Nobel, Dave Cass - carried.
Committee members.
Currently William Atkinson, Dave Perrett, Peter Horbury, Bernard Vasey, Malc & Paula Pitman, Paul Short, Jason Ebison, Richard Deadman.
As above, it was noted Paula & Malc Pitman had not sent in their apologies for not attending the AGM.
Within Rule 16 - “Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).”
The meeting agreed both Paula & Malc Pitman had forfeited their places on the Committee.
Dave Ward - Proposed Jason Ebison, seconded Richard Deadman - Carried.
James Moore [in his absence] - proposed James Gilpin, seconded Dave Perrett. Peter Horbury contacted Jamsy [Thurs. 10th Sept.] who accepted his appointment.
The Committee 2020 - 2021 - William Atkinson, Dave Perrett, Peter Horbury, Bernard Vasey, Paul Short, Jason Ebison, Richard Deadman, Dave Ward & James Moore.
Subscriptions & Match entries.
Dave Perrett confirmed £18, plus £5 insurance, plus £2 Sweep - £25 Total, saying there was no need to make any increase.
However, he proposed to increase the Match entry fee to £2.50 whereby 25p to cub funds & 25p added to the match prize fund.
James Gilpin asked why this was necessary when there was money in the account. Dave reiterated what he had said in the Treasures report.
His proposal, Seconded Peter Horbury - was put to the meeting - Carried.
Match entry is now £2.50.
Members at the AGM who have paid their subs and match entry will be notified of any short comings due to the small increase.
Members are reminded that match entry fees are now en-bloc - minimum 1 month ie 8 matches @£2.50 = £20.00 in a named sealed envelope.
Dave Hambley spoke in support of members paying up front for blocks of matches as detailed in the Committee meeting notes. As in the past Peter & David have not been able to enjoy the social side as members insisted on paying for one or two matches a time. Dave opening and closing the ledger all night was tiresome. It was the way forward for block payment.
It is recommended that members pay for as many matches as possible to avoid disappointment.
Any Match winnings to be used as match entry credits.
[Committee meting 11th Aug - "Match winnings will be automatically credited to match entries, with the left overs paid back at the end of the season."] see below
Club Matches.
First match Wed 30th Sept. - 51 match season.
Members discussed what would have been a normal start to a season ie meeting Bandstand, a group photograph etc.
It was agreed there would be ‘no meeting-up’ prior to the first match, and no group photograph. Members would text-in to confirm they are fishing. Members would then treat the first match like any other Wednesday night, and go fishing, starting at 19.00hrs as normal. (See AOB No. 4 - weigh-in Marina front car park)
Re-joining members could put their subscription in a named, sealed envelope & post it through Dave’s letter box. Otherwise they will need to confirm with Dave their intention to join, and must attend the weigh-in to deposit their subscription, and match entries.
Richard Deadman spoke of the hassle of members not texting-in before the match start to say they are not fishing, and again of those who go home, without confirming they are safe. The latter is covered by Rule 25.
Texts are ‘time stamped’, and Members must text-in before the match start, if not fishing, otherwise it will deemed they have fished. A text after the match has started will not be accepted.
As reported above - Jason Ebison has already started taking entrants & £10 entries in named sealed envelopes. Jason has made it clear, no payment, no entry. The draw will be held as detailed on the Diary page online Tues 6th Oct. then announced to members on Wed. 7th Oct. with competition starting Wed 14th Oct.
Peter Horbury, Dave Perrett, Jason Ebison & James Gilpin to hold & witness the draws, probably at the College Tues. 6th Oct.
Open Match.
Cancelled, as reported above, even more so with the latest restrictions.
Peter Horbury asked the members what they suggested we do, a day match or an evening match. After some discussion Dave Ward proposed an ‘all-in, all-out’ day match, seconded Jason Ebison - Carried.
After consulting the tide table the match time of 16.00 - 22.00hrs was agreed.
Prize fund 50/50 HFish/HBoFish 1st, 2nd, 3rd tiered down - Dave Perrett.
Weigh-in by 22.30hrs. (See AOB No. 4 - weigh-in Marina car park)
Members only meeting started 19.45hrs, Whitby Community College [Caedmon Site]
Attending Committee members:-
Dave Perrett (Honorary Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Paul Short
Jason Ebison
Richard Deadman
Attending members:- in no specific order:-
James Gilpin
Colin Stainthorpe
Danny Middlemas
Dave Ward
Brian Harland
Dave Hambley
Mike Vickers
Andy Neasham
Mark Sivils
On arrival, members filled in the College Covid register, used the hand sanitiser, placed their subscription envelopes in a bag [at the stage side] and took a socially distanced table & chair.
