Wednesday 30th Aug 2017
Whitby Rifle Club
7.30pm prompt
7.30pm prompt
Wed 30th Aug 2017
Minutes of Annual General Meeting Wednesday 30th August 2017
Meeting started 19.34 hrs, Whitby Rifle Club.
Attending Committee members:-
William Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary President),
Dave Perrett (Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Rob Allison
James Gilpin
Andrew Cass
Paula Pitman
Malcolm Pitman
Paul Short - Elected Committee member see note 6
Apologies received from Dave Johnson (Honorary), Ben Laws
No apologies received from Mick Beedle - Committee member
Attending members:- in no specific order
Danny Middlemas
Jason Ebison
James Moore
Colin Stainthorpe
Mike Saunders
Dave Ward
Denis Thompson
Dave Hambley
Ste Swales
Stu Swales
Richard Deadman
Rob Taylor
Niki McCourt
23 members in total, another excellent turnout, well done and thank you for taking the time.
As last year, Honorary Chairman William Atkinson brought the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming.
Peter Horbury asked if all members present had handed in their subscriptions.
1. Minutes of last years AGM –
Secretary Peter Horbury asked for a proposer & seconder to confirm the minutes of last years AGM as a true account (Minutes of last years meeting had been ‘on-line’ on the clubs web site from the day after the meeting).
Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Paula Pitman. Carried
2. Chairman’s report –
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson thank the officials for their continued efficiency in the smooth running of the club.
Saying he had not, as last year, been able to fish as often as he had done in previous years but would again do his best this season.
William went on to thank members for being smartly dressed at last season’s presentation evening.
3. Secretaries report –
Peter Horbury read his report as follows:-
1. Well here we are again, and thank you all for attending tonight, and to any new or returning members, welcome.
2. Apologies have been received from Dave Johnson & Ben Laws
3. Open registered for Penn points with Cliff Brown at Sea Angler.
4. Clubman Series - Just waiting for a reply from Cliff as to whether it is up & running again.
Members were shown a reply email from Cliff Brown which just said ‘thanks’.
We shall assume the Open is registered, as for the Clubman Series, who knows.
5. Web site doing well just shy of 940,000 up 300,000 since last years AGM.
6. WSAA Facebook page we have 614 followers.
7. As in previous seasons if we could have a photograph every match, it would be appreciated, and anyone can have a photo taken.
Just as Bernard, James, I can’t guarantee being first to the weigh-in so if you have a nice fish please wait before gutting.
8. Time spent doing Club business etc came to 320hrs down from 343 hrs for last season.
Which equates to eight 40hr weeks in the ‘office’.
9. Reference to the Committee members meeting with Mr Cope, after Mr Cope left it was decided that he be written to by Chairman William Atkinson.
(Secretary could not find the letter but summarised it for members
{later found after his report had been given}) *redacted copy below
Attending Committee members:-
William Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary President),
Dave Perrett (Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Rob Allison
James Gilpin
Andrew Cass
Paula Pitman
Malcolm Pitman
Paul Short - Elected Committee member see note 6
Apologies received from Dave Johnson (Honorary), Ben Laws
No apologies received from Mick Beedle - Committee member
Attending members:- in no specific order
Danny Middlemas
Jason Ebison
James Moore
Colin Stainthorpe
Mike Saunders
Dave Ward
Denis Thompson
Dave Hambley
Ste Swales
Stu Swales
Richard Deadman
Rob Taylor
Niki McCourt
23 members in total, another excellent turnout, well done and thank you for taking the time.
As last year, Honorary Chairman William Atkinson brought the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming.
Peter Horbury asked if all members present had handed in their subscriptions.
1. Minutes of last years AGM –
Secretary Peter Horbury asked for a proposer & seconder to confirm the minutes of last years AGM as a true account (Minutes of last years meeting had been ‘on-line’ on the clubs web site from the day after the meeting).
Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Paula Pitman. Carried
2. Chairman’s report –
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson thank the officials for their continued efficiency in the smooth running of the club.
Saying he had not, as last year, been able to fish as often as he had done in previous years but would again do his best this season.
William went on to thank members for being smartly dressed at last season’s presentation evening.
3. Secretaries report –
Peter Horbury read his report as follows:-
1. Well here we are again, and thank you all for attending tonight, and to any new or returning members, welcome.
2. Apologies have been received from Dave Johnson & Ben Laws
3. Open registered for Penn points with Cliff Brown at Sea Angler.
4. Clubman Series - Just waiting for a reply from Cliff as to whether it is up & running again.
Members were shown a reply email from Cliff Brown which just said ‘thanks’.
We shall assume the Open is registered, as for the Clubman Series, who knows.
5. Web site doing well just shy of 940,000 up 300,000 since last years AGM.
6. WSAA Facebook page we have 614 followers.
7. As in previous seasons if we could have a photograph every match, it would be appreciated, and anyone can have a photo taken.
Just as Bernard, James, I can’t guarantee being first to the weigh-in so if you have a nice fish please wait before gutting.
