WSAA Rules |
2024 - 2025 Season
Amended after Committee meeting Tues 9th July 2024
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time (Fleece car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 22.15 - 22.30hrs [amended 09/07/2024 Committee meeting] on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exceptions of the Open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster & WSAA members Christmas match 19.45hrs [amended 2023]. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other Open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the Open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an Open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the Open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members [W Atkinson, D Johnson, B Vasey, D Perrett] are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, and out of Club hours [Wed 19.00 - 22.00hrs & Sun 18.00 - 22.00hrs], runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D) Weigh-in times 22.15 - 22.30hrs [Committee meeting 09/07/2024].
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 2nd Sept 2015 AOB No. 1] The use of drones and bait launchers are prohibited.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
27. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022 AOB ] - Any undersized fish put on the scales results in a 2 lb deduction. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
28. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Fish bags must be empty at the start of the match.
29. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Not fishing - Members must text-in before the match starts ‘Not fishing’ or be counted as fishing.
1. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
Bernard Vasey has volunteered to be the Committee member co-ordinator.
3 Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time (Fleece car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 22.15 - 22.30hrs [amended 09/07/2024 Committee meeting] on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exceptions of the Open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster & WSAA members Christmas match 19.45hrs [amended 2023]. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other Open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the Open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an Open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the Open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members [W Atkinson, D Johnson, B Vasey, D Perrett] are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, and out of Club hours [Wed 19.00 - 22.00hrs & Sun 18.00 - 22.00hrs], runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D) Weigh-in times 22.15 - 22.30hrs [Committee meeting 09/07/2024].
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 2nd Sept 2015 AOB No. 1] The use of drones and bait launchers are prohibited.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
27. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022 AOB ] - Any undersized fish put on the scales results in a 2 lb deduction. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
28. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Fish bags must be empty at the start of the match.
29. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Not fishing - Members must text-in before the match starts ‘Not fishing’ or be counted as fishing.
1. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
Bernard Vasey has volunteered to be the Committee member co-ordinator.
3 Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
2023 - 2024 Season
Amended after Committee meeting Wed 12th July 2023 & again Xmas match meeting.
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time (Fleece car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exceptions of the Open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster & WSAA members Christmas match 19.45hrs [amended 2023]. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other Open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the Open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an Open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the Open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members [W Atkinson, D Johnson, B Vasey, D Perrett] are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022 AOB ] - Any undersized fish put on the scales results in a 2 lb deduction. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
27. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Fish bags must be empty at the start of the match.
28. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Not fishing - Members must text-in before the match starts ‘Not fishing’ or be counted as fishing.
1. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
Bernard Vasey has volunteered to be the Committee member co-ordinator.
3 Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time (Fleece car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exceptions of the Open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster & WSAA members Christmas match 19.45hrs [amended 2023]. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other Open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the Open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an Open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the Open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members [W Atkinson, D Johnson, B Vasey, D Perrett] are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022 AOB ] - Any undersized fish put on the scales results in a 2 lb deduction. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
27. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Fish bags must be empty at the start of the match.
28. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Not fishing - Members must text-in before the match starts ‘Not fishing’ or be counted as fishing.
1. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
Bernard Vasey has volunteered to be the Committee member co-ordinator.
3 Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
2022 - 2023 Season
Amended after AGM Tues 2nd Aug 2022
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time (Fleece car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the Open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member). Members must follow Covid-19 Rules (where applicable).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other Open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the Open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an Open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the Open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members [W Atkinson, D Johnson, B Vasey, D Perrett] are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022 AOB ] - Any undersized fish put on the scales results in a 2 lb deduction. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
27. [AGM 9th Sept. 2020 AOB No.6] WSAA membership enrolment closes Oct 31st.
28. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Fish bags must be empty at the start of the match.
29. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Not fishing - Members must text-in before the match starts ‘Not fishing’ or be counted as fishing.
1. “It is a recommendation for members to wear a face mask covering when in close proximity to others, and abide to social distancing rules according to current guidelines.” [AGM 09/09/2020]
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
Bernard Vasey has volunteered to be the Committee member co-ordinator.
3 Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time (Fleece car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the Open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member). Members must follow Covid-19 Rules (where applicable).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other Open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the Open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an Open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the Open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members [W Atkinson, D Johnson, B Vasey, D Perrett] are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022 AOB ] - Any undersized fish put on the scales results in a 2 lb deduction. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
27. [AGM 9th Sept. 2020 AOB No.6] WSAA membership enrolment closes Oct 31st.
28. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Fish bags must be empty at the start of the match.
29. [AGM 2nd Aug 2022] Not fishing - Members must text-in before the match starts ‘Not fishing’ or be counted as fishing.
1. “It is a recommendation for members to wear a face mask covering when in close proximity to others, and abide to social distancing rules according to current guidelines.” [AGM 09/09/2020]
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
Bernard Vasey has volunteered to be the Committee member co-ordinator.
3 Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
2021-2022 Season
Amended after AGM Wed 1st Sept 2021
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time (Fleece car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the Open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member). Members must follow Covid-19 Rules (where applicable).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other Open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the Open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an Open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the Open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members [W Atkinson, D Johnson, B Vasey, D Perrett] are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - Anyone returning [to the scales] with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
27. [AGM 9th Sept. 2020 AOB No.6] WSAA membership enrolment closes Oct 31st.
1. “It is a recommendation for members to wear a face mask covering when in close proximity to others, and abide to social distancing rules according to current guidelines.” [AGM 09/09/2020]
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
Bernard Vasey has volunteered to be the Committee member co-ordinator.
3 Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time (Fleece car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the Open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member). Members must follow Covid-19 Rules (where applicable).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other Open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the Open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an Open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the Open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members [W Atkinson, D Johnson, B Vasey, D Perrett] are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - Anyone returning [to the scales] with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
27. [AGM 9th Sept. 2020 AOB No.6] WSAA membership enrolment closes Oct 31st.
1. “It is a recommendation for members to wear a face mask covering when in close proximity to others, and abide to social distancing rules according to current guidelines.” [AGM 09/09/2020]
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
Bernard Vasey has volunteered to be the Committee member co-ordinator.
3 Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
2020-2021 Season
Amended after AGM Wed 9th Sept 2020
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of this season, members do not meet at the ‘Bandstand’, they treat it as a normal Wed, night match.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time (See AOB No. 4 - weigh-in Marina car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member). Members must follow Covid-19 Rules.
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - Anyone returning [to the scales] with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
27. [AGM 9th Sept. 2020 AOB No.1] No practice casting before any match. See also Rule 13
28. [AGM 9th Sept. 2020 AOB No.6] WSAA membership enrolment closes Oct 31st.
1. “It is a recommendation for members to wear a face mask covering when in close proximity to others, and abide to social distancing rules according to current guidelines.” [AGM 09/09/2020]
2. Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
1. Match entry fee is £2.50, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, £0.70 goes to WSAA funds. Prize pool £1.80 split £0.60 1st Heaviest Bag, £0.60 Heaviest Fish, £0.60 split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 09/09/2020) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of this season, members do not meet at the ‘Bandstand’, they treat it as a normal Wed, night match.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time (See AOB No. 4 - weigh-in Marina car park). Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member). Members must follow Covid-19 Rules.
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open - Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling, as are ladies & juniors [AGM 09/09/2020].
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM 28th Aug 2019 AOB ] - Anyone returning [to the scales] with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
27. [AGM 9th Sept. 2020 AOB No.1] No practice casting before any match. See also Rule 13
28. [AGM 9th Sept. 2020 AOB No.6] WSAA membership enrolment closes Oct 31st.
1. “It is a recommendation for members to wear a face mask covering when in close proximity to others, and abide to social distancing rules according to current guidelines.” [AGM 09/09/2020]
2. Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
2019-2020 Season
Amended after AGM Wed 28th August 2019
1. Match entry fee is £2, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, 25% (50p) of which goes to WSAA funds. Prize money* 25% 1st Heaviest Bag, 25% Heaviest Fish, 25% split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 03/09/2014) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time. Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open it's Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019] - Anyone returning with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
1. WSAA Open Match, please try to secure sponsorship / prizes, distribute posters (AGM 04/09/2008).
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008). Malcolm Pitman is committee member (AGM 02/09/2015) responsible to collecting & collating members raffle prizes at Hook, Line & Sinker.
3. Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
1. Match entry fee is £2, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, 25% (50p) of which goes to WSAA funds. Prize money* 25% 1st Heaviest Bag, 25% Heaviest Fish, 25% split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 03/09/2014) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £18, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £25 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time. Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh-master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh-master’. The weigh-master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh-master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you. See Rules 24, 25, & 26 [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019]
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open it's Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote [having paid their subscription in-full in a named, sealed envelope to the WSAA Treasurer {AGM 2nd Sept. 2015}] with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest Fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales [out of hours with Bernard Vasey or Peter Horbury], at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last Wed/Sun to and including 23rd December and returning Wed/Sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
24. [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019] - The facility to 'Fish & Pay' later is removed from any member who does not return to the scales to settle his dues having said 'they are fishing then does not return to the scales'.
25. [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019] - Members are responsible for contacting either Peter Horbury or Dave Perrett directly themselves and NOT to ask a third party/others to pass on a message.
26. [AGM AOB 28th Aug 2019] - Anyone returning with undersized fish forfeit their total match weight for that night/match. Members must have their own fish measure & the fish measure at the scales is for the use of the weigh-masters only.
1. WSAA Open Match, please try to secure sponsorship / prizes, distribute posters (AGM 04/09/2008).
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008). Malcolm Pitman is committee member (AGM 02/09/2015) responsible to collecting & collating members raffle prizes at Hook, Line & Sinker.
3. Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
‘Whitby Sea Anglers Association’
Open Competition Rules
2019 - 2020
Open Competition Rules
2019 - 2020
• Exclusion of Liability - Neither the Club nor its Officials or Committee shall be liable for any damage to property, loss, death or injury caused to any full and temporary Open members arising from their participation in any competitions held by the Club.
• Insurance - It is recommended that all full & temporary Open members shall insure themselves against damage, loss, death or injury arising from the sport of Angling including their participation in any competition held by the Club.
• Ticket sales cease at 10.15hrs on the day, and are non-refundable.
• Please park responsibly, ensure access for landowners & emergency services.
• No competitor can fish 90 minutes before the start of the match.
• Competitors can only use one rod for fishing at any time.
• Assistance may be given to cast out, gaff, lift, or land fish, but only competitors must strike and play fish for themselves.
• Only two hooks may be used at any one time or one twin point (no treble hooks).
• Juniors (under 17yrs) can win a Senior prize with a Junior entry fee ticket.
• Juniors must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.
• Fish presented at the weigh-in, must be retained ungutted and be available for examination up to 30 minutes after the weigh-in.
• Unwanted fish to be placed in the bucket provided
& not thrown in the harbour - thank you.
• The following are not eligible to be weighed-in: Rockling, Rays Bream, and lumpsuckers.
• Size limits are: Codling, Coalfish, Pollock, Wrasse 35cm, Eels 38cm, Whiting 30cm, Plaice 27cm, Flat Fish 25cm, Pouting 25cm, Skate 46cm wing tip to wing tip. No Bass. If not referred to above, then 25cm.
• Any objections must be lodged with the officials during the weigh-in, or they will not be entertained.
• In the event of a dispute then the organisers will adjudicate and have the power to disqualify.
• Any angler in breach of the rules will be disqualified.
• Defaced or photocopied tickets will not be accepted by the weigh master.
• Boundaries ~ Skinningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey, and Whitby Harbour seaward side of the swing bridge.
• Prizes - STRICTLY NO 3rd party collection, to be collected in person.
• At 5.00 pm a WSAA committee member will stop any late anglers joining the weigh-in, in the event of a queue.
• Insurance - It is recommended that all full & temporary Open members shall insure themselves against damage, loss, death or injury arising from the sport of Angling including their participation in any competition held by the Club.
• Ticket sales cease at 10.15hrs on the day, and are non-refundable.
• Please park responsibly, ensure access for landowners & emergency services.
• No competitor can fish 90 minutes before the start of the match.
• Competitors can only use one rod for fishing at any time.
• Assistance may be given to cast out, gaff, lift, or land fish, but only competitors must strike and play fish for themselves.
• Only two hooks may be used at any one time or one twin point (no treble hooks).
• Juniors (under 17yrs) can win a Senior prize with a Junior entry fee ticket.
• Juniors must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.
• Fish presented at the weigh-in, must be retained ungutted and be available for examination up to 30 minutes after the weigh-in.
• Unwanted fish to be placed in the bucket provided
& not thrown in the harbour - thank you.
• The following are not eligible to be weighed-in: Rockling, Rays Bream, and lumpsuckers.