Once everyone was seated, Site Manager, James Gilpin, then gave a tool box talk. Detailing what to do if the fire alarm sounded. Informing the meeting he had gone to some considerable personal effort to get this meeting arranged, and his word was final - do as you are told or you will be asked to leave site.
He went on to inform the meeting he had today spoken with his contact at the Angling Trust, and ‘we’ as a Club can operate a fishing season under the latest Covid19 Rules, with their support, as long as the guidelines are followed, and the Club takes steps to implement them.
Secretary Peter Horbury informed the meeting that Chairman William Atkinson had sent his apology for not attending.
He then asked if there were any apologies from the Committee Members Paula & Malcolm Pitman - none were forthcoming.
Peter Horbury then asked for confirmation that everyone attending had paid their subscriptions, deposited in a named sealed envelope for Treasurer Dave Perrett.
Secretary’s report.
Many thanks to all for coming, as these difficult & unprecedented times continue.
Many thanks to James Gilpin & Clare Ebison for their Health & Safety input. Jason Ebison informed the meeting that his wife would give more detail once the ‘fine print’ of the latest government rules were released. Thank you.
Our Chairman cannot be with us tonight, but he did have one clear message, to reiterate Rule 23 - Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
On the 11th Aug. the Committee held a meeting to discuss the breach of Rule 23 on the Clubs WhatsApp group. A brief summary of that meeting was published on line.
Consequently new members now have to apply in writing, using the downloadable form online. Two current members now have to vouch for new members. The ‘proposer’ brings the completed form and subscription to the Committee for approval.
At said meeting, the Committee, were unsure if we could hold this AGM, so we discussed the items normally covered by an AGM so that some things were in place.
Dave Perrett had made it clear he would not be opening & closing the ledger after every match due to Covid-19, and whether or not he himself would be socialising in the Fleece.
Match entries are now on an 8 match [£16] or more basis, money in a named sealed envelope, cheque or BACS. These can be posted through Dave’s letter box or handed in at a weigh-in. Match winnings would go towards match credits.
Members will now text-in ‘if they are not fishing’ before the start of the match. No text and Dave will take it the member has fished.
Subscriptions, and match entry fees, at the time, were considered adequate but subject to change if necessary.
Two members were nominated & invited to join the Committee - Rich Deadman & Dave Hambley. Dave Hambley has politely turned down the invitation for family reasons. Richard Deadman has accepted. Therefore we still have space(s).
Knockouts - Jason Ebison has already started taking entrants & £10 entries in named sealed envelopes. Jason has made it clear, no payment, no entry. The draw will be held as detailed on the Diary page online Tues 6th Oct. then announced to members on Wed. 7th Oct. with competition starting Wed 14th Oct.
Our annual open will not take place for numerous reasons, social distancing, sponsorship, raffle ticket sales, prize giving - handling of items from person to person, and the latest restrictions.
Bell Trophy & Secretary’s Challenge will be on a wait & see basis.
Bernard Vasey has stepped down, nee retired [as he prompted the meeting] from weigh-master duties & we thank him for his service to the club [applause]. James Gilpin will continue as will I [Peter Horbury], and can Danny Middlemas confirm he would like to step in? Danny confirmed he was happy to act as a weigh-master as and when.
There was [at the Committee meeting] discussion on moving the weigh-in to Sandsend car park, as our ‘Summer-matches’. But Dave Perrett pointed out this would take business away from the Fleece should members wish to partake in refreshments.
Seeing how the weigh-in is outside, social distancing should not be a problem, the car park is open, as is street parking.
Members will take their orderly turn to weigh-in, and not crowd the scales observing the current Covid-19 Rules.
I understand Rob Allison will not be joining, so we need someone to run the Monthly Sweeps - see AOB No.5. [Dave Perrett informed the meeting that Rob had made it known he would not be running the Monthly Sweeps but was unsure as to his intended membership status].
Congratulations to Colin Stainthorpe who has been the run-away winner of the Summer Matches. There has been no public posts on this event - as directed by the Angling Trust [applause].
And that concludes the Secretary’s report.
Treasurers report.
Dave Perrett pointed out the ‘books’ had been done to the best of his abilities as payments, in the form of winnings for the intended but cancelled presentation had yet to be paid out. Club income would be down without the Open. Dave thanked all our Open sponsors on behalf of WSAA, including Hook, Line & Sinker for their additional sponsorship of the Christmas match [Paula & Malc Pitman]. Applause from members.