8. Time spent doing Club business etc came to 320hrs down from 343 hrs for last season.
Which equates to eight 40hr weeks in the ‘office’.
9. Reference to the Committee members meeting with Mr Cope, after Mr Cope left it was decided that he be written to by Chairman William Atkinson.
(Secretary could not find the letter but summarised it for members
{later found after his report had been given}) *redacted copy below
10. There has been no letter of apology received from Mr Cope.
11. Just a polite reminder, as last year, we are guests in the Fleece after all our matches and it hasn’t gone un-noticed by drinkers that some members smell less than sweet.
Please try your best not to enter the pub in smelly overalls, and use the rest room to wash your hands before going to the bar.
12. Been in contact with Paul Hogarth on Monday 28/08/17, he reports no problems since last AGM, and would like to thank members for parking responsibly.
13. Again another reminder to help with the weigh-ins.
Could the 1st committee member back please get the scales out, and be prepared to start a book to help James, Bernard & myself.
14. Secretary’s Challenge Trophy, last year we lost, again, away at Cloughton.
This year they get to pick the day & tide, and we as hosts set the boundaries.
15. Please let me know ASAP of any Open sponsors, so they can be put on the web site.
16. On the Open, I would again like to all who did help at the Open with selling raffle tickets and running the weigh-in etc.
If all committee members could help it would be appreciated.
Those that do, get a pint to say thank you.
17. Bass retention - Checked the Government web site, and from 1st July - 31st December 2017 anglers can keep 1 bass per day
Web site amended accordingly.
18. Few reminders of what some members have discussed with me and may like pursue in Any Other Business.
A) Clarification WSAA Club fish sizes and how they are measured. On the back of the Order of Business I have put a table of fish sizes according to WSAA, Angling Trust & Minimum Conservation Reference Size (MCRS)
B) WSAA Open - Low water is at 10.22hrs 1.3 metres, some members have asked if the start time can be brought forward to 9am to capitalise on 1 hr 22 mins of ebb.
C) Rocklings could be weighed in at our open by ‘members only’ counting towards their seasons weight. Having spoken to James & Bernard all it would req. would be a separate box on the open ticket. This may get more members back to the weigh-in.
19. Finally a reminder that match entry payments are the responsibility of the member to maintain & having made it known you are fishing, you must attend the weigh-in & pay your dues.
That concludes the Secretary’s report, thank you.
4. Treasurers report –
Was presented by Dave Perrett.
Dave went through the supplied spread sheets pointing out specific points of interest.
Hook, Line & Sinker thanked for their continued sponsorship, he in turn thanked all our sponsors & contributors to our Open without whom it could not go ahead.
William Atkinson to pass on thanks to Nobles when he goes to see about this years sponsorship.
Also Christmas match sponsors by Hook, Line & Sinker thanked.
The David ‘Sten’ Stonehouse Memorial Sandsend Trophy funds would continue at £50 for the next 15 yrs.
Club funds up by £50 from last year.
Bank interest a whopping 24p
There were some boat trips won with some raffle tickets which would be used as prizes in the up & coming Christmas match.
Confirmed as true Peter Horbury, and seconded by Bernard Vasey. Carried
5. Re-Election of Officials –
Hon. Chairman William Atkinson
Proposed Rob Allison, seconded Mike Saunders. Carried.
Treasurer Dave Perrett
Proposed Paula Pitman, seconded by James Gilpin. Carried.
Secretary Peter Horbury
Proposed W Atkinson, seconded James Gilpin. Carried.
Honorary Club President William Atkinson
Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Paula Pitman. Carried.
Vice Presidents:-
1) Wilf Noble – Proposed James Gilpin, seconded W Atkinson. Carried*
2) Dave Cass – Proposed James Gilpin, seconded W Atkinson. Carried*
*Note was taken to ensure Christmas cards are sent.
6. Committee –
No apology had been received from Mick Beedle & Rob Allison confirmed he had been heard from as Mick was working a lot of night shifts.
Mick Beedle therefore loses his position on the committee reference club Rule 16.
Rob was asked if he thought Mick would be offended seeing how he also sponsors the Heaviest Flat Fish at the Open, and replied I doubt it.
Hence another Committee member was req’d.
Paul Short, quickly proposed Rob Allison, seconded James Gilpin. Carried (with much laughter)
7. Subscriptions –
Currently £15 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep (total £20)
Dave Perrett confirmed the insurance £3 was enough to cover the WSAA policy with the Angling Trust as the National Federation had folded, and there were sufficient funds should there be a shortfall/increase in membership.
Proposed to stay the same James Gilpin, seconded Paula Pitman. Carried.
8. Club matches –
First match of the 2017 - 2018 Season will be Wed 27th September, with all members requested/instructed to meet at the Bandstand (as normal) 18.30hrs, followed by the group photograph.
Members will then depart at 18.45 hrs.