• Size limits are: Codling, Coalfish, Pollock, Wrasse 35cm, Eels 38cm, Whiting 30cm, Plaice 27cm, Flat Fish 25cm, Pouting 25cm, Skate 46cm wing tip to wing tip. No Bass. If not referred to above, then 25cm.
• Any objections must be lodged with the officials during the weigh-in, or they will not be entertained.
• In the event of a dispute then the organisers will adjudicate and have the power to disqualify.
• Any angler in breach of the rules will be disqualified.
• Defaced or photocopied tickets will not be accepted by the weigh master.
• Boundaries ~ Skinningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey, and Whitby Harbour seaward side of the swing bridge.
• Prizes - STRICTLY NO 3rd party collection, to be collected in person.
• At 5.00 pm a WSAA committee member will stop any late anglers joining the weigh-in, in the event of a queue.
2018-2019 Season
Amended after AGM Wed 29th August 2018
1. Match entry fee is £2, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, 25% (50p) of which goes to WSAA funds. Prize money* 25% 1st Heaviest Bag, 25% Heaviest Fish, 25% split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 03/09/2014) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £15, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £22 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time. Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh master’. The weigh master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you.
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open it's Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Members who do not intend to fish the coming years matches are requested not to vote on issues which will only effect members who will be fishing, however no member will be denied a vote. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales, at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last wed/sun to and including 23rd December and returning wed/sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
1. WSAA Open Match, please try to secure sponsorship / prizes, distribute posters (AGM 04/09/2008).
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008). Malcolm Pitman is committee member (AGM 02/09/2015) responsible to collecting & collating members raffle prizes at Hook, Line & Sinker.
3. Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
1. Match entry fee is £2, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, 25% (50p) of which goes to WSAA funds. Prize money* 25% 1st Heaviest Bag, 25% Heaviest Fish, 25% split 30/20 for 2nd/3rd Heaviest Bags (*AGM 03/09/2014) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 6.30 and 6.45 pm (departure 6.45pm after group photograph). Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 7.30 pm.
2. Club subscriptions are £15, plus £5 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £22 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.} Honorary members £7 (£3+£4). Juniors £8.50. Club subscriptions to be collected at AGM (AGM 02/09/2015) giving members a voting right.
(The mandatory insurance was increased from £3 to £5 AGM 29th Aug 2018 to cover the shortfall in income to cover the insurance premium, making subscriptions £22, Honorary members £7)
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilised. (AGM 29/08/2012). Drones & rocket launchers to aide casting are prohibited (AGM 02/09/2015).
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 7pm-10pm on Wednesday, 6pm-10pm on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh in their own fish at the designated time. Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 10pm-10.30 pm prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh-in after 10.30 pm. The decision of the weigh master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed-in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgements of the ‘weigh master’. The weigh master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or ring / text Dave Perrett on (Numbers printed on issued copies to members) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non-compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh in for two reasons. 1) To pay your dues and 2) So we do not send out a search party for you.
11. Junior members (under 17yrs at start of the season) must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Open Match - Junior if under 17yrs.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend, {5 is the minimum req'd}). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 5.30-6pm on Sunday and between 6.30-7pm on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the open.
14. The Club match boundaries are Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey (AGM 02/09/2015) & for the WSAA Open it's Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote with the exception of the clubs chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The outgoing committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Members who do not intend to fish the coming years matches are requested not to vote on issues which will only effect members who will be fishing, however no member will be denied a vote. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 Heaviest Fish/Heaviest Bag. In the event the Heaviest Fish comes from the Heaviest Bag then the Heaviest Fish takes preference. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes the Heaviest Bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to take away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales, at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSSA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last wed/sun to and including 23rd December and returning wed/sun to and including 2nd January.
22. It will be the duty of the first angler/committee member back to collect the scales from the cellar and start to organize the weighing of fish. (AGM 2007 - Any Other Business D)
23. Inappropriate use of 'social media forums', against the Committee or fellow members will be deemed as bringing the club into disrepute. Offenders will be brought before the Committee, which may result in expulsion.
1. WSAA Open Match, please try to secure sponsorship / prizes, distribute posters (AGM 04/09/2008).
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008). Malcolm Pitman is committee member (AGM 02/09/2015) responsible to collecting & collating members raffle prizes at Hook, Line & Sinker.
3. Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
Tight lines
Peter Horbury
‘Whitby Sea Anglers Association’
Open Competition Rules
2017 - 2018
Open Competition Rules
2017 - 2018
• Exclusion of Liability - Neither the Club nor its Officials or Committee shall be liable for any damage to property, loss, death or injury caused to any full and temporary Open members arising from their participation in any competitions held by the Club.