Dave was worried that the funds, and the forthcoming income from membership may not be enough to keep the club afloat if this pandemic continues for too long. Some of current funds [£600] had been given to WSAA to support the David "Sten" Stonehouse Memorial Sandsend Trophy [£50 for 16yrs AGM 2015].
Dave Perrett reminded members it was his job to manage the finances and report to members with his recommendations.
Dave was thanked for his report.
Re-Election of Officials.
Chairman - William Atkinson - Carried unanimously.
Treasurer - Dave Perrett - Prop James Gilpin, seconder Rich Deadman - Carried.
Secretary - Peter Horbury - Prop Dave Perrett, seconder James Gilpin - Carried.
Club President William Atkinson [written in stone] - carried unanimously.
Vice Presidents - Wilf Nobel, Dave Cass - carried.
Committee members.
Currently William Atkinson, Dave Perrett, Peter Horbury, Bernard Vasey, Malc & Paula Pitman, Paul Short, Jason Ebison, Richard Deadman.
As above, it was noted Paula & Malc Pitman had not sent in their apologies for not attending the AGM.
Within Rule 16 - “Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).”
The meeting agreed both Paula & Malc Pitman had forfeited their places on the Committee.
Dave Ward - Proposed Jason Ebison, seconded Richard Deadman - Carried.
James Moore [in his absence] - proposed James Gilpin, seconded Dave Perrett. Peter Horbury contacted Jamsy [Thurs. 10th Sept.] who accepted his appointment.
The Committee 2020 - 2021 - William Atkinson, Dave Perrett, Peter Horbury, Bernard Vasey, Paul Short, Jason Ebison, Richard Deadman, Dave Ward & James Moore.
Subscriptions & Match entries.
Dave Perrett confirmed £18, plus £5 insurance, plus £2 Sweep - £25 Total, saying there was no need to make any increase.
However, he proposed to increase the Match entry fee to £2.50 whereby 25p to cub funds & 25p added to the match prize fund.
James Gilpin asked why this was necessary when there was money in the account. Dave reiterated what he had said in the Treasures report.
His proposal, Seconded Peter Horbury - was put to the meeting - Carried.
Match entry is now £2.50.
Members at the AGM who have paid their subs and match entry will be notified of any short comings due to the small increase.
Members are reminded that match entry fees are now en-bloc - minimum 1 month ie 8 matches @£2.50 = £20.00 in a named sealed envelope.
Dave Hambley spoke in support of members paying up front for blocks of matches as detailed in the Committee meeting notes. As in the past Peter & David have not been able to enjoy the social side as members insisted on paying for one or two matches a time. Dave opening and closing the ledger all night was tiresome. It was the way forward for block payment.
It is recommended that members pay for as many matches as possible to avoid disappointment.
Any Match winnings to be used as match entry credits.
[Committee meting 11th Aug - "Match winnings will be automatically credited to match entries, with the left overs paid back at the end of the season."] see below
Club Matches.
First match Wed 30th Sept. - 51 match season.
Members discussed what would have been a normal start to a season ie meeting Bandstand, a group photograph etc.
It was agreed there would be ‘no meeting-up’ prior to the first match, and no group photograph. Members would text-in to confirm they are fishing. Members would then treat the first match like any other Wednesday night, and go fishing, starting at 19.00hrs as normal. (See AOB No. 4 - weigh-in Marina front car park)
Re-joining members could put their subscription in a named, sealed envelope & post it through Dave’s letter box. Otherwise they will need to confirm with Dave their intention to join, and must attend the weigh-in to deposit their subscription, and match entries.
Richard Deadman spoke of the hassle of members not texting-in before the match start to say they are not fishing, and again of those who go home, without confirming they are safe. The latter is covered by Rule 25.
Texts are ‘time stamped’, and Members must text-in before the match start, if not fishing, otherwise it will deemed they have fished. A text after the match has started will not be accepted.
As reported above - Jason Ebison has already started taking entrants & £10 entries in named sealed envelopes. Jason has made it clear, no payment, no entry. The draw will be held as detailed on the Diary page online Tues 6th Oct. then announced to members on Wed. 7th Oct. with competition starting Wed 14th Oct.
Peter Horbury, Dave Perrett, Jason Ebison & James Gilpin to hold & witness the draws, probably at the College Tues. 6th Oct.
Open Match.
Cancelled, as reported above, even more so with the latest restrictions.
Peter Horbury asked the members what they suggested we do, a day match or an evening match. After some discussion Dave Ward proposed an ‘all-in, all-out’ day match, seconded Jason Ebison - Carried.
After consulting the tide table the match time of 16.00 - 22.00hrs was agreed.
Prize fund 50/50 HFish/HBoFish 1st, 2nd, 3rd tiered down - Dave Perrett.