Any members that cannot make the Bandstand, but are fishing, cannot start fishing until 19.30hrs.
See Rule 1.
9. Match entries – £2
To stay the same.
Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Rich Deadman. Carried
10. Open match - Confirmed as Sunday 19th November 2017
Time to stay the same (despite some members asking for it to be brought forward 1 hr to 9am)
It was mentioned by Denis Thompson that some may be put off with an earlier start. William Atkinson said the time & tide should not affect a good angler.
Ticket price to stay the same as last year £12 with the additional Pairs Super-pool.
Ben Laws will no doubt organise again.
Open fishing times 10am to 4pm.
Weigh-in 4.30pm to 5.15pm.
Nobles - William Atkinson did not see there would be any problem, but would confirm.
Hook, Line & Sinker confirmed their continued support £100
Rob Allison to confirm Thompson’s Diggers
Ben Laws nee Java 17th Place prize confirmed
James Moore confirmed his £100 for the Open, to be used as the committee saw fit.
Keith’s Sports, James Gilpin to confirm but saw no problem.
Juniors - Dave Perrett informed members there had been no £20 from George Middlemas, but as it happened it would have been returned anyway as there was no winner.
Danny Middlemas confirmed he would sponsor along with Andrew Cass, Rob Allison, Colin Stainthorpe & James Gilpin. Making £100 @ £20 each.
Coso’s to be confirmed.
Ticket sales would be the same as last year, Keith’s Sports, Saltburn, Coso’s in Scarborough & Hook, Line & Sinker, Church St. Whitby.
Dave Perrett would check on any boat trips to be given by Whitby Chartered Skippers Assoc. members.
Malcolm Pitman will do one from Sea Spray this year.
Prize money would/should stay the same £500, £300, £200 unless there was insufficient sponsorship.
Rob Allison said club funds could always cover it.
Lady £25
Heaviest Flat Fish would continue, should Mick Beedle decide not to sponsor but not necessarily at the same value.
Last place £25 would stay.
Dave thanked members & sponsors alike.
11. Just a polite reminder, as last year, we are guests in the Fleece after all our matches and it hasn’t gone un-noticed by drinkers that some members smell less than sweet.
Please try your best not to enter the pub in smelly overalls, and use the rest room to wash your hands before going to the bar.
12. Been in contact with Paul Hogarth on Monday 28/08/17, he reports no problems since last AGM, and would like to thank members for parking responsibly.
13. Again another reminder to help with the weigh-ins.
Could the 1st committee member back please get the scales out, and be prepared to start a book to help James, Bernard & myself.
14. Secretary’s Challenge Trophy, last year we lost, again, away at Cloughton.
This year they get to pick the day & tide, and we as hosts set the boundaries.
15. Please let me know ASAP of any Open sponsors, so they can be put on the web site.
16. On the Open, I would again like to all who did help at the Open with selling raffle tickets and running the weigh-in etc.
If all committee members could help it would be appreciated.
Those that do, get a pint to say thank you.
17. Bass retention - Checked the Government web site, and from 1st July - 31st December 2017 anglers can keep 1 bass per day
Web site amended accordingly.
18. Few reminders of what some members have discussed with me and may like pursue in Any Other Business.
A) Clarification WSAA Club fish sizes and how they are measured. On the back of the Order of Business I have put a table of fish sizes according to WSAA, Angling Trust & Minimum Conservation Reference Size (MCRS)
B) WSAA Open - Low water is at 10.22hrs 1.3 metres, some members have asked if the start time can be brought forward to 9am to capitalise on 1 hr 22 mins of ebb.
C) Rocklings could be weighed in at our open by ‘members only’ counting towards their seasons weight. Having spoken to James & Bernard all it would req. would be a separate box on the open ticket. This may get more members back to the weigh-in.
19. Finally a reminder that match entry payments are the responsibility of the member to maintain & having made it known you are fishing, you must attend the weigh-in & pay your dues.
That concludes the Secretary’s report, thank you.
4. Treasurers report –
Was presented by Dave Perrett.
Dave went through the supplied spread sheets pointing out specific points of interest.
Hook, Line & Sinker thanked for their continued sponsorship, he in turn thanked all our sponsors & contributors to our Open without whom it could not go ahead.
William Atkinson to pass on thanks to Nobles when he goes to see about this years sponsorship.
Also Christmas match sponsors by Hook, Line & Sinker thanked.
The David ‘Sten’ Stonehouse Memorial Sandsend Trophy funds would continue at £50 for the next 15 yrs.
Club funds up by £50 from last year.
Bank interest a whopping 24p
There were some boat trips won with some raffle tickets which would be used as prizes in the up & coming Christmas match.
Confirmed as true Peter Horbury, and seconded by Bernard Vasey. Carried
5. Re-Election of Officials –
Hon. Chairman William Atkinson
Proposed Rob Allison, seconded Mike Saunders. Carried.
Treasurer Dave Perrett
Proposed Paula Pitman, seconded by James Gilpin. Carried.
