Date announced 29th May 2013
Minutes of Annual General Meeting Wednesday 28th August 2013. Published 29th August 2013 16.45 hrs.
Meeting started 19.30 hrs, Whitby Rifle Club.
Attending committee members:-
W Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary Club President),
D Perrett (Treasurer),
P Horbury (Secretary)
D Johnson (Honorary member)
R Allison
J Gilpin
C Stainthorpe
P Mead
B Vasey (Honorary member )
N Inglis
B Laws.
No apologies received from D Thompson (Rule 16 - he forfeits his position on the committee)
Attending members:-
Mrs P Pitman
M Pitman
P Short
M Beedle
P Dryden
M Garbutt
D Hambley
A Cass
I Simpson.
20 members in total, an excellent turnout, well done and thank you to all.
Before the meeting started W Atkinson voiced his concerns over the poor dress code by members attending the presentation night.
W Atkinson also voiced his concerns that members had good ideas and if so, should be prepared to organise them themselves as Treasurer and Secretary had more than enough to do.
1. Last years AGM minutes -
Were read by Secretary P Horbury. No matters arising, and confirmed as true by J Gilpin and seconded by R Allison.
2. Chairman’s report -
Nothing further to add.
3. Secretary’s report -
Open registered for Penn points with Alan Yates at Sea Angler Magazine.
Clubman Series, run by Alan Yates at Sea Angler magazine, names of those interested in taking part will be collected as soon as the season starts. Teams will be then be formed based on last years rankings at the end of the season.
Web site doing very well with 87,557 views as of 17.40 hrs today (28th August 2013).
Secretary informed members that Dani & Lee Gale have sadly left the Fleece, Church Street - but the good news WSAA members are welcome in the Fleece as the secretary had introduced himself to current custodians, Stormie and John Coulson earlier in the week.
Food on Wednesdays can be warmed and served if Mrs P Pitman is happy to supply as last year and if she is busy then John Coulson will knock up a soup for members.
The lease on the Fleece is up for sale, therefore Stormie & John Coulson could not commit to sponsorship of the Annual WSAA Open on Sunday 17th November 2013.
The WSAA notice board will be put back up now that the wall has been repainted and ownership has been claimed.
Open News:- The Secretary was pleased to inform members of recent developments and has thanked the following.
i) J Moore (non attending WSAA member apology sent) has donated £100 to the Open (only that morning). He has stipulated that the Committee are free to allocate the money wherever it is needed and can be best used.
ii) S Moore (non attending WSAA member apology sent) has also secured £500 form Wilf Noble Plant Hire for 1st place in the Open match (only that morning).
iii) Mrs P Pitman & Mr M Pitman have also pledged prizes from both shop and fishing boat (members were then informed of their intention and offer to sponsor from both shops, Whitby Seafishing Supplies and the new trading name of Hook Line and Sinker Ltd - both discussed later).
iv) Java Café via B Laws.
v) D Perrett for engraving.
vi) Richard Saltmarsh also donating a prize and will be Official Photographer for the Open match as last year.
4. Treasurer’s report -
Was presented by D Perrett and confirmed as true P Horbury and seconded by I Simpson.
5. Re-election of officials -
Chairman - Honorary W Atkinson proposed R Allison seconded B Vasey. Carried.
Treasurer - D Perrett proposed J Gilpin seconded A Cass. Carried.
Secretary - P Horbury proposed R Allison seconded B Vasey. Carried.
Club President - Honorary W Atkinson proposed P Horbury seconded B Vasey. Carried
Vice President - it was proposed to ask Wilf Noble, being a previous WSAA member.
Proposed N Inglis seconded D Perrett. Carried.
*See any other business item D.
6. Committee -
i) As stated earlier WSAA Rule 16 was evoked as D Thompson having not sent in any apology, his position therefore on the committee has been lost.
ii) P Mead let it be known that he wished to stand down. Phil was thanked for his work with WSAA.
iii) C Stainthorpe also let it be known he wished to stand down. Members tried to get C Stainthorpe to reconsider.
New committee members were elected.
i) A Cass was proposed by C Stainthorpe seconded by P Horbury. Carried.
ii) D Hambley was proposed by R Allison seconded by P Horbury. Carried.
iii) Mrs P Pitman was proposed by W Atkinson and seconded by A Cass. Carried.