Weigh-in by 22.30hrs. (See AOB No. 4 - weigh-in Marina car park)
There was a short ‘comfort break’.
Any Other Business.
Peter Horbury explained that during any season members come up with ideas/problems/suggestions. These are then recorded on the web site so members are aware they are to be discussed at the AGM - it also means they do not forget!
1 - Chairman William Atkinson was adamant there is to be no practice casting/cast looking for weed in the water before time.
Practice cast/casting looking for weed - was discussed with many voicing the pros & cons.
Casting a plain lead looking for any weed gave an advantage.
'A loop' of line on the bobbin would take seconds to address, fresh-line may lay better after retrieving a lead, both can be addressed once the match has started.
It was proposed by Brian Harland, seconded Dave Hambley no practice casting before match start. Carried.
See also Rule 13.
2 - Wed 27th Nov 2019 Dave Perrett - Christmas match
To propose ladies & juniors not required to have fished 6 matches prior to Christmas match.
Rule 17 states - Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
Again plenty of discussion.
Dave Perrett’s proposal, seconded by James Gilpin was carried.
3 - Thurs. 13th August. Car sharing - Covid-19 rules to be confirmed.
Passenger to sit in back, diagonally from driver - facemasks, where no rear seats ie a van - masks to be worn with ventilation [open window].
4 - James Gilpin - 5th Sept. 2020 - Possibility of weigh-in at Sandsend and only those with fish to attend. No looking at weigh-in book by others nor phone pictures therefore taken.
Plenty of discussion but Dave Perrett’s proposal (Marina front car park), seconded James Gilpin won through.
The weigh-in will be near Coates marine, near his boat, plenty of open space (far end of Marina front car park, near slipway).
James Gilpin’s risk assessment re-summer match weigh-ins is up to date [Angling Trust].
Members will weigh-in conforming to current rules, staying in their car until such time as it is their turn, thereafter [if asked, a photograph by Peter Horbury] they will return to their car and make their way home - no socialising whatsoever!!
Fish must not be gutted after weigh-in - as above - weigh-in and go!
Brian confirmed he would not require a photo of weigh slip.
5 - Monthly Sweeps - volunteer to run this. PDH 08/09/2020
Danny Middlemas agreed to take this on. Danny has requested:-
Members must pay en-bloc £24 in a named sealed envelope for all 6 months that this runs.
£4/month for HFish & HBoFish of the month, winner takes all. Runs Oct - March.
6 - Is there now a need to have a Membership ‘cut-off’ date? PDH 08/09/2020
Dave Hambley was very vocal on this and agreed it was a good idea for numerous reasons.
Dave Perrett proposed membership closes for both new & returning previous years members at the end of October. Seconded James Gilpin - Carried.
7 - Pier ends can be a popular mark, members discussed how to police it for members.
Agreed it was impossible to police, social distancing to be adhered to, however.
“It is a recommendation for members to wear a face mask covering when in close proximity to others, and abide to social distancing rules according to current guidelines.”
8 - Jason Ebison asked about BACS - Dave Perrett said with banks closing early, and restricted staff, etc he had not as yet had any luck finding out if, we, can operate a system with our ‘Club’ account as there is nothing in writing.
9 - Dave Ward asked about any Presentation date.
Obviously with the current rules this was impossible.
Dave Perrett went on to say that it was his wish for some form of presentation, even if we have to double up with two seasons celebrated on the same evening.
1 - Chairman William Atkinson was adamant there is to be no practice casting/cast looking for weed in the water before time.
Practice cast/casting looking for weed - was discussed with many voicing the pros & cons.
Casting a plain lead looking for any weed gave an advantage.
'A loop' of line on the bobbin would take seconds to address, fresh-line may lay better after retrieving a lead, both can be addressed once the match has started.
It was proposed by Brian Harland, seconded Dave Hambley no practice casting before match start. Carried.
See also Rule 13.
2 - Wed 27th Nov 2019 Dave Perrett - Christmas match
To propose ladies & juniors not required to have fished 6 matches prior to Christmas match.
Rule 17 states - Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
Again plenty of discussion.
Dave Perrett’s proposal, seconded by James Gilpin was carried.
3 - Thurs. 13th August. Car sharing - Covid-19 rules to be confirmed.
Passenger to sit in back, diagonally from driver - facemasks, where no rear seats ie a van - masks to be worn with ventilation [open window].
4 - James Gilpin - 5th Sept. 2020 - Possibility of weigh-in at Sandsend and only those with fish to attend. No looking at weigh-in book by others nor phone pictures therefore taken.