• Insurance - It is recommended that all full & temporary Open members shall insure themselves against damage, loss, death or injury arising from the sport of Angling including their participation in any competition held by the Club.
• Please park responsibly, ensure access for landowners & emergency services.
• No competitor can fish 90 minutes before the start of the match.
• Competitors can only use one rod for fishing at any time, and must weigh-in their own fish.
• Assistance may be given to cast out, gaff, lift, or land fish, but only competitors must strike and play fish for themselves.
• Only two hooks may be used at any one time or one twin point (no treble hooks).
• Juniors (under 17yrs) may only win the juniors prize unless they have purchased a senior ticket.
• Juniors must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.
• Fish presented at the weigh-in, must be retained ungutted and be available for examination up to 30 minutes after the weigh-in.
• Unwanted fish to be placed in the bucket provided & not thrown in the harbour - thank you.
• The following are not eligible to be weighed-in: rockling, rays bream, and lumpsuckers.
• Size limits are:-
Skate 46 cm wing tip to wing tip.
Bass* 42 cm *(max 1 bag limit)
Eels 38 cm
Codling, Coalfish/billet, Pollock, Wrasse 35 cm
Whiting 30 cm
Plaice 27 cm
Flat Fish, Pouting 25 cm
If not referred to above, then 25cm.
• Any objections must be lodged with the officials during the weigh-in, or they will not be entertained.
• In the event of a dispute then the organisers will adjudicate and have the power to disqualify.
• Any angler in breach of the rules will be disqualified.
• Defaced or photocopied tickets will not be accepted by the weigh master.
• Boundaries ~ Skinningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey, and Whitby Harbour seaward side of the swing bridge.
• Prizes - STRICTLY NO 3rd party collection, to be collected in person.
• At 5.15 pm a WSAA committee member will stop any late anglers joining the weigh-in, in the event of a queue.
• Insurance - It is recommended that all full & temporary Open members shall insure themselves against damage, loss, death or injury arising from the sport of Angling including their participation in any competition held by the Club.
• Please park responsibly, ensure access for landowners & emergency services.
• No competitor can fish 90 minutes before the start of the match.
• Competitors can only use one rod for fishing at any time, and must weigh-in their own fish.
• Assistance may be given to cast out, gaff, lift, or land fish, but only competitors must strike and play fish for themselves.
• Only two hooks may be used at any one time or one twin point (no treble hooks).
• Juniors (under 17yrs) may only win the juniors prize unless they have purchased a senior ticket.
• Juniors must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.
• Fish presented at the weigh-in, must be retained ungutted and be available for examination up to 30 minutes after the weigh-in.
• Unwanted fish to be placed in the bucket provided & not thrown in the harbour - thank you.
• The following are not eligible to be weighed-in: rockling, rays bream, and lumpsuckers.
• Size limits are:-
Skate 46 cm wing tip to wing tip.
Bass* 42 cm *(max 1 bag limit)
Eels 38 cm
Codling, Coalfish/billet, Pollock, Wrasse 35 cm
Whiting 30 cm
Plaice 27 cm
Flat Fish, Pouting 25 cm
If not referred to above, then 25cm.
• Any objections must be lodged with the officials during the weigh-in, or they will not be entertained.
• In the event of a dispute then the organisers will adjudicate and have the power to disqualify.
• Any angler in breach of the rules will be disqualified.
• Defaced or photocopied tickets will not be accepted by the weigh master.
• Boundaries ~ Skinningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey, and Whitby Harbour seaward side of the swing bridge.
• Prizes - STRICTLY NO 3rd party collection, to be collected in person.
• At 5.15 pm a WSAA committee member will stop any late anglers joining the weigh-in, in the event of a queue.
Previous WSAA Rule Book |
WSAA Rules 2013-2014 Season
Amended 29th August 2013.
1. Match entry fee is £2, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, 25% (50p) of which goes to WSAA funds. Prize money* is divided 50 / 50 for Heaviest Bag of Fish (*AGM 28th Aug. 2013) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 18.30 and 18.45 hrs. Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 19.15 hrs.
2. Club subscriptions are £15, plus £3 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £20 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.}
Honorary members £5 (£3+£2). Juniors £8.50.