The 12 Committee members are therefore:-
W Atkinson (Honorary Chairman)
D Perrett (Treasurer)
P Horbury (Secretary)
D Johnson (Honorary)
R Allison
J Gilpin
B Vasey
N Inglis
B Laws
A Cass
D Hambley
Mrs P Pitman.
7. Subscriptions -
To stay the same currently £15 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep (£20). Proposed N Inglis seconded by J Gilpin.
8. Club Matches -
Treasurer D Perrett asked that, like in previous years subscriptions and match entry fees be put in a named envelope* with at least 4 match entry fees and £2 for Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag competition run by R Allison.
(*see new season start date, due to overlap of Scarborough festival 21st - 29th Sept. 2013 members must include entry into Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag sweeps as there are no matches in Sept. as below from P Short).
P Short informed the meeting that he understood that the Scarborough Festival would clash with WSAA’s seasons start, traditionally last Wednesday of September as the ‘All England Codling Championship’ was on Sunday 29th Sept. 2013. It was reported there is now a 2 week break between the finish of Filey Festival (31st Aug. - 8th Sept.) and the start of Scarborough Festival. Noting the poor dead tide for the All of England Codling Championship 29th Sept. 12.34 hrs 4.1m. Members were understandably in disbelief.
After some quick texting by B Laws, the Scarborough Festival dates were confirmed 21st Sept - 29th Sept. 2013.
After some debate it was decided the 1st match of the 2013 - 2014 Season would be Wednesday 2nd October 2013.
Proposed A Cass seconded B Vasey. Carried.
Therefore the 2013 - 2014 Season comprises of only 49 matches.
A) Christmas Match.
Sunday 22nd December 2013 at Fleece (to be confirmed).
Mrs P Pitman & M Pitman offered to sponsor the Christmas match with £100 from their renamed shop Hook Line and Sinker Ltd (*further discussion later).
Bar break.
Meeting recommenced and noted P Mead had left.
Christmas Break - Monday 23rd Dec 2013 to Saturday 4th Jan 2014, returning Sunday 5th Jan 2014.
Match entries -
To stay the same proposed at £2 - J Gilpin seconded D Perrett.
B) Open Match -
Confirmed Sunday 17th Nov. 2013.
Sponsorship from the Fleece is unlikely at this time, but we will see in case the lease is sold.
£500 from Wilf Noble Plant Hire.
£100 from J Moore.
J Gilpin confirmed Keith’s Sports.
R Allison to ask and report back with Thompson’s Diggers.
D Hambley to report back when he has spoken to J Verrill to confirm Smales Fish and Mariondale Fisheries.
Open times to stay the same 10 pm to 4 pm.
Weigh in to stay the same 4.30 pm to 5.15 pm.
Entrance fee to stay the same at £12.
W Atkinson confirmed meat vouchers from Peter Halders and WSAA will sponsor Scarborough Festival £50.
M Beedle confirmed and thanked for £50 special prize for heaviest Flat fish (to be on poster).
Java, via B Laws confirmed and thanked for £50 special prize for 17th place (to be on poster).
Junior Sponsors
R Allison, A Cass, J Gilpin, G Middlemas and D Hambley £20 each giving a Juniors prize fund of £100.
£50 for First place.
£30 for Second place.
£20 for Third place.
Mrs P Pitman asked for confirmation of the Juniors rule, as potential juniors wished to fish last year but had had no ‘parent or guardian’ willing to accompany them. Therefore questioning if they could accompany her?
It was confirmed that the Rules, are such that, a Junior must be accompanied by a ‘parent or guardian’.
D Perrett to approach Martin Greaves at Whitby Angling Supplies, to be confirmed.
Mrs P Pitman and M Pitman (as members) offered £100 from Whitby Seafishing Supplies towards the Open Prize fund.
This was gratefully received and tickets will be sold from both their shops, Whitby Seafishing Supplies and Hook Line and Sinker.
C) Open Match Meeting -
Once again due to the Scarborough Festival over running with the normal start of the WSAA season it was decided to book a room for a meeting tonight.
A short comfort break was called, during which W Atkinson consulted the bar staff as to the availability of a room for the meeting. Tuesday 15th Oct. 2013 was confirmed.
D) Knockouts -
Secretary, P Horbury asked if anyone would like to organise the knockout competitions. No one was forth coming so P Horbury confirmed he will continue to organise.
Due to the confirmed later season start date it was confirmed the:-
Singles knockouts will commence 3rd Wednesday in October 2013 = 16th.
Doubles knockouts will commence 4th Wednesday in October 2013 = 23rd.
