Meeting started 2005 hrs, wednesday 31st August 2011, Whitby Rifle Club.
Attending committee members:-
Honorary W Atkinson (Chairman), D Perrett (Treasurer), P Horbury (Secretary see*5),
R Allison, J Gilpin, M Vasey (see*6)
Attending members:-
D Hambley, A Cass, B Laws, P Short, C Stainthorpe, P Dryden, P Kilpatrick.
Apology received, via D Perrett, from J Verrill for non attendance and no longer wishing to be Club Secretary.
No apologises received for none attending committee members:-
D Johnson, Honorary D Thompson, B Vasey, G Middlemass, P Mead.
* see 5 Re-election of officials.
* see 6 Committee.
Last years minutes read by P Horbury and confirmed as true.
Proposer J Gilpin, seconded by C Stainthorpe.
Chairman’s report – none.
Secretaries report – Open registered for Penn Points.
Treasurers report – D Perrett issued finance report.
Proposed as true W Atkinson, seconded by R Allison.
Re Election of Officials.
Chairman – same. Proposer D Perrett, seconded J Gilpin.
Treasurer Same. Proposer C Stainthorpe, seconded J Gilpin.
Secretary, J Verrill stands down. P Horbury to take over. Proposer W Atkinson, seconded by P Short.
W Atkinson for Club President. Proposed R Allison, seconded J Gilpin.
Vice President (s) – P Kilpatrick to ask Glen Stocks and Martin Greaves if they would like the position (s).
D Johnson, D Thompson, B Vasey, G Middlemass, P Mead, R Allison, J Gilpin, W Atkinson, D Perrett, P Horbury, makes ten, another member was required to give the chairman a casting vote in the event of a tie. Mike Vasey was proposed by D Perrett, seconded by J Gilpin. Carried.
Currently £10 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep.
P Kilpatrick proposed an increase from £10 to £15, making a total of £20 inc. insurance and sweep. Seconded by J Gilpin. Carried.
Club Matches:-
1st match 28th September 2011 meet at Bandstand at 1830 hrs.
D Perrett requested that all members put their subs and enough match entry fees for 1st month, into a sealed envelope and give to him at the end of the match, after the weigh in.
Christmas Break:- Last match of 2011 to be 21st December with matches resuming in the New Year, 4th Jan 2012.
Christmas Match will be Sunday 18th December 2011.
Match Entries:-
Proposal by R Allison to increase the match ‘entry fee’ from £1 to £2 with a % going to the club, seconded by P Kilpatrick. Carried.
B Laws proposed that the % received by the club be 25% i.e. 50p, seconded by P Dryden. Carried.
Open Match:-
November 13th 2011.
Sponsors:- Fleece Inn, Keiths Sports, Thompson Diggers, Lockers fish,
Time as last year, 10am to 4pm.
Weigh in as last year 4.30pm to 5.15pm
Entrance fee as last year £10. Proposer J Gilpin, seconded P Dryden. Carried.
Junior Sponsors, money not won in 2010 to be carried forward to 2011 Open Match. (R Allison, G Middlemas and D Thompson £20 each)
Open Match Meeting. W Atkinson to organise a room at Rifle Club between 16th – 20th October 2011. Date to be announced.
Knockouts. M Vasey to organise, entrance fee £3 doubles and £2 singles.
Singles to start on 3rd Wednesday in October - for singles would be 19th October, next 9th November. (maybe an elimination round)
Doubles to start 4th Wednesday in October - for doubles would be 26th October, next 16th November. (maybe an elimination round)
Heaviest fish / bag of the month, R Allison and D Thompson to organise with entrance fee staying the same at £1 for each.
Christmas Match, 2-7pm 18th December 2011 at the Fleece Inn. Entrance fee will be released later in the year when D Perrett knows how much the Fleece can do the food for. Last year £10 senior and £5 junior.
Any Other Business:-
R Allison requested, from the secretary, a print out of the Club Rules to be issued to all members at the start of the season. P Horbury replied that the rules would be updated (tomorrow) with this AGM’s amendments and issued as he requested.
A Cass proposed that the Ship Inn Open be re instated as a club match, forfeiting the clubs evening match. Seconded by B Laws. P Kilpatrick was to organize the Ship Open, using the clubs name for insurance purposes and offering the raffle money to the club. After a heated debate it was put to a vote and was not carried.
The Ship Open is not a club match and there will be a club match 1800-2200 hrs. If Ship Open over runs, then WSAA Rule, No. 13 applies.
It was reiterated by D Perrett that if P Kilpatrick still wanted to give the raffle money to the club, then WSAA insurance would cover the event. P Kilpatrick, unhappy at the outcome of the vote, would investigate the cost of insurance for the Ship Open before deciding.
D Perrett mentioned the Northern Federation DEFRA Marine meeting Monday 19th September 2011.