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilized. (AGM 29/08/2012)
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays, Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 19.00 - 22.00 hrs on Wednesday, 18.00 - 22.00 hrs on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time. Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 22.00 - 22.30 hrs prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh in after 22.30 hrs. The decision of the weigh master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgement of the ‘weigh master’. The weigh master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or text Dave Perrett on (Phone No. on printed version given to members at enrollment) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) to pay your dues and 2) so we do not send out a search party for you.
11. Junior* members must be accompanied by parent/guardian.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 17.30 - 18.00 hrs on Sunday and between 18.30 - 19.00 hrs on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the open.
14. The club boundaries are the Saltburn Pier (AGM 28th Aug. 2013) and the South Landing Flamborough. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote with the exception of the clubs Chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The out going committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Members who do not intend to fish the coming years matches are requested not to vote on issues which will only effect members who will be fishing, however no member will be denied a vote. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 heaviest fish/heaviest bag. In the event the heaviest fish comes from the heaviest bag then the heaviest fish takes preference. 2nd heaviest bag takes the heaviest bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to tidy away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales, at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSAA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last wed/sun to and including 23rd December and returning wed/sun to and including 2nd January.
* A junior is under 17 years.
1. WSAA Open Match, please try to secure sponsorship / prizes, distribute posters (AGM 04/09/2008).
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
3. Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
1. Match entry fee is £2, STRICTLY PAID IN ADVANCE, 25% (50p) of which goes to WSAA funds. Prize money* is divided 50 / 50 for Heaviest Bag of Fish (*AGM 28th Aug. 2013) See Rule 10. On the 1st match of the season, members meet at the ‘Bandstand’, between 18.30 and 18.45 hrs. Anyone unable to do so, cannot start fishing until 19.15 hrs.
2. Club subscriptions are £15, plus £3 mandatory insurance** and £2 for ‘Heaviest Fish’ and ‘Heaviest Bag’ of the season – mandatory. £20 in total. {**No official of the club will be responsible for any failed insurance claim {ie policyholder not covered for this activity} as this policy was agreed at AGM 04/09/2008.}
Honorary members £5 (£3+£2). Juniors £8.50.
3. Anglers must use only 1 rod or 1 line with no more than 2 hooks or 1 twin point hook. Floats, corks and jelly worms allowed. All types of beads of any size, colour or description may be utilized. (AGM 29/08/2012)
4. All baits either natural or artificial (including pilchard oil or even WD40) are allowed. Artificial LURES of any type may be used including, plugs, red gills, shads etc. No spinners, no treble hooks to be used. (AGM 29/08/2012)
5. Only fish complying with the club size limits maybe weighed-in. Rays, Bream & Lump suckers are not allowed to be weighed-in. All fish must be caught within the match times i.e. 19.00 - 22.00 hrs on Wednesday, 18.00 - 22.00 hrs on a Sunday.
6. Members must weigh-in their own fish at the designated time. Amalgamation of catches is not allowed. The weigh-in times are 22.00 - 22.30 hrs prompt on a Wednesday and Sunday with the exception of the open matches and the Bell Trophy where the match times are stipulated on the ticket or poster. You will not be allowed to weigh in after 22.30 hrs. The decision of the weigh master regarding time must be respected by all. All fish must be clean prior to being weighed in (i.e. removal of sand, grass and mud etc). Gutted fish will not be weighed.
7. The ‘weigh-in’ is the sole responsibility of the weights and measures committee member or other delegated committee member, the decision of this person regarding the weighing of fish is final. All members please respect the judgement of the ‘weigh master’. The weigh master will weigh all fish and there must be at least 2 people present at the scales when the fish are weighed (i.e. weigh master plus any other club member).
8. A member may receive assistance in casting out, undoing ravels and landing fish. Anglers must otherwise handle their own rod, strike the fish and reel it in. A member may not ask a fellow member or angler to hold his rod whilst he baits up, failure to comply with this will result in disqualification from that match. However if a member wishes to move his gear (e.g. tide coming in) then it is acceptable to ask another angler to hold his rod.
9. No hooked fish, that is fast/irretrievable, can be ‘tied off’ whilst the angler continues to fish with another hook & trace. {ie cutting line and tying to an anchor point and retrieved once tide has ebbed off} You may however remain in contact with the fish and recover as tide ebbs. See Rule 3.