Plenty of discussion but Dave Perrett’s proposal (Marina front car park), seconded James Gilpin won through.
The weigh-in will be near Coates marine, near his boat, plenty of open space (far end of Marina front car park, near slipway).
James Gilpin’s risk assessment re-summer match weigh-ins is up to date [Angling Trust].
Members will weigh-in conforming to current rules, staying in their car until such time as it is their turn, thereafter [if asked, a photograph by Peter Horbury] they will return to their car and make their way home - no socialising whatsoever!!
Fish must not be gutted after weigh-in - as above - weigh-in and go!
Brian confirmed he would not require a photo of weigh slip.
5 - Monthly Sweeps - volunteer to run this. PDH 08/09/2020
Danny Middlemas agreed to take this on. Danny has requested:-
Members must pay en-bloc £24 in a named sealed envelope for all 6 months that this runs.
£4/month for HFish & HBoFish of the month, winner takes all. Runs Oct - March.
6 - Is there now a need to have a Membership ‘cut-off’ date? PDH 08/09/2020
Dave Hambley was very vocal on this and agreed it was a good idea for numerous reasons.
Dave Perrett proposed membership closes for both new & returning previous years members at the end of October. Seconded James Gilpin - Carried.
7 - Pier ends can be a popular mark, members discussed how to police it for members.
Agreed it was impossible to police, social distancing to be adhered to, however.
“It is a recommendation for members to wear a face mask covering when in close proximity to others, and abide to social distancing rules according to current guidelines.”
8 - Jason Ebison asked about BACS - Dave Perrett said with banks closing early, and restricted staff, etc he had not as yet had any luck finding out if, we, can operate a system with our ‘Club’ account as there is nothing in writing.
9 - Dave Ward asked about any Presentation date.
Obviously with the current rules this was impossible.
Dave Perrett went on to say that it was his wish for some form of presentation, even if we have to double up with two seasons celebrated on the same evening.
Peter Horbury double checked if anyone had anything further to discuss.
Members were thanked for their time and input.
Tight lines.
Meeting closed 21.50hrs
Members were thanked for their time and input.
Tight lines.
Meeting closed 21.50hrs
WSAA Rules will be ammended to reflect the outcome of this meeting.
19.30hrs, Caedmon College Whitby, YO21 1LA [nee Whitby Community College],
The meeting, for members only, will take place in the main hall, in accordance with current Covid-19 regulations, and has been approved.
The main hall is at the end of the drive opposite their recycling centre.
There will be a ‘tool box’ talk prior to the meeting by Site Manager James Gilpin.
Members will need to supply their own envelopes - for subscriptions. Pen & paper - for notes.
1) Members subscription £25, and a minimum of 8 match entries £16* [total £41] in either cash or cheque [payable to Whitby Sea Anglers Assoc.] The envelope must be sealed, named, and specify contents.
2) Knockouts will require a separate envelope for the entry fee £10 again placed in a sealed named envelope for Jason Ebison. Please specify if wanting to enter Singles £4, Doubles £6 or both total £10. Draw 7th Oct so please do not delay with payment.
*Members can pay for more matches should they choose as Treasurer Dave Perrett has let it be known he will ‘not’ be waiting hand & foot on members with the ledger after every match. Read Committee meeting notes below & more info at AGM.
New members wishing to join WSAA will need to download the application form, will require a Proposer & a Seconder [WSAA Members].
Once the form is filled in, it must then be submitted to the Committee by the Proposer for approval at the earliest opportunity, including subscription & match entries £41, Juniors £8.50, again in a named sealed envelope.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
The meeting, for members only, will take place in the main hall, in accordance with current Covid-19 regulations, and has been approved.
The main hall is at the end of the drive opposite their recycling centre.
There will be a ‘tool box’ talk prior to the meeting by Site Manager James Gilpin.
Members will need to supply their own envelopes - for subscriptions. Pen & paper - for notes.
1) Members subscription £25, and a minimum of 8 match entries £16* [total £41] in either cash or cheque [payable to Whitby Sea Anglers Assoc.] The envelope must be sealed, named, and specify contents.
2) Knockouts will require a separate envelope for the entry fee £10 again placed in a sealed named envelope for Jason Ebison. Please specify if wanting to enter Singles £4, Doubles £6 or both total £10. Draw 7th Oct so please do not delay with payment.
*Members can pay for more matches should they choose as Treasurer Dave Perrett has let it be known he will ‘not’ be waiting hand & foot on members with the ledger after every match. Read Committee meeting notes below & more info at AGM.
New members wishing to join WSAA will need to download the application form, will require a Proposer & a Seconder [WSAA Members].