Secretary Peter Horbury
Proposed W Atkinson, seconded James Gilpin. Carried.
Honorary Club President William Atkinson
Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Paula Pitman. Carried.
Vice Presidents:-
1) Wilf Noble – Proposed James Gilpin, seconded W Atkinson. Carried*
2) Dave Cass – Proposed James Gilpin, seconded W Atkinson. Carried*
*Note was taken to ensure Christmas cards are sent.
6. Committee –
No apology had been received from Mick Beedle & Rob Allison confirmed he had been heard from as Mick was working a lot of night shifts.
Mick Beedle therefore loses his position on the committee reference club Rule 16.
Rob was asked if he thought Mick would be offended seeing how he also sponsors the Heaviest Flat Fish at the Open, and replied I doubt it.
Hence another Committee member was req’d.
Paul Short, quickly proposed Rob Allison, seconded James Gilpin. Carried (with much laughter)
7. Subscriptions –
Currently £15 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep (total £20)
Dave Perrett confirmed the insurance £3 was enough to cover the WSAA policy with the Angling Trust as the National Federation had folded, and there were sufficient funds should there be a shortfall/increase in membership.
Proposed to stay the same James Gilpin, seconded Paula Pitman. Carried.
8. Club matches –
First match of the 2017 - 2018 Season will be Wed 27th September, with all members requested/instructed to meet at the Bandstand (as normal) 18.30hrs, followed by the group photograph.
Members will then depart at 18.45 hrs.
Any members that cannot make the Bandstand, but are fishing, cannot start fishing until 19.30hrs.
See Rule 1.
9. Match entries – £2
To stay the same.
Proposed James Gilpin, seconded Rich Deadman. Carried
10. Open match - Confirmed as Sunday 19th November 2017
Time to stay the same (despite some members asking for it to be brought forward 1 hr to 9am)
It was mentioned by Denis Thompson that some may be put off with an earlier start. William Atkinson said the time & tide should not affect a good angler.
Ticket price to stay the same as last year £12 with the additional Pairs Super-pool.
Ben Laws will no doubt organise again.
Open fishing times 10am to 4pm.
Weigh-in 4.30pm to 5.15pm.
Nobles - William Atkinson did not see there would be any problem, but would confirm.
Hook, Line & Sinker confirmed their continued support £100
Rob Allison to confirm Thompson’s Diggers
Ben Laws nee Java 17th Place prize confirmed
James Moore confirmed his £100 for the Open, to be used as the committee saw fit.
Keith’s Sports, James Gilpin to confirm but saw no problem.
Juniors - Dave Perrett informed members there had been no £20 from George Middlemas, but as it happened it would have been returned anyway as there was no winner.
Danny Middlemas confirmed he would sponsor along with Andrew Cass, Rob Allison, Colin Stainthorpe & James Gilpin. Making £100 @ £20 each.
Coso’s to be confirmed.
Ticket sales would be the same as last year, Keith’s Sports, Saltburn, Coso’s in Scarborough & Hook, Line & Sinker, Church St. Whitby.
Dave Perrett would check on any boat trips to be given by Whitby Chartered Skippers Assoc. members.
Malcolm Pitman will do one from Sea Spray this year.
Prize money would/should stay the same £500, £300, £200 unless there was insufficient sponsorship.
Rob Allison said club funds could always cover it.
Lady £25
Heaviest Flat Fish would continue, should Mick Beedle decide not to sponsor but not necessarily at the same value.
Last place £25 would stay.
Dave thanked members & sponsors alike.
Chairman William Atkinson called for a Bar Break
11. Knockouts - Omitted by mistake from No. 8 in the Order of Business
Currently £6 doubles & £4 singles - Dave Perrett asked if we took names last year at the AGM - confirmed and Bernard started to take names but it was suggested by Dave Ward it would be quicker (& quieter) if a ‘list & pen’ was just passed around by members to fill in whilst the meeting continued.
Knockouts to start
Wednesday 11th Oct ‘If’ a preliminary round was necessary, or Wed 18th for Round 1, with the Doubles the following Wednesday.
It was proposed by James Gilpin, seconded by Bernard Vasey to stay the same at £10 entry.
Jason Ebison to organise as last year.
Currently £6 doubles & £4 singles - Dave Perrett asked if we took names last year at the AGM - confirmed and Bernard started to take names but it was suggested by Dave Ward it would be quicker (& quieter) if a ‘list & pen’ was just passed around by members to fill in whilst the meeting continued.
Knockouts to start
Wednesday 11th Oct ‘If’ a preliminary round was necessary, or Wed 18th for Round 1, with the Doubles the following Wednesday.
It was proposed by James Gilpin, seconded by Bernard Vasey to stay the same at £10 entry.
Jason Ebison to organise as last year.
12. Any other business
A) Bernard Vasey - Too many undersized fish* brought to the scales.
Members should measure their fish when fishing, and members should have their own measure.
There was also the possibility that a Fisheries Official could pay a visit to any of our weigh-ins.