Entry fees £3 / £2 to stay the same proposed J Gilpin seconded D Hambley.
Heaviest Fish and Heaviest Bag Monthly Competitions.
R Allison confirmed he would organise. Once again due to the late start of the 2013 - 2014 Season, members wishing to enter these must put their entry fee in the envelope along with their subs, to be given to the Treasurer after the weigh in, on the first match Wednesday 2nd Oct. 2013. i.e. £20 subs + 4 match entries + £2 HF HB comp = £30.
E) Christmas Match -
Confirmed 22nd December 2013 (this is also the last match of 2013).
Fishing 2 pm to 7 pm with weigh in until 8 pm.
Food was discussed and a plan was put forward that Mrs P Pitman & B Laws to do food if allowed by the Fleece.
Once again this is dependent on who the landlords are at the time. To be confirmed.
Match entry fee to stay the same at £10 proposed by J Gilpin seconded by A Cass. Carried.
Due to the kind sponsorship of £100 for the Christmas Match by Hook Line and Sinker, members Mrs P Pitman & M Pitman, N Inglis proposed seconded by J Gilpin:- that the prize fund be
Heaviest Bag match:-
1st - £50
2nd - £30
3rd - £20
And £25 for Heaviest Fish.
B Vasey reminded the meeting that the Christmas Match is a Heaviest Bag Match.
Secretary P Horbury asked for confirmation, as this proposal was breaking with tradition in that the winner in years gone by (Heaviest Bag) could not also win the Heaviest Fish prize money. As the prize fund of £50 was split 50/50 between HB & HF.
D Perrett read a note from the ledger:-
“Heaviest Fish to take preference in the event of having Heaviest Bag and Heaviest Fish. 2nd Heaviest bag takes Heaviest Bag. Day Matches inc. Bell Trophy.”
N Inglis confirmed his proposal seconded again by J Gilpin. Carried.
Ticket price £10 to stay same proposed R Allison seconded D Perrett. Carried
The remainder of the cash receipts from ticket sales would as normal buy the prizes to continue the tradition that no one goes home without a prize whether they caught a fish or not (and raffle prizes).
9. Any Other Business -
A) R Allison proposed seconded by M Beedle that all match winnings be split 50 / 50 every match by Heaviest Fish / Heaviest Bag. Replacing the current 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
This was not well received, as it was reported I Russell* successfully proposed this same thing years ago and it only lasted one season as it was strongly disliked.
R Allison confirmed it was to promote and reward those who went codling fishing as opposed to whiting bashing.
Reason and discussion was sort in that the only reason the whiting size was reduced last year was because members pointed out that when the boundaries (same meeting) were changed there would be little to fish for in lean months and that whiting (from learned members experience) were a lot smaller in local areas. Unfortunately whiting were in abundance last year. (No one likes to see whiting discarded but both D Perrett and N Inglis said they had outlets for any unwanted fish this season.)
It was put to the vote and carried 9 to 6 (total 15 voted, meaning 3 abstained - as Chairman only votes in a tie and P Mead had already left).
* Secretary's note 3rd Sept 2013:-
Looking through the AGM Archives, the 50/50 payout was introduced at the AGM 15th Sept 1999 by Ian Russell seconded by Colin Stainthorpe, vote was 8 to 5 - carried.
It lasted for two seasons and at the AGM 12th Sept. 2001 Neil Inglis proposed the payouts went back to 1st 2nd and 3rd - vote was 7 to 6, carried (seconder was not recorded in the minutes).
B) D Perrett proposed that whiting size is increased back to 33 cms. After a heated debate it was decided to leave the whiting size at 30 cms. Not carried.
C) N Inglis informed the meeting he knew someone who had requested and offered to collect any unwanted fish. D Perrett also confirmed he had been approached for any unwanted fish for pot bait. These to be implemented.
D) A Cass proposed that, his father, Dave Cass be a Vice President seconded B Vasey. Carried unanimously.
E) M Beedle proposed that the club boundaries be extended on the north, to Saltburn pier as he was aware a lot of work was being done on Skinningrove pier. This would also allow members who lived north of Whitby alternatives and cut down on travelling, seconded B Laws. Carried. Rules to be amended.
F) Ship Inn Open was discussed and D Perrett proposed that WSAA and WSAA insurance continues to support the Ship Inn Open as many members take part in this popular local event, seconded B Vasey. Carried unanimously.
Meeting was closed 22.10 hrs as allotted time had been reached.