Once the form is filled in, it must then be submitted to the Committee by the Proposer for approval at the earliest opportunity, including subscription & match entries £41, Juniors £8.50, again in a named sealed envelope.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
New members
Membership application form. |
Please be aware Committee members & members alike are working behind the scenes and doing their best to ensure this season takes place, and to do so we are taking advice from the Angling Trust - thank you.
Committee meeting
Tues 11th Aug 2020 19.00hrs
Tues 11th Aug 2020 19.00hrs
Whitby Community College main hall
[H&S talk by site manager James Gilpin, members used the hand sanitizer provided, social distancing, the meeting took place].
Peter Horbury - Secretary
Dave Perrett - Treasurer.
William Atkinson - Chairman.
Bernard Vasey
Paula Pitman
Malcolm Pitman
Paul Short
Jason Ebison
Committee was called to address the items raised during last season [below in AOB], due to Covid-19 a meeting never took place last season.
After discussion it was agreed new members were to fill in a Membership Form, similar to that used by Cloughton Rock Anglers.
Peter Horbury to liaise with Dave Perrett with its format - Dave requested that Rule 23 to be in Bold type - agreed.
New members would be ‘on probation for 1 month (8 matches), would require a Proposer and a Seconder.
Payment £25 subscription, plus 8 matches at £2/match - Total £43 - non-refundable should membership be denied.
Dave Perrett raised the hypothetical question of there being ‘No AGM’ due to Covid-19 restrictions. Committee then discussed the items that would normally be discussed so something was 'in-place'.
First match Wed 30th Sept 2020 - 51 match season - Diary.
Dave Perrett reiterated his concerns re ‘doing the book/ledger for match entries'.
Membership subscriptions & match entries would be taken in a number of ways, dependent on members on-line capabilities.
By cheque £43 [£25 subscription + a MINIMUM 8 matches £16].
By bank transfer - [Dave to check if club account can be accessed on-line] reference would be members name.
Money in a sealed (clearly named & labelled envelope)
Match entries - a MINIMUM 8 matches £16 or members can choose multiples of months or pay full season 51 matches £102, by any of the methods above - Dave Perrett will not be waiting hand & foot on members with the ledger.
Members will then require to TEXT-IN when NOT FISHING.
Match winnings will be automatically credited to match entries, with the left overs paid back at the end of the season.
Weigh-in - members should be vigilant, facemasks may be required, and current ‘social distancing’ rules to be adhered to.
Committee Members - 3 spaces.
Dave Hambley was Proposed Jason Ebison, Seconded Peter Horbury - on holiday.
Richard Deadman was Proposed Paula Pitman, Seconded Malcolm Pitman - confirmed.
Peter Horbury to speak to each to confirm they accept their appointments.
Dave Perrett confirmed he would try & tie up the Club finances as best but is unable to provide an account as there has been no presentation evening.
Angling Trust Insurance £130.00 - membership subscriptions would not need to rise.
Dave Perrett said ATrust personal membership is currently £29.
WSAA Open - this will not take place this season - Covid-19 social distancing would be impossible to hold presentation etc etc.
Christmas Match - would go ahead but obviously there would be no meal & presentation.
Bell Trophy & Secretary’s Challenge - wait & see.
Sunday League would still be supported by Hook, Line & Sinker.
Jason Ebison would run the Knockouts - payment would be as above - BACCS, cheque, cash in sealed envelope.
Bernard Vasey has resigned as Weigh Master.
James Gilpin would continue as weigh master, and the Committee were lead to believe Danny Middlemas would be happy to stand in.
Where to keep the scales was discussed in case of a ‘second lock down'. Peter Horbury volunteered to keep them, as he attends all weigh-ins.
Questions & concerns were raised re the weigh-in - one being to move to Sandsend car park (as Summer Matches) Dave Perrett was against this, as it would deny the Fleece trade. Decided to leave it, and because it is outside it was felt there would be no problems (as said above being vigilant etc) but Peter Horbury would ask James Gilpin to confirm with his contact at the ATrust for direction as he had done for the Summer Matches.
Meeting closed 21.05 hrs
Many thanks to the Committee for attending.
[H&S talk by site manager James Gilpin, members used the hand sanitizer provided, social distancing, the meeting took place].
Peter Horbury - Secretary
Dave Perrett - Treasurer.
William Atkinson - Chairman.
Bernard Vasey
Paula Pitman
Malcolm Pitman
Paul Short
Jason Ebison
Committee was called to address the items raised during last season [below in AOB], due to Covid-19 a meeting never took place last season.
After discussion it was agreed new members were to fill in a Membership Form, similar to that used by Cloughton Rock Anglers.