It was pointed out that Hook, Line & Sinker now have a readily available stock of fish measures.
It was mentioned by Dave Perrett, that yes, some fish (billets) shrink more than others especially if caught very early on in a match. And members should double check before presentation at the scales.
William Atkinson also noted there was too much sand, and muck on some fish.
All fish should be presented clean, but not dripping with water.
Bernard provides a bucket of water, and there is a tap on the harbour side.
*Whiting - Legal landing size is 27cms, WSAA size is 30cms (for both seniors & juniors) - just to clarify Bernard's point.
B) Jason Ebison recounted the fact that he & his wife had priced, designed hoodies with a new emblem and shown it to members last season but there had been little to no response since.
What do members want to do? He asked.
After a lengthy discussion it was pointed out we already have a design & supplier in Laughing Whale, Sandsend which some members were continuing to use but others were reluctant to do so, due to the cost and wanted the club to offer a supplement.
It was proposed by Peter Horbury that Jason order an embroidered hoody, that the club will pay for seconded by Paula Pitman as a sample for members to try for size, comfort, quality thereafter a decision could be made. Carried
C) Presentation venue - Rob Allison said it was poor, very disappointing and his wife’s food, apart from the starter had been inedible.
Informing members he would not be going again if it were at The Stables.
Peter Horbury mentioned there had been a lot of wasted vegetables as it had been supplied for dishes that clearly did not require vegetables, and it kept coming.
Menu choice was very limited and basically the same as last year.
Other members agreed with the thread of the conversation.
Dave Perrett mentioned that the price per head £25 had been maintained for a number of years and as a result portion sizes had reduced to reflect that cost per head.
There was much discussion as to where to go with a separate room that would suit a presentation evening.
Bernard Vasey suggested all members research for another venue that could cater for 45, in a quiet separate room.
Some suggestions were immediately forthcoming:-
Stakesby Arms (who have looked after us well at the Christmas match) have a separate venue room.
Resolution but members remember the last time they went there and it had been double booked.
Andrew Cass suggested Whitby Golf club, and would get back to members.
D) Whitby Gazette - Rob Allison asked where we stood with the Whitby Gazette re reports.
Dave Perrett quickly answered saying they (The Whitby Gazette) were a waste of time & effort.
A Mr Daniel Gregory had been his contact (in fact Dave had his contact details in front of him) and recounted the countless times he had tried in vein to get in touch with promises of return phone calls.
And when Peter had submitted reports they hadn’t put in the ones David had requested, and used a picture of Bernard Vasey that had not been submitted, was from totally different match result, and had been heavily cropped (presumably to remove Peter’s copyright).
Paula Pitman took the contact details and said she would make enquiries.
Asked by David if she would write a report for the Gazette she said she didn’t have time.
But would send Peter’s reports in if he forwarded them to her.
David said that defeats the object as it is still Peter’s work.
Peter Horbury confirmed what David had said, reminding members that in years gone by we had had a separate Press Secretary Glenn Kilpatrick as well as a Secretary.
No one was forthcoming to take up the position of Press Secretary.
Peter Horbury asked if members had given James Verrill as much grief when he was Secretary and hadn’t submitted reports.
Peter Horbury also reminded members that, that was when he started writing fishing reports as James ‘didn’t have time’ back in the 2010 - 2011 Season.
The season after which Peter took over as Secretary.
E) James Moore took to the floor literally (stood up) and announced a new trophy.
James reported that this was a great club, one of the best, as he had fished a few in his time.
Whitby is a brilliant club, and without a committee there is no club.
The committee don’t get paid for what they do, and they do a brilliant job,and William Atkinson is the longest serving member.
So he proposed a Committee Heaviest Fish Trophy & a £30 prize fund.
You need to have a dedicated committee for a well-run club.
James was thanked and applauded by all.
James told Dave Perrett he would be in contact to select & purchase a suitable trophy.
F) Bernard Vasey was next, apologised to Peter directly and broached the subject of the Whitby Gazette again and asked why the reports were not in the Whitby Gazette.
Peter Horbury mentioned it had already been discussed in D earlier by Rob Allison and ask how many people actually bought the Gazette, as he hadn’t for the last 2 years - only a few hands went up.
Bernard went on to say many local people had asked him why no reports.
Other members confirmed this, as work colleagues and friends had enquired as to what was going on in the club re fishing results and reports.
All members confirmed Peter’s reports were excellent (appreciated) but missed.
Rob mentioned that when telling potential sponsors it (their sponsorship) would be in the paper their ears picked up.
Peter Horbury replied that the Gazette was just one issue and reports, photographs and sponsors names, web sites links and thanks etc were on our web site not just for one issue of the local paper but for life.
Paula Pitman mentioned that Peter’s falling out with the Gazette was (in her opinion) personal and should not reflect on the club.
Peter Horbury recounted the story over his meteor photograph that had made the Daily papers, sold through an agency, and the Whitby Gazette had bypassed the agency and ‘offered a pint & a cake’ for the image.
