Committee meeting
Whitby Rifle Club
Tuesday 9th Jan 2024 19.30hrs |
WSAA Committee meeting Agenda
1) Joe Redfern - Cash 4 Fish - invited to address the Committee.
2) 2023 WSAA Open match report back, feedback, observations and suggestions for 2024 please.
3) 2024 WSAA Open Sun Nov 17th - shall we book Whitby Rifle Club tonight?
4) Presentation evening - It was agreed at our last Committee meeting at the Jack & Jill we would convene to discuss, and agree a venue for this year’s presentation.
5) On Thursday 11th Jan Mark Stonehouse, Cloughton, should report back after their meeting with a date for The Secretary’s Challenge trophy match.
WSAA are hosts, a venue and food will need to be sort.
Fishing, in the past has been 10.00 - 16.00 hrs
As hosts we set the boundaries, in the past - Cowbar steel - Landing scaur Robin Hood's Bay.
£50 from each Club & £5/member fishing makes the prize pool.
1st, 2nd, 3rd for both HBoFish & Hfish - all in, all out.
6) Booked room for AGM?
7) WSAA Open 2025 Sun 23rd Nov LW 11.26hrs 1.5 metres? Filey will probably pick Sun 9th LW 12.23hrs 1.3 metres.
8) Any Other Business
Minutes of meeting - started at 19.30hrs

William Atkinson
Dave Perrett
Peter Horbury
Bernard Vasey
Jason Ebison
Denis Thompson
Paul Short
On the phone, should they be required Rich Deadman & Dave Hambley.
1) Joe Redfern spoke to the Committee re Cash 4 Fish.
The Marine Discovery Centre require live fish for their tanks. Joe is offering to collect live specimens - Bib/pouting, wrasse, whiting, pipefish, blennies, lumpsuckers anemones, urchins, starfish etc for Cash or free passes to the Centre.
2) Re the Open - members recounted grumbles & complaints, but in general terms the Rifle Club was a success.
No food - it had been agreed by the last Committee meeting at the Jack & Jill, that this year we would not do food. A] There were complaints, in the past, about the length of time the presentation took, so without food and not entering data into the laptop a winners list could be compiled by hand. B] Bernard & Jason would already of set the prize tables out so enabling Dave Perrett to crack on with cash prizes. C] Not knowing how many would return to a new venue could result in a lot of waste food.
A grumble was noted/received re starting prize giving at 4th Place - top three are all set cash prizes. WSAA would continue to start at 4th.
Successes - More people could fit into the Rifle Club, parking was excellent, and with Secretary’s wife, Christine Horbury selling raffle tickets from a desk was very popular, as opposed to someone wandering around with a pint jar.
Gazebo needed lighting.
Posters to be displayed on Whitby Rifle Club notice boards next year.
The £15 ticket price tag caused problems for shops selling tickets, as they ran out of £5 notes - noted and would be addressed for the next open.
Winners need to have a group ‘landscape’ photo so to fit Whitby Gazette templates.
3) After a short discussion it was agreed to book Rifle Club for next seasons Open Sunday 17th November 2024.
Penn Points, registered with Ian Bowell Wed 10th Jan 2024 - see new Rules for Penn League.
Jane, manager suggested we could use the observation room for the weigh-in. Doing away with the need to use a gazebo. Bernard Vasey & Peter Horbury were shown said room and agreed it was more than adequate, including an easy to mop floor should it be required.
4) Presentation evening - [agreed at last meeting J&J] Committee would meet to discuss and agree en-bloc for a venue. After the success of the Xmas match Jason & Peter had visited The Wilson Arms the night before [Monday] to enquire for the use of a dining room and a menu for Presentation guests. This was put to the others and approved with the recommendation to add a ‘Parmo’ dish to the mains. Jason volunteered to be responsible for menu choices and money collection with a 2 week cut off, for attendance, at the end of the season - Sunday 17th March. Subsidies were asked for and Dave agreed - £10 having fished 20 or more matches, and £5 for under. Agreed Saturday April 20th 19.30 for 20.00hrs - Booked.
5) Secretary’s Challenge Trophy match - Peter confirmed Mark Stonehouse, Cloughton Secretary would get back with a date after their meeting this Thursday. WSAA are hosts, Peter & Jason to approach the Wilson Arms to see if their diary was free to cater for the prize giving and supper. Boundaries would stay the same, Cowbar Steel to RHB landing scaur, unless conditions dictated otherwise. £50 from each Club & £5/member fishing makes the prize pool. 1st, 2nd, 3rd for both HBoFish & Hfish - all in, all out.
6) AGM Tuesday 27th August 2024 - Whitby Rifle Club booked.
7) The 2025 Tides Table was studied, all agreed that Filey would probably take Sun 9th November 2025 LW 12.23hrs 1.3 metres. And therefore two weeks later WSAA Open Sun 23rd November 2025 LW 11.26hrs 1.5 metres. Peter was asked to book this date in the diary and inform other Clubs.
8) AOB - there was none and meeting closed 21.00hrs
Many thanks to all for attending
Published Wed 10th Jan 2024
Last edit Wed 10th Jan 2024
Last edit Wed 10th Jan 2024