Still to discuss and finalise are the proposed sweat tops and club emblems.
Meeting started 19.30 hrs, Whitby Rifle Club.
Attending committee members:-
W Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary Club President),
D Perrett (Treasurer),
P Horbury (Secretary)
D Johnson (Honorary member)
R Allison
J Gilpin
C Stainthorpe
P Mead
B Vasey (Honorary member )
N Inglis
B Laws.
No apologies received from D Thompson (Rule 16 - he forfeits his position on the committee)
Attending members:-
Mrs P Pitman
M Pitman
P Short
M Beedle
P Dryden
M Garbutt
D Hambley
A Cass
I Simpson.
20 members in total, an excellent turnout, well done and thank you to all.
Before the meeting started W Atkinson voiced his concerns over the poor dress code by members attending the presentation night.
W Atkinson also voiced his concerns that members had good ideas and if so, should be prepared to organise them themselves as Treasurer and Secretary had more than enough to do.
1. Last years AGM minutes -
Were read by Secretary P Horbury. No matters arising, and confirmed as true by J Gilpin and seconded by R Allison.
2. Chairman’s report -
Nothing further to add.
3. Secretary’s report -
Open registered for Penn points with Alan Yates at Sea Angler Magazine.
Clubman Series, run by Alan Yates at Sea Angler magazine, names of those interested in taking part will be collected as soon as the season starts. Teams will be then be formed based on last years rankings at the end of the season.
Web site doing very well with 87,557 views as of 17.40 hrs today (28th August 2013).
Secretary informed members that Dani & Lee Gale have sadly left the Fleece, Church Street - but the good news WSAA members are welcome in the Fleece as the secretary had introduced himself to current custodians, Stormie and John Coulson earlier in the week.
Food on Wednesdays can be warmed and served if Mrs P Pitman is happy to supply as last year and if she is busy then John Coulson will knock up a soup for members.
The lease on the Fleece is up for sale, therefore Stormie & John Coulson could not commit to sponsorship of the Annual WSAA Open on Sunday 17th November 2013.
The WSAA notice board will be put back up now that the wall has been repainted and ownership has been claimed.
Open News:- The Secretary was pleased to inform members of recent developments and has thanked the following.
i) J Moore (non attending WSAA member apology sent) has donated £100 to the Open (only that morning). He has stipulated that the Committee are free to allocate the money wherever it is needed and can be best used.
ii) S Moore (non attending WSAA member apology sent) has also secured £500 form Wilf Noble Plant Hire for 1st place in the Open match (only that morning).
iii) Mrs P Pitman & Mr M Pitman have also pledged prizes from both shop and fishing boat (members were then informed of their intention and offer to sponsor from both shops, Whitby Seafishing Supplies and the new trading name of Hook Line and Sinker Ltd - both discussed later).
iv) Java Café via B Laws.
v) D Perrett for engraving.
vi) Richard Saltmarsh also donating a prize and will be Official Photographer for the Open match as last year.
4. Treasurer’s report -
Was presented by D Perrett and confirmed as true P Horbury and seconded by I Simpson.
5. Re-election of officials -
Chairman - Honorary W Atkinson proposed R Allison seconded B Vasey. Carried.
Treasurer - D Perrett proposed J Gilpin seconded A Cass. Carried.
Secretary - P Horbury proposed R Allison seconded B Vasey. Carried.
Club President - Honorary W Atkinson proposed P Horbury seconded B Vasey. Carried
Vice President - it was proposed to ask Wilf Noble, being a previous WSAA member.
Proposed N Inglis seconded D Perrett. Carried.
*See any other business item D.
6. Committee -
i) As stated earlier WSAA Rule 16 was evoked as D Thompson having not sent in any apology, his position therefore on the committee has been lost.
ii) P Mead let it be known that he wished to stand down. Phil was thanked for his work with WSAA.
iii) C Stainthorpe also let it be known he wished to stand down. Members tried to get C Stainthorpe to reconsider.
New committee members were elected.
i) A Cass was proposed by C Stainthorpe seconded by P Horbury. Carried.
ii) D Hambley was proposed by R Allison seconded by P Horbury. Carried.
iii) Mrs P Pitman was proposed by W Atkinson and seconded by A Cass. Carried.
The 12 Committee members are therefore:-
W Atkinson (Honorary Chairman)
D Perrett (Treasurer)
P Horbury (Secretary)
D Johnson (Honorary)
R Allison
J Gilpin
B Vasey
N Inglis
B Laws
A Cass
D Hambley
Mrs P Pitman.