Neither materialised.
Peter Horbury went on to recount what was said in D and how he had asked Ed Asquith directly, how & where the cropped image of Bernard Vasey had come from, who supplied it and who the photographer was, as there was not credit.
The reply from Ed Asquith had been for him (Peter) to stop ‘attacking the Whitby Gazette’.
Dave Perrett & Bernard confirmed the image used in the paper after Peter had resumed submission of reports (as requested by DP) had not been submitted nor was the same one taken on the night and on the web site.
Mike Saunders replied ‘seems like you could of gone to town on the Gazette re copyright law’ – yes Peter replied.
There had been no reply from Ed Asquith so the reports were no longer submitted.
Peter Horbury pointed out (brought to his attention by AN Other) that ‘if’ you were a satellite reporter for say Danby, Robinhoods Bay (which if you remember was advertised), Roxby or any small hamlet then any report submitted received a payment for ‘lineage’. Photographs are bought from freelance photographers.
Bernard Vasey said the Gazette no longer have an in house photographer (Ceri Oakes now freelance) and local freelance photographers are used, who get paid for their work.
Peter went on, if you follow the Whitby Gazette on social media ie Facebook & Twitter they are constantly asking for readers to submit their photographs because they’ll not have to pay for them as some are happy with a bye-line or ‘exposure’ but neither of these pay the bills.
If you want to put an advert in the Gazette then you’ll need to ring a London phone number and speak to someone totally unrelated to Whitby.
It was noted by many inc GLW (Good Lady Wife) there was a period when there were no Deaths, Births & Marriages in the paper.
Mainly because there is/was no office for people to pop into when shopping in town.
These resumed when the local undertakers started to submit Deaths notices.
When Duncan Atkins was our contact reporter it was great, nothing was too much trouble.
In fact he knew he could rely on WSAA filling a back page with twice weekly reports when the weather stopped all other sports and did not need oversized pictures.
Members confirmed the size of sports photographs and lack of a report currently in the paper.
The Whitby Gazette was no longer a local paper and Ed Asquith was now editor of many local papers, members felt the standard had therefore dropped.
Bernard told how the recent RNLI charity boat competition only got a bye-line this year despite Jimmy Hewitson sending a report and photographs.
Dave Perrett & Bernard Vasey confirmed there had been a period of no reports for the recent fishing festival organised by Whitby Chartered Skippers Assoc.
Many members complained & confirmed that the Whitby Gazette was no longer ‘a local paper’ with too much ‘news’ coming from further afield.
Mike Saunders said ‘you would have thought a local paper, wanting a local story, would send a reporter down after every match.
Peter Horbury pointed out, that would mean the reporter getting paid to cover the story after 22.30hrs.
Dave Perrett went on to answer Mike. The Gazette sees it as doing you a favour printing your story, and not you doing them a favour to fill their paper which they then sell for a profit.
Peter supplied 2 reports per week for 6 months of the year, with photographs.
The Sunday Sun was mentioned by Bernard Vasey, Alan Chilton always gets stories/reports in on local fishing why don’t we try them?
Peter Horbury confirmed he had Alan’s contact details, and that Alan had covered Ben Laws’ win of the Amble Open and had supplied his story for our web site.
Bernard Vasey told members that when he did his reports it was before the age of word processors and email. He’d type his reports and post it through the Gazette office door on his way to work. It would then be re typed and submitted.
Today it is all ‘copy and paste’, little to no effort involved already done by Peter, pictures cropped and resized, no film to develop.
Bernard was asked if he wanted to write reports by David, and replied his time was over as he wasn’t computer literate.
Peter Horbury asked how many members, members friends (the ones who had contacted them) had actually contacted the Whitby Gazette as to why reports were no longer in the paper.
No one had.
Peter went on, surely if your local supermarket stops selling your favourite tea, you badger the supermarket to get the tea back on the shelf, and not the supplier!
William Atkinson concluded that we would wait and see what could be done.
Peter Horbury said the reports and photographs will still be written & taken every match as normal, and posted on line.
G) Fish sizes
Peter Horbury pointed members to the spreadsheet of current WSAA fish sizes, the Angling Trust and the MCRS on the back of the Order of Business.
Reference was made to the Ray caught by Ben Laws last season.
Although not illegal in any way, it was felt that it was measured in correctly.
Rob Allison proposed that we fall in line with other clubs and measure Rays from wing tip to wing tip. Seconded by William Atkinson. Carried
Members were asked by Peter Horbury if there was any other business.
William Atkinson thank all for attending and the meeting closed 21.40 hrs. Members retired to the bar.
Many thanks for all for attending and tight lines for the 2017 - 2018 Season.
Members should measure their fish when fishing, and members should have their own measure.
There was also the possibility that a Fisheries Official could pay a visit to any of our weigh-ins.
It was pointed out that Hook, Line & Sinker now have a readily available stock of fish measures.