Peter Horbury to liaise with Dave Perrett with its format - Dave requested that Rule 23 to be in Bold type - agreed.
New members would be ‘on probation for 1 month (8 matches), would require a Proposer and a Seconder.
Payment £25 subscription, plus 8 matches at £2/match - Total £43 - non-refundable should membership be denied.
Dave Perrett raised the hypothetical question of there being ‘No AGM’ due to Covid-19 restrictions. Committee then discussed the items that would normally be discussed so something was 'in-place'.
First match Wed 30th Sept 2020 - 51 match season - Diary.
Dave Perrett reiterated his concerns re ‘doing the book/ledger for match entries'.
Membership subscriptions & match entries would be taken in a number of ways, dependent on members on-line capabilities.
By cheque £43 [£25 subscription + a MINIMUM 8 matches £16].
By bank transfer - [Dave to check if club account can be accessed on-line] reference would be members name.
Money in a sealed (clearly named & labelled envelope)
Match entries - a MINIMUM 8 matches £16 or members can choose multiples of months or pay full season 51 matches £102, by any of the methods above - Dave Perrett will not be waiting hand & foot on members with the ledger.
Members will then require to TEXT-IN when NOT FISHING.
Match winnings will be automatically credited to match entries, with the left overs paid back at the end of the season.
Weigh-in - members should be vigilant, facemasks may be required, and current ‘social distancing’ rules to be adhered to.
Committee Members - 3 spaces.
Dave Hambley was Proposed Jason Ebison, Seconded Peter Horbury - on holiday.
Richard Deadman was Proposed Paula Pitman, Seconded Malcolm Pitman - confirmed.
Peter Horbury to speak to each to confirm they accept their appointments.
Dave Perrett confirmed he would try & tie up the Club finances as best but is unable to provide an account as there has been no presentation evening.
Angling Trust Insurance £130.00 - membership subscriptions would not need to rise.
Dave Perrett said ATrust personal membership is currently £29.
WSAA Open - this will not take place this season - Covid-19 social distancing would be impossible to hold presentation etc etc.
Christmas Match - would go ahead but obviously there would be no meal & presentation.
Bell Trophy & Secretary’s Challenge - wait & see.
Sunday League would still be supported by Hook, Line & Sinker.
Jason Ebison would run the Knockouts - payment would be as above - BACCS, cheque, cash in sealed envelope.
Bernard Vasey has resigned as Weigh Master.
James Gilpin would continue as weigh master, and the Committee were lead to believe Danny Middlemas would be happy to stand in.
Where to keep the scales was discussed in case of a ‘second lock down'. Peter Horbury volunteered to keep them, as he attends all weigh-ins.
Questions & concerns were raised re the weigh-in - one being to move to Sandsend car park (as Summer Matches) Dave Perrett was against this, as it would deny the Fleece trade. Decided to leave it, and because it is outside it was felt there would be no problems (as said above being vigilant etc) but Peter Horbury would ask James Gilpin to confirm with his contact at the ATrust for direction as he had done for the Summer Matches.
Meeting closed 21.05 hrs
Many thanks to the Committee for attending.
Update & follow up - Wed 12th Aug.
James Gilpin spoke to his contact at ATrust.
In respect of the AGM - 'no problem' as long as held in a ‘licenced building’*, windows & doors open, social distancing, facemasks if members want, risk assessment(s) to be written by James, then approved & signed off by ATrust.
Alternatively hold it outside [weather dependant].
Provisional & new date Wed 9th Sept 2020
*licenced for 300 therefore 1/10th capacity should 30 attend - approved.
James Gilpin spoke to his contact at ATrust.
In respect of the AGM - 'no problem' as long as held in a ‘licenced building’*, windows & doors open, social distancing, facemasks if members want, risk assessment(s) to be written by James, then approved & signed off by ATrust.
Alternatively hold it outside [weather dependant].
Provisional & new date Wed 9th Sept 2020
*licenced for 300 therefore 1/10th capacity should 30 attend - approved.
Health & Safety Simplified
Clare Ebison, CMIOSH, DipNEBOSH
Ebison Safety Solutions
07765 012152
[email protected]
Ebison Safety Solutions
07765 012152
[email protected]
Many thanks to Clare Ebison for her guidance on Club Operations and Functions under Covid-19 *
*Posted Saturday 15th August 2020
Provisional at this time
Watch this space
Wednesday 9th September 2020
Whitby Community College - main hall.