7. Subscriptions -
To stay the same currently £15 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep (£20). Proposed N Inglis seconded by J Gilpin.
8. Club Matches -
Treasurer D Perrett asked that, like in previous years subscriptions and match entry fees be put in a named envelope* with at least 4 match entry fees and £2 for Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag competition run by R Allison.
(*see new season start date, due to overlap of Scarborough festival 21st - 29th Sept. 2013 members must include entry into Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag sweeps as there are no matches in Sept. as below from P Short).
P Short informed the meeting that he understood that the Scarborough Festival would clash with WSAA’s seasons start, traditionally last Wednesday of September as the ‘All England Codling Championship’ was on Sunday 29th Sept. 2013. It was reported there is now a 2 week break between the finish of Filey Festival (31st Aug. - 8th Sept.) and the start of Scarborough Festival. Noting the poor dead tide for the All of England Codling Championship 29th Sept. 12.34 hrs 4.1m. Members were understandably in disbelief.
After some quick texting by B Laws, the Scarborough Festival dates were confirmed 21st Sept - 29th Sept. 2013.
After some debate it was decided the 1st match of the 2013 - 2014 Season would be Wednesday 2nd October 2013.
Proposed A Cass seconded B Vasey. Carried.
Therefore the 2013 - 2014 Season comprises of only 49 matches.
A) Christmas Match.
Sunday 22nd December 2013 at Fleece (to be confirmed).
Mrs P Pitman & M Pitman offered to sponsor the Christmas match with £100 from their renamed shop Hook Line and Sinker Ltd (*further discussion later).
Bar break.
Meeting recommenced and noted P Mead had left.
Christmas Break - Monday 23rd Dec 2013 to Saturday 4th Jan 2014, returning Sunday 5th Jan 2014.
Match entries -
To stay the same proposed at £2 - J Gilpin seconded D Perrett.
B) Open Match -
Confirmed Sunday 17th Nov. 2013.
Sponsorship from the Fleece is unlikely at this time, but we will see in case the lease is sold.
£500 from Wilf Noble Plant Hire.
£100 from J Moore.
J Gilpin confirmed Keith’s Sports.
R Allison to ask and report back with Thompson’s Diggers.
D Hambley to report back when he has spoken to J Verrill to confirm Smales Fish and Mariondale Fisheries.
Open times to stay the same 10 pm to 4 pm.
Weigh in to stay the same 4.30 pm to 5.15 pm.
Entrance fee to stay the same at £12.
W Atkinson confirmed meat vouchers from Peter Halders and WSAA will sponsor Scarborough Festival £50.
M Beedle confirmed and thanked for £50 special prize for heaviest Flat fish (to be on poster).
Java, via B Laws confirmed and thanked for £50 special prize for 17th place (to be on poster).
Junior Sponsors
R Allison, A Cass, J Gilpin, G Middlemas and D Hambley £20 each giving a Juniors prize fund of £100.
£50 for First place.
£30 for Second place.
£20 for Third place.
Mrs P Pitman asked for confirmation of the Juniors rule, as potential juniors wished to fish last year but had had no ‘parent or guardian’ willing to accompany them. Therefore questioning if they could accompany her?
It was confirmed that the Rules, are such that, a Junior must be accompanied by a ‘parent or guardian’.
D Perrett to approach Martin Greaves at Whitby Angling Supplies, to be confirmed.
Mrs P Pitman and M Pitman (as members) offered £100 from Whitby Seafishing Supplies towards the Open Prize fund.
This was gratefully received and tickets will be sold from both their shops, Whitby Seafishing Supplies and Hook Line and Sinker.
C) Open Match Meeting -
Once again due to the Scarborough Festival over running with the normal start of the WSAA season it was decided to book a room for a meeting tonight.
A short comfort break was called, during which W Atkinson consulted the bar staff as to the availability of a room for the meeting. Tuesday 15th Oct. 2013 was confirmed.
D) Knockouts -
Secretary, P Horbury asked if anyone would like to organise the knockout competitions. No one was forth coming so P Horbury confirmed he will continue to organise.
Due to the confirmed later season start date it was confirmed the:-
Singles knockouts will commence 3rd Wednesday in October 2013 = 16th.
Doubles knockouts will commence 4th Wednesday in October 2013 = 23rd.
Entry fees £3 / £2 to stay the same proposed J Gilpin seconded D Hambley.