It was mentioned by Dave Perrett, that yes, some fish (billets) shrink more than others especially if caught very early on in a match. And members should double check before presentation at the scales.
William Atkinson also noted there was too much sand, and muck on some fish.
All fish should be presented clean, but not dripping with water.
Bernard provides a bucket of water, and there is a tap on the harbour side.
*Whiting - Legal landing size is 27cms, WSAA size is 30cms (for both seniors & juniors) - just to clarify Bernard's point.
B) Jason Ebison recounted the fact that he & his wife had priced, designed hoodies with a new emblem and shown it to members last season but there had been little to no response since.
What do members want to do? He asked.
After a lengthy discussion it was pointed out we already have a design & supplier in Laughing Whale, Sandsend which some members were continuing to use but others were reluctant to do so, due to the cost and wanted the club to offer a supplement.
It was proposed by Peter Horbury that Jason order an embroidered hoody, that the club will pay for seconded by Paula Pitman as a sample for members to try for size, comfort, quality thereafter a decision could be made. Carried
C) Presentation venue - Rob Allison said it was poor, very disappointing and his wife’s food, apart from the starter had been inedible.
Informing members he would not be going again if it were at The Stables.
Peter Horbury mentioned there had been a lot of wasted vegetables as it had been supplied for dishes that clearly did not require vegetables, and it kept coming.
Menu choice was very limited and basically the same as last year.
Other members agreed with the thread of the conversation.
Dave Perrett mentioned that the price per head £25 had been maintained for a number of years and as a result portion sizes had reduced to reflect that cost per head.
There was much discussion as to where to go with a separate room that would suit a presentation evening.
Bernard Vasey suggested all members research for another venue that could cater for 45, in a quiet separate room.
Some suggestions were immediately forthcoming:-
Stakesby Arms (who have looked after us well at the Christmas match) have a separate venue room.
Resolution but members remember the last time they went there and it had been double booked.
Andrew Cass suggested Whitby Golf club, and would get back to members.
D) Whitby Gazette - Rob Allison asked where we stood with the Whitby Gazette re reports.
Dave Perrett quickly answered saying they (The Whitby Gazette) were a waste of time & effort.
A Mr Daniel Gregory had been his contact (in fact Dave had his contact details in front of him) and recounted the countless times he had tried in vein to get in touch with promises of return phone calls.
And when Peter had submitted reports they hadn’t put in the ones David had requested, and used a picture of Bernard Vasey that had not been submitted, was from totally different match result, and had been heavily cropped (presumably to remove Peter’s copyright).
Paula Pitman took the contact details and said she would make enquiries.
Asked by David if she would write a report for the Gazette she said she didn’t have time.
But would send Peter’s reports in if he forwarded them to her.
David said that defeats the object as it is still Peter’s work.
Peter Horbury confirmed what David had said, reminding members that in years gone by we had had a separate Press Secretary Glenn Kilpatrick as well as a Secretary.
No one was forthcoming to take up the position of Press Secretary.
Peter Horbury asked if members had given James Verrill as much grief when he was Secretary and hadn’t submitted reports.
Peter Horbury also reminded members that, that was when he started writing fishing reports as James ‘didn’t have time’ back in the 2010 - 2011 Season.
The season after which Peter took over as Secretary.
E) James Moore took to the floor literally (stood up) and announced a new trophy.
James reported that this was a great club, one of the best, as he had fished a few in his time.
Whitby is a brilliant club, and without a committee there is no club.
The committee don’t get paid for what they do, and they do a brilliant job,and William Atkinson is the longest serving member.
So he proposed a Committee Heaviest Fish Trophy & a £30 prize fund.
You need to have a dedicated committee for a well-run club.
James was thanked and applauded by all.
James told Dave Perrett he would be in contact to select & purchase a suitable trophy.
F) Bernard Vasey was next, apologised to Peter directly and broached the subject of the Whitby Gazette again and asked why the reports were not in the Whitby Gazette.
Peter Horbury mentioned it had already been discussed in D earlier by Rob Allison and ask how many people actually bought the Gazette, as he hadn’t for the last 2 years - only a few hands went up.
Bernard went on to say many local people had asked him why no reports.
Other members confirmed this, as work colleagues and friends had enquired as to what was going on in the club re fishing results and reports.
All members confirmed Peter’s reports were excellent (appreciated) but missed.
Rob mentioned that when telling potential sponsors it (their sponsorship) would be in the paper their ears picked up.
Peter Horbury replied that the Gazette was just one issue and reports, photographs and sponsors names, web sites links and thanks etc were on our web site not just for one issue of the local paper but for life.
Paula Pitman mentioned that Peter’s falling out with the Gazette was (in her opinion) personal and should not reflect on the club.
Peter Horbury recounted the story over his meteor photograph that had made the Daily papers, sold through an agency, and the Whitby Gazette had bypassed the agency and ‘offered a pint & a cake’ for the image.
Neither materialised.