D Perrett brought the subject of, North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Limited Shellfish Permit. D Perrett asked the members if anyone had such a permit, it appears only 2 club members, B Laws and P Horbury have the required permits for the collection of velvet crabs (combined total of 10 crabs per calendar day, edible or velvet crabs). The removal of undersize edible crabs is illegal. P Horbury reminded members that last year he wanted to ban edible peeler crab as a bait. Members, last year, pointed out to P Horbury, that if edible peeler crab was banned, then so to would cart. However P Horbury has since contacted the relevant fisheries officer, David Mc Candless and has it confirmed that cart is not an illegal bait for recreational anglers if the crab is size.
See attached email.
Meeting ended 2215 hrs.
Re: Cart - edible crab meat
03/02/2011 10:44:30 GMT Daylight Time
[email protected]
Reply To:
Peter Horbury
Dear Peter
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you.
This is an interesting query and at times a very topical one and the answer is not black and white by any means.
We are just one of 10 other Sea Fisheries Committee's (SFC's) surrounding the English coastline. We are regional fisheries managers and as such have developed fisheries byelaw regulations to manage local activities. Given the regional nature of our management regulations vary significantly around the coast. Our area stretches from the Tyne to the Humber with Northumberland SFC to the North and Eastern SFC to the South.
Within our District the removal of edible crabs, velvet crabs, lobsters and whelks requires the authority of a permit. Permit holders are only permitted to remove a maximum of two lobsters, ten crabs and thirty whelks in any 24 hour period. This does not apply to green shore crab. Therefore green shore crab can be collected without any restriction. Velvet crab and edible crab can also be collected providing they are above the relevant minimum landing sizes and the collector holds a permit issued by the Committee.
Regarding the use of crab for bait, the Committee's Byelaw XX 'Prohibition on use of crab (Cancer Pagurus) for bait' prohibits the use of soft and hard shelled edible crab as bait. This Byelaw was made to protect edible crab fisheries from over-exploitation as a bait for large scale whelk fisheries which were occurring at the time. The intention was never to restrict recreational rod fishing activity. What isn't acceptable is the removal of undersize edible crabs or velvet crabs from the foreshore as a source of angling bait but providing they are above the minimum size andappropriate permits are held for collection no enforcement action will be taken.
Regarding 'cart' meat. The Byelaw provides a derogation for the use of cooked crab offal. Providing the crab meat comes from animals above the minimum size, in removal of the meat it has undergone a degree of processing and from this stand point the product is acceptable to be used within the Committee's District. This would apply equally to size crabs purchased privately and the meat removed for use as bait.
I hope this answers your questions,
David McCandless
Chief Fishery Officer
North Eastern Sea Fisheries Committee
Attending committee members:-
Honorary W Atkinson (Chairman), D Perrett (Treasurer), P Horbury (Secretary see*5),
R Allison, J Gilpin, M Vasey (see*6)
Attending members:-
D Hambley, A Cass, B Laws, P Short, C Stainthorpe, P Dryden, P Kilpatrick.
Apology received, via D Perrett, from J Verrill for non attendance and no longer wishing to be Club Secretary.
No apologises received for none attending committee members:-
D Johnson, Honorary D Thompson, B Vasey, G Middlemass, P Mead.
* see 5 Re-election of officials.
* see 6 Committee.
Last years minutes read by P Horbury and confirmed as true.
Proposer J Gilpin, seconded by C Stainthorpe.
Chairman’s report – none.
Secretaries report – Open registered for Penn Points.
Treasurers report – D Perrett issued finance report.
Proposed as true W Atkinson, seconded by R Allison.
Re Election of Officials.
Chairman – same. Proposer D Perrett, seconded J Gilpin.
Treasurer Same. Proposer C Stainthorpe, seconded J Gilpin.
Secretary, J Verrill stands down. P Horbury to take over. Proposer W Atkinson, seconded by P Short.
W Atkinson for Club President. Proposed R Allison, seconded J Gilpin.
Vice President (s) – P Kilpatrick to ask Glen Stocks and Martin Greaves if they would like the position (s).
D Johnson, D Thompson, B Vasey, G Middlemass, P Mead, R Allison, J Gilpin, W Atkinson, D Perrett, P Horbury, makes ten, another member was required to give the chairman a casting vote in the event of a tie. Mike Vasey was proposed by D Perrett, seconded by J Gilpin. Carried.
Currently £10 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep.
P Kilpatrick proposed an increase from £10 to £15, making a total of £20 inc. insurance and sweep. Seconded by J Gilpin. Carried.
Club Matches:-
1st match 28th September 2011 meet at Bandstand at 1830 hrs.
D Perrett requested that all members put their subs and enough match entry fees for 1st month, into a sealed envelope and give to him at the end of the match, after the weigh in.
Christmas Break:- Last match of 2011 to be 21st December with matches resuming in the New Year, 4th Jan 2012.
Christmas Match will be Sunday 18th December 2011.
Match Entries:-
Proposal by R Allison to increase the match ‘entry fee’ from £1 to £2 with a % going to the club, seconded by P Kilpatrick. Carried.