10. See Rule 1, match fee. Anyone unable to pay before a match should either contact a committee member or text Dave Perrett on (Phone No. on printed version given to members at enrollment) prior to the match to say they wish to fish. Again non compliance with this rule WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION and deduction of any fish weight accumulated on the night in question. Having said you will fish you must attend the weigh-in for two reasons. 1) to pay your dues and 2) so we do not send out a search party for you.
11. Junior* members must be accompanied by parent/guardian.
12. Any objection or dispute must be raised at the weigh-in. The decision of the committee is final. In case of serious disputes (e.g. alleged cheating) the alleger may request an emergency committee meeting. Serious disputes must be dealt with by the committee and are not the responsibility of any one individual (all committee members should be given the opportunity to attend). The person accused must be given the chance to defend themselves before the committee.
13. No club member is allowed to fish in the ½ hour preceding every match i.e. you cannot fish between 17.30 - 18.00 hrs on Sunday and between 18.30 - 19.00 hrs on Wednesday or the 2 hours prior the Whitby Open. Anglers fishing other open matches may fish within this 2 hour period so long as they stop fishing at the end of the open match and do not cast in until the start of the club match. Where an open match and club match overlap you will not be permitted to fish the club match until 30 minutes after the end of the open.
14. The club boundaries are the Saltburn Pier (AGM 28th Aug. 2013) and the South Landing Flamborough. Anglers may fish anywhere in the tidal River Esk up to the swing bridge.
15. In the clubs knockout matches the match must be fished on the stipulated date. If for any reason an angler/s cannot fish, it is then 'their' responsibility to inform their opponent/s and rearrange the match to a suitable date. If the person/s fails to inform their opponent/s the match is awarded to the opposition. If the match is not fished before the next round of the competition then the angler/s unable to fish will be disqualified. If you fish all matches up to next round, toss a coin.
16. Voting rights at meetings, only committee members may attend and vote at the clubs committee meetings. With regards to the clubs AGM all current members may vote with the exception of the clubs Chairman who will only have a vote should any poll of club members be tied. The out going committee remains in place until the end of the meeting when the newly elected officers will take office. Members who do not intend to fish the coming years matches are requested not to vote on issues which will only effect members who will be fishing, however no member will be denied a vote. Any committee member who fails to attend an AGM and has not sent his apologies will forfeit his position on the committee (AGM 29/08/2012).
17. Members must have fished or paid for 6 matches before they are eligible to fish the clubs Christmas Match. Honorary members are exempt from this ruling.
18. ‘Day Match Sweeps’. 50/50 heaviest fish/heaviest bag. In the event the heaviest fish comes from the heaviest bag then the heaviest fish takes preference. 2nd heaviest bag takes the heaviest bag sweep.
19. Anglers are requested to tidy away all their rubbish after each match.
20. Heaviest fish caught ‘out of match’, but within club boundaries, runs between the end of the 1st & start of the last match of season. You can weigh your fish on club scales, at a local tackle shop, or if caught in a ‘none’ club match i.e. open, keep your weigh-in slip. Witnessed and written confirmation required from a tackle shop or member of WSAA of un-gutted fish.
21. Christmas break runs from the last wed/sun to and including 23rd December and returning wed/sun to and including 2nd January.
* A junior is under 17 years.
1. WSAA Open Match, please try to secure sponsorship / prizes, distribute posters (AGM 04/09/2008).
2. Every club member is EXPECTED TO PROVIDE A RAFFLE PRIZE at the WSAA Open match (AGM 04/09/2008).
3. Finally, it is in your own interest to attend the AGM in August/September, the meeting regards the open match Oct/Nov. Support your fellow members and attend the presentation night.
© all rights reserved.
email please use the Contact Us form, thank you.
14th November 2013 - Legal
1 - Neither Whitby Sea Anglers Association nor the Committee shall be held responsible for damage, loss or injury by any person in connection with the Open Match. Many venues within the Open Boundaries are considered to be high risk venues due to access and the nature of their surroundings. Only anglers who are experienced and familiar with these venues should attempt to fish them and even then the utmost discretion should be used taking into consideration the prevailing conditions.
2 - Whitby Sea Anglers Association and the Committee accept 'No Responsibility' for those wishing to access or fish such venues and strongly recommends that all participating 'Anglers' have 'Club' or 'Personal Liability and Injury Insurance'.
Therefore - WSAA Insurance will no longer be able to cover The Ship Inn Open as from November 2013.