Peter Horbury went on to recount what was said in D and how he had asked Ed Asquith directly, how & where the cropped image of Bernard Vasey had come from, who supplied it and who the photographer was, as there was not credit.
The reply from Ed Asquith had been for him (Peter) to stop ‘attacking the Whitby Gazette’.
Dave Perrett & Bernard confirmed the image used in the paper after Peter had resumed submission of reports (as requested by DP) had not been submitted nor was the same one taken on the night and on the web site.
Mike Saunders replied ‘seems like you could of gone to town on the Gazette re copyright law’ – yes Peter replied.
There had been no reply from Ed Asquith so the reports were no longer submitted.
Peter Horbury pointed out (brought to his attention by AN Other) that ‘if’ you were a satellite reporter for say Danby, Robinhoods Bay (which if you remember was advertised), Roxby or any small hamlet then any report submitted received a payment for ‘lineage’. Photographs are bought from freelance photographers.
Bernard Vasey said the Gazette no longer have an in house photographer (Ceri Oakes now freelance) and local freelance photographers are used, who get paid for their work.
Peter went on, if you follow the Whitby Gazette on social media ie Facebook & Twitter they are constantly asking for readers to submit their photographs because they’ll not have to pay for them as some are happy with a bye-line or ‘exposure’ but neither of these pay the bills.
If you want to put an advert in the Gazette then you’ll need to ring a London phone number and speak to someone totally unrelated to Whitby.
It was noted by many inc GLW (Good Lady Wife) there was a period when there were no Deaths, Births & Marriages in the paper.
Mainly because there is/was no office for people to pop into when shopping in town.
These resumed when the local undertakers started to submit Deaths notices.
When Duncan Atkins was our contact reporter it was great, nothing was too much trouble.
In fact he knew he could rely on WSAA filling a back page with twice weekly reports when the weather stopped all other sports and did not need oversized pictures.
Members confirmed the size of sports photographs and lack of a report currently in the paper.
The Whitby Gazette was no longer a local paper and Ed Asquith was now editor of many local papers, members felt the standard had therefore dropped.
Bernard told how the recent RNLI charity boat competition only got a bye-line this year despite Jimmy Hewitson sending a report and photographs.
Dave Perrett & Bernard Vasey confirmed there had been a period of no reports for the recent fishing festival organised by Whitby Chartered Skippers Assoc.
Many members complained & confirmed that the Whitby Gazette was no longer ‘a local paper’ with too much ‘news’ coming from further afield.
Mike Saunders said ‘you would have thought a local paper, wanting a local story, would send a reporter down after every match.
Peter Horbury pointed out, that would mean the reporter getting paid to cover the story after 22.30hrs.
Dave Perrett went on to answer Mike. The Gazette sees it as doing you a favour printing your story, and not you doing them a favour to fill their paper which they then sell for a profit.
Peter supplied 2 reports per week for 6 months of the year, with photographs.
The Sunday Sun was mentioned by Bernard Vasey, Alan Chilton always gets stories/reports in on local fishing why don’t we try them?
Peter Horbury confirmed he had Alan’s contact details, and that Alan had covered Ben Laws’ win of the Amble Open and had supplied his story for our web site.
Bernard Vasey told members that when he did his reports it was before the age of word processors and email. He’d type his reports and post it through the Gazette office door on his way to work. It would then be re typed and submitted.
Today it is all ‘copy and paste’, little to no effort involved already done by Peter, pictures cropped and resized, no film to develop.
Bernard was asked if he wanted to write reports by David, and replied his time was over as he wasn’t computer literate.
Peter Horbury asked how many members, members friends (the ones who had contacted them) had actually contacted the Whitby Gazette as to why reports were no longer in the paper.
No one had.
Peter went on, surely if your local supermarket stops selling your favourite tea, you badger the supermarket to get the tea back on the shelf, and not the supplier!
William Atkinson concluded that we would wait and see what could be done.
Peter Horbury said the reports and photographs will still be written & taken every match as normal, and posted on line.
G) Fish sizes
Peter Horbury pointed members to the spreadsheet of current WSAA fish sizes, the Angling Trust and the MCRS on the back of the Order of Business.
Reference was made to the Ray caught by Ben Laws last season.
Although not illegal in any way, it was felt that it was measured in correctly.
Rob Allison proposed that we fall in line with other clubs and measure Rays from wing tip to wing tip. Seconded by William Atkinson. Carried
Members were asked by Peter Horbury if there was any other business.
William Atkinson thank all for attending and the meeting closed 21.40 hrs. Members retired to the bar.
Many thanks for all for attending and tight lines for the 2017 - 2018 Season.
Open Match meeting is on Tuesday 10th October 2017
7.30hrs Whitby Rifle Club
William Atkinson confirmed with the bar staff diary.
7.30hrs Whitby Rifle Club
William Atkinson confirmed with the bar staff diary.
Published Thursday 10th February 2017
Last edit Thursday 31st August 2017
Last edit Thursday 31st August 2017