B Laws proposed that the % received by the club be 25% i.e. 50p, seconded by P Dryden. Carried.
Open Match:-
November 13th 2011.
Sponsors:- Fleece Inn, Keiths Sports, Thompson Diggers, Lockers fish,
Time as last year, 10am to 4pm.
Weigh in as last year 4.30pm to 5.15pm
Entrance fee as last year £10. Proposer J Gilpin, seconded P Dryden. Carried.
Junior Sponsors, money not won in 2010 to be carried forward to 2011 Open Match. (R Allison, G Middlemas and D Thompson £20 each)
Open Match Meeting. W Atkinson to organise a room at Rifle Club between 16th – 20th October 2011. Date to be announced.
Knockouts. M Vasey to organise, entrance fee £3 doubles and £2 singles.
Singles to start on 3rd Wednesday in October - for singles would be 19th October, next 9th November. (maybe an elimination round)
Doubles to start 4th Wednesday in October - for doubles would be 26th October, next 16th November. (maybe an elimination round)
Heaviest fish / bag of the month, R Allison and D Thompson to organise with entrance fee staying the same at £1 for each.
Christmas Match, 2-7pm 18th December 2011 at the Fleece Inn. Entrance fee will be released later in the year when D Perrett knows how much the Fleece can do the food for. Last year £10 senior and £5 junior.
Any Other Business:-
R Allison requested, from the secretary, a print out of the Club Rules to be issued to all members at the start of the season. P Horbury replied that the rules would be updated (tomorrow) with this AGM’s amendments and issued as he requested.
A Cass proposed that the Ship Inn Open be re instated as a club match, forfeiting the clubs evening match. Seconded by B Laws. P Kilpatrick was to organize the Ship Open, using the clubs name for insurance purposes and offering the raffle money to the club. After a heated debate it was put to a vote and was not carried.
The Ship Open is not a club match and there will be a club match 1800-2200 hrs. If Ship Open over runs, then WSAA Rule, No. 13 applies.
It was reiterated by D Perrett that if P Kilpatrick still wanted to give the raffle money to the club, then WSAA insurance would cover the event. P Kilpatrick, unhappy at the outcome of the vote, would investigate the cost of insurance for the Ship Open before deciding.
D Perrett mentioned the Northern Federation DEFRA Marine meeting Monday 19th September 2011.
D Perrett brought the subject of, North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Limited Shellfish Permit. D Perrett asked the members if anyone had such a permit, it appears only 2 club members, B Laws and P Horbury have the required permits for the collection of velvet crabs (combined total of 10 crabs per calendar day, edible or velvet crabs). The removal of undersize edible crabs is illegal. P Horbury reminded members that last year he wanted to ban edible peeler crab as a bait. Members, last year, pointed out to P Horbury, that if edible peeler crab was banned, then so to would cart. However P Horbury has since contacted the relevant fisheries officer, David Mc Candless and has it confirmed that cart is not an illegal bait for recreational anglers if the crab is size.
See attached email.
Meeting ended 2215 hrs.
Re: Cart - edible crab meat
03/02/2011 10:44:30 GMT Daylight Time
[email protected]
Reply To:
Peter Horbury
Dear Peter
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you.
This is an interesting query and at times a very topical one and the answer is not black and white by any means.
We are just one of 10 other Sea Fisheries Committee's (SFC's) surrounding the English coastline. We are regional fisheries managers and as such have developed fisheries byelaw regulations to manage local activities. Given the regional nature of our management regulations vary significantly around the coast. Our area stretches from the Tyne to the Humber with Northumberland SFC to the North and Eastern SFC to the South.
Within our District the removal of edible crabs, velvet crabs, lobsters and whelks requires the authority of a permit. Permit holders are only permitted to remove a maximum of two lobsters, ten crabs and thirty whelks in any 24 hour period. This does not apply to green shore crab. Therefore green shore crab can be collected without any restriction. Velvet crab and edible crab can also be collected providing they are above the relevant minimum landing sizes and the collector holds a permit issued by the Committee.
Regarding the use of crab for bait, the Committee's Byelaw XX 'Prohibition on use of crab (Cancer Pagurus) for bait' prohibits the use of soft and hard shelled edible crab as bait. This Byelaw was made to protect edible crab fisheries from over-exploitation as a bait for large scale whelk fisheries which were occurring at the time. The intention was never to restrict recreational rod fishing activity. What isn't acceptable is the removal of undersize edible crabs or velvet crabs from the foreshore as a source of angling bait but providing they are above the minimum size andappropriate permits are held for collection no enforcement action will be taken.
Regarding 'cart' meat. The Byelaw provides a derogation for the use of cooked crab offal. Providing the crab meat comes from animals above the minimum size, in removal of the meat it has undergone a degree of processing and from this stand point the product is acceptable to be used within the Committee's District. This would apply equally to size crabs purchased privately and the meat removed for use as bait.
I hope this answers your questions,
David McCandless
Chief Fishery Officer
North Eastern Sea Fisheries Committee