Heaviest Fish and Heaviest Bag Monthly Competitions.
R Allison confirmed he would organise. Once again due to the late start of the 2013 - 2014 Season, members wishing to enter these must put their entry fee in the envelope along with their subs, to be given to the Treasurer after the weigh in, on the first match Wednesday 2nd Oct. 2013. i.e. £20 subs + 4 match entries + £2 HF HB comp = £30.
E) Christmas Match -
Confirmed 22nd December 2013 (this is also the last match of 2013).
Fishing 2 pm to 7 pm with weigh in until 8 pm.
Food was discussed and a plan was put forward that Mrs P Pitman & B Laws to do food if allowed by the Fleece.
Once again this is dependent on who the landlords are at the time. To be confirmed.
Match entry fee to stay the same at £10 proposed by J Gilpin seconded by A Cass. Carried.
Due to the kind sponsorship of £100 for the Christmas Match by Hook Line and Sinker, members Mrs P Pitman & M Pitman, N Inglis proposed seconded by J Gilpin:- that the prize fund be
Heaviest Bag match:-
1st - £50
2nd - £30
3rd - £20
And £25 for Heaviest Fish.
B Vasey reminded the meeting that the Christmas Match is a Heaviest Bag Match.
Secretary P Horbury asked for confirmation, as this proposal was breaking with tradition in that the winner in years gone by (Heaviest Bag) could not also win the Heaviest Fish prize money. As the prize fund of £50 was split 50/50 between HB & HF.
D Perrett read a note from the ledger:-
“Heaviest Fish to take preference in the event of having Heaviest Bag and Heaviest Fish. 2nd Heaviest bag takes Heaviest Bag. Day Matches inc. Bell Trophy.”
N Inglis confirmed his proposal seconded again by J Gilpin. Carried.
Ticket price £10 to stay same proposed R Allison seconded D Perrett. Carried
The remainder of the cash receipts from ticket sales would as normal buy the prizes to continue the tradition that no one goes home without a prize whether they caught a fish or not (and raffle prizes).
9. Any Other Business -
A) R Allison proposed seconded by M Beedle that all match winnings be split 50 / 50 every match by Heaviest Fish / Heaviest Bag. Replacing the current 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
This was not well received, as it was reported I Russell* successfully proposed this same thing years ago and it only lasted one season as it was strongly disliked.
R Allison confirmed it was to promote and reward those who went codling fishing as opposed to whiting bashing.
Reason and discussion was sort in that the only reason the whiting size was reduced last year was because members pointed out that when the boundaries (same meeting) were changed there would be little to fish for in lean months and that whiting (from learned members experience) were a lot smaller in local areas. Unfortunately whiting were in abundance last year. (No one likes to see whiting discarded but both D Perrett and N Inglis said they had outlets for any unwanted fish this season.)
It was put to the vote and carried 9 to 6 (total 15 voted, meaning 3 abstained - as Chairman only votes in a tie and P Mead had already left).
* Secretary's note 3rd Sept 2013:-
Looking through the AGM Archives, the 50/50 payout was introduced at the AGM 15th Sept 1999 by Ian Russell seconded by Colin Stainthorpe, vote was 8 to 5 - carried.
It lasted for two seasons and at the AGM 12th Sept. 2001 Neil Inglis proposed the payouts went back to 1st 2nd and 3rd - vote was 7 to 6, carried (seconder was not recorded in the minutes).
B) D Perrett proposed that whiting size is increased back to 33 cms. After a heated debate it was decided to leave the whiting size at 30 cms. Not carried.
C) N Inglis informed the meeting he knew someone who had requested and offered to collect any unwanted fish. D Perrett also confirmed he had been approached for any unwanted fish for pot bait. These to be implemented.
D) A Cass proposed that, his father, Dave Cass be a Vice President seconded B Vasey. Carried unanimously.
E) M Beedle proposed that the club boundaries be extended on the north, to Saltburn pier as he was aware a lot of work was being done on Skinningrove pier. This would also allow members who lived north of Whitby alternatives and cut down on travelling, seconded B Laws. Carried. Rules to be amended.
F) Ship Inn Open was discussed and D Perrett proposed that WSAA and WSAA insurance continues to support the Ship Inn Open as many members take part in this popular local event, seconded B Vasey. Carried unanimously.
Meeting was closed 22.10 hrs as allotted time had been reached.
Still to discuss and finalise are the proposed sweat tops and club emblems.