19.30 hrs - prompt
Order of Business
Last years AGM minutes to be confirmed as True -
Chairman’s report - William Atkinson
Secretary’s report - Peter Horbury
Treasurer’s report - Dave Perrett
Re-election of officials - Chairman - Treasurer - Secretary
Club President - William Atkinson
Vice Presidents - Wilf Noble & Dave Cass
Committee - Currently - Bernard Vasey, Malcolm Pitman, Paula Pitman, Paul Short, Jason Ebison & Paul Short
Subscriptions -
Club Matches -
Match entries -
Knockout competitions -
Open Match -
Whitby Community College - main hall.
19.30 hrs - prompt
Order of Business
Last years AGM minutes to be confirmed as True -
Chairman’s report - William Atkinson
Secretary’s report - Peter Horbury
Treasurer’s report - Dave Perrett
Re-election of officials - Chairman - Treasurer - Secretary
Club President - William Atkinson
Vice Presidents - Wilf Noble & Dave Cass
Committee - Currently - Bernard Vasey, Malcolm Pitman, Paula Pitman, Paul Short, Jason Ebison & Paul Short
Subscriptions -
Club Matches -
Match entries -
Knockout competitions -
Open Match -
Bar break
Any Other Business - AOB
1 - During a Committee meeting Tuesday 5th November 2019 to discuss recent Facebook and WhatsApp posts Secretary Peter Horbury informed the meeting 'the heart of WSAA had been ripped out by recent events', three Committee members had resigned, [2 have left WSAA]. He went on to read out an email recently received, and after that read out a diary/summary of recent events.
Points raised in the email:-
"There are a few rules that need to be put in place so members and Committee members do not have to deal with this on Social Media. I know you cannot stop it but there are limits.
There are quite a few that need to go for what they have written about WSAA Committee members under Rule 23.
Also others that 'have been' members of WSAA that need banning from any future involvement of the club, these such people have no place in WSAA."
1 - During a Committee meeting Tuesday 5th November 2019 to discuss recent Facebook and WhatsApp posts Secretary Peter Horbury informed the meeting 'the heart of WSAA had been ripped out by recent events', three Committee members had resigned, [2 have left WSAA]. He went on to read out an email recently received, and after that read out a diary/summary of recent events.
Points raised in the email:-
"There are a few rules that need to be put in place so members and Committee members do not have to deal with this on Social Media. I know you cannot stop it but there are limits.
There are quite a few that need to go for what they have written about WSAA Committee members under Rule 23.
Also others that 'have been' members of WSAA that need banning from any future involvement of the club, these such people have no place in WSAA."
Rule 23
Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
The Committee discussed this at length, and backed with other information
[over 70 screen shots of social media posts had been submitted by disgruntled members]
and text messages of support and complaints received, new rules would be introduced at the next AGM 2020 if not before.
Suggestions took the form of:-
Membership of WSAA would no longer be a case of ‘turn-up’ and pay your dues.
A ‘form of request’ to join WSAA would be submitted to the Committee by all members [see below].
Those that do not get the immediate ‘green light’ would be invited to appear before the Committee.
They may be requested to write & submit a letter of apology, and explain their past actions.
New members would need a ‘sponsor’ on their ‘form of request’ to join WSAA.
A very similar system to Cloughton Rock Anglers would be introduced.
[over 70 screen shots of social media posts had been submitted by disgruntled members]
and text messages of support and complaints received, new rules would be introduced at the next AGM 2020 if not before.
Suggestions took the form of:-
Membership of WSAA would no longer be a case of ‘turn-up’ and pay your dues.
A ‘form of request’ to join WSAA would be submitted to the Committee by all members [see below].
Those that do not get the immediate ‘green light’ would be invited to appear before the Committee.
They may be requested to write & submit a letter of apology, and explain their past actions.
New members would need a ‘sponsor’ on their ‘form of request’ to join WSAA.
A very similar system to Cloughton Rock Anglers would be introduced.
Three names came up of 'old' reports of members fishing before time, excuses were practice cast.
Chairman William Atkinson was adamant there is to be no practice casting before time.
Practice cast/casting to be discussed.
Chairman William Atkinson was adamant there is to be no practice casting before time.
Practice cast/casting to be discussed.
Wednesday 6th November 2019
Wednesday 27th November 2019
Dave Perrett - Christmas match
To propose ladies & juniors not required to have fished 6 matches prior to Christmas match.
Rule 17
Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
Dave Perrett - Christmas match
To propose ladies & juniors not required to have fished 6 matches prior to Christmas match.
Rule 17
Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
Thursday 13th August
Car sharing - Covid-19 rules to be confirmed.
Car sharing - Covid-19 rules to be confirmed.
Published Thursday 7th November 2019
Last edit Saturday 29th August 2020
Last edit Saturday 29th August 2020