WSAA insurance only covers members whom are named on the policy, as the insurance company have changed their policy.
Dave Perrett (Club Treasurer) has been in touch with match organizer Paul Kilpatrick.
1 - Neither Whitby Sea Anglers Association nor the Committee shall be held responsible for damage, loss or injury by any person in connection with the Open Match. Many venues within the Open Boundaries are considered to be high risk venues due to access and the nature of their surroundings. Only anglers who are experienced and familiar with these venues should attempt to fish them and even then the utmost discretion should be used taking into consideration the prevailing conditions.
2 - Whitby Sea Anglers Association and the Committee accept 'No Responsibility' for those wishing to access or fish such venues and strongly recommends that all participating 'Anglers' have 'Club' or 'Personal Liability and Injury Insurance'.
Therefore - WSAA Insurance will no longer be able to cover The Ship Inn Open as from November 2013.
WSAA insurance only covers members whom are named on the policy, as the insurance company have changed their policy.
Dave Perrett (Club Treasurer) has been in touch with match organizer Paul Kilpatrick.
Photocopy of note in the back of the WSAA Ledger 1979 - 2013. Rule 18 applies.
AGM 28th Aug. 2013. Any Other Business A
* 2013 - 2014 Season is 50/50 Heaviest Bag of Fish / Heaviest Fish. Heaviest Fish to take preference in the event of having Heaviest Bag and Heaviest Fish. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes Heaviest Bag (Day matches, inc Bell Trophy).
* 2013 - 2014 Season is 50/50 Heaviest Bag of Fish / Heaviest Fish. Heaviest Fish to take preference in the event of having Heaviest Bag and Heaviest Fish. 2nd Heaviest Bag takes Heaviest Bag (Day matches, inc Bell Trophy).
‘Whitby Sea Anglers Association’
Open Competition Rules
• No competitor can fish 90 minutes before the start of the match.
• Competitors can only use one rod for fishing at any time.
• Assistance may be given to cast out, gaff, lift, or land fish, but only competitors must strike and play fish for themselves.
• Only two hooks may be used at any one time or one twin point (no treble hooks).
• Juniors may only win the juniors prize unless they have a senior’s ticket.
• Juniors must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.
• Fish presented at the weigh-in, must be retained ungutted and be available for examination up to 30 minutes after the weigh-in.
• The following are not eligible to be weighed in: rockling, Rays bream, and lumpsuckers.
• Size limits are: Codling, Coalfish 35cm, Eels 38cm, Bass 41cm, Whiting 30cm, Pouting 25cm, and Wrasse 35cm. If not referred to above, then 25cm.
• Any objections must be lodged with the officials during the weigh-in, or they will not be entertained.
• In the event of a dispute then the organisers will adjudicate and have the power to disqualify.
• Any angler in breach of the rules will be disqualified.
• Defaced or photocopied tickets will not be accepted by the weigh master.
• Boundaries ~ Skinningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey, and Whitby Harbour seaward side of swing bridge.
• Prizes - STRICTLY NO 3rd party collection, to be collected in person.
• Competitors can only use one rod for fishing at any time.
• Assistance may be given to cast out, gaff, lift, or land fish, but only competitors must strike and play fish for themselves.
• Only two hooks may be used at any one time or one twin point (no treble hooks).
• Juniors may only win the juniors prize unless they have a senior’s ticket.
• Juniors must be accompanied by a parent / guardian.
• Fish presented at the weigh-in, must be retained ungutted and be available for examination up to 30 minutes after the weigh-in.
• The following are not eligible to be weighed in: rockling, Rays bream, and lumpsuckers.
• Size limits are: Codling, Coalfish 35cm, Eels 38cm, Bass 41cm, Whiting 30cm, Pouting 25cm, and Wrasse 35cm. If not referred to above, then 25cm.
• Any objections must be lodged with the officials during the weigh-in, or they will not be entertained.
• In the event of a dispute then the organisers will adjudicate and have the power to disqualify.
• Any angler in breach of the rules will be disqualified.
• Defaced or photocopied tickets will not be accepted by the weigh master.
• Boundaries ~ Skinningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey, and Whitby Harbour seaward side of swing bridge.
• Prizes - STRICTLY NO 3rd party collection, to be collected in person.
Published 2012
Last edit 30th October 2017
Last edit 30th October 2017