2015 - 2016 Season to start Wednesday 30th September 2015 (51 match season)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting Wednesday 2nd September 2015
Meeting started 19.35 hrs, Whitby Rifle Club.
Attending Committee members:-
William Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary President),
Dave Perrett (Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Rob Allison
James Gilpin
Ben Laws
Andrew Cass
Apologies received from Dave Johnson (Honorary), Mrs Paula Pitman, and Dave Hambley.
Attending members:-
James Moore
Mick Beedle
Paul Short
Colin Stainthorpe
Malcolm Pitman
Richard Cope
Jason Ebison
3 new members were welcomed – Michael Saunders, Thomas Evans, David Ward
& guest George Middlemas
18 members in total, another excellent turnout, well done and thank you for taking the time.
As last year, Honorary Chairman William Atkinson brought the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming.
1. Minutes of last years AGM –
Secretary Peter Horbury asked for a proposer & seconder to confirm the minutes of last years AGM as a true account (all members who attended last years AGM had received copies in the post two weeks prior to this years meeting).
Proposed William Atkinson, seconded James Gilpin. Carried
2. Chairman’s report –
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson thank the officials for their continued efficiency in the smooth running of the club in his absence, as last year he had not been able to fish as often as he had done in previous years. William Atkinson went on to say that it had been brought to his attention of members fishing before time by a third party. He made it known, in as strong a term as possible that anyone caught fishing before time, and it is proved, they would receive a ‘life time ban’.
3. Secretaries report –
1. Well here we are again, and thank you all for attending tonight.
2. Quite a few points to raise tonight so bear with me.
3. Open registered for Penn points with Alan Yates.
4. Clubman Series – Alan Yates has extended the competition finishing date to the end of March. This will give the clubs members a fair crack at the series. Many thanks to Alan. Names to me ASAP for those wanting to take part.
5. As of 1st September 2015 minimum bass limits nationally are 42 cm, with a maximum 3 bag limit per day – I have amended WSAA fish limits.
6. Web site doing well just shy of 420,000 since launch.
7. Dave Hambley sends his apologies, and has indicated he will not, due to family commitments, be joining this coming season. So we are now two committee members short, Neil Inglis lost his position when he didn’t join last year despite attending the AGM.
8. Our Open raised a number of issues, which I wrote to Dave Perrett about.
9. An angler bought & returned an Open ticket before the match started – Acceptable Yes/No – what is WSAA policy?
10. What is the last time an Open ticket can be purchased?
11. Very disappointed with the Open food, as I didn’t get any, despite Paula very kindly supplying extra, due to being busy in the back room. A helper is needed but more on that later.
12. Questions were asked as to why rocklings are not allowed to be weighed in.
13. Very poor show of members back at the weigh-in and subsequent presentation therefore no raffle prizes. A reminder of WSAA Rules & Expectations 2) Every Club Member is Expected to Provide a Raffle prize at the Open match.
14. It was made known to myself via our web site, the number of dead wrasse seen floating in the harbour the next morning. This needs to be addressed in the form of an un-wanted fish bucket. These fish I am hoping will/can be used by local potting boats. Note to be put on Open tickets.
15. Our Open is the one day where we host and show our hospitality to other anglers. It didn’t go un-noticed that some committee members are quite happy to sit back and let the few others organise and run the event. I suggested to Dave Perrett there should be helpers to assist both Dave & I.
16. Therefore I would like to suggest that a committee member(s) be responsible for various elements of the running of the club. i.e. collecting & collating members raffle prizes well in advance of the Open. In regard of sponsorships for the Open a record of which member and from whom a particular gift was given needs to be recorded. Without this we cannot thank those who have kindly donated.
17. Lastly on the Open I would again like to thank Dave, James, Bernard, Rob, Paula & Colin who do help at the Open with selling raffle tickets and running the weigh-in. Those that do, get a pint to say thank you.
18. After the end of the season I bumped into Paul Hogarth. You will be aware that Paul is very obliging when it comes to parking for those fishing in the Goldsborough area. However he made me aware of the poor and irresponsible parking on the day of our Open. There was insufficient space left for an emergency vehicle had it needed access to Goldsborough or his farm. I promised him it would be addressed from now on and should he feel the need to report any vehicles to us and the police. Again this needs to be addressed, and should be included in the Open Rules.
19. Paul is putting up gates to deter but we are still welcome if we park responsibly.
20. Pete Halder has also been in touch. He indicated there used to be an inter club match some years ago, don’t know if any member can confirm this? Anyway he is proposing we have a match in January when there are no opens. A Sunday day match, suggesting each club puts £40 in to a kitty plus a nominal match fee, say £5 hosted by each club on alternate years with some hot food etc after the weigh-in. An all in all out Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag match.
21. Drones and rockets are topical on fishing web sites and YouTube, to aid casting distance, members may feel it necessary to address this in the Club Rules.
22. I read with interest the Newbiggin Open poster – They do a Team/pairs event at £2/angler – all in all out. Members may like to consider likewise. To be discussed in any other business.
23. Please let me know ASAP of any sponsors, so they can be put on the web site.
24. Lastly I would like to address an issue where members attending the AGM and vote, but then do not enroll as members. This to my knowledge has happened twice since I have been secretary – no names. Their votes could potentially have affected that seasons fishing for the other members. I have tested the ground so to speak with a number of members and it is agreed this should be addressed. I would suggest that in order to have voting rights at the AGM members should have paid their subscriptions (non-refundable) to the Club Treasurer before the meeting starts. Collecting subscriptions at the AGM in a Named envelope, with monetary value written. This would also help Dave so he isn’t carrying so much cash after the first match. To be discussed in any other business, and if any members agree please make a proposal.
4. Treasurers report –
Was presented by Dave Perrett, he in turn thanked all our sponsors & contributors to our open without whom it could not go ahead.
Confirmed as true William Atkinson, and seconded by James Gilpin.
5. Re-Election of Officials –
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson proposed James Gilpin, seconded Peter Horbury. Carried. William said he would try and fish more this season, weather dependant of course.
Treasurer Dave Perrett proposed James Gilpin, seconded by Bernard Vasey. Carried.
Secretary Peter Horbury proposed James Gilpin, seconded Jason Ebison. Carried.
Honorary Club President William Atkinson. Proposed Colin Stainthorpe, seconded Malcolm Pitman. Unanimously carried.
Vice Presidents:-
1) Wilf Noble - William Atkinson to approach & report back
2) Dave Cass - Andrew Cass confirmed his father was still happy and had accepted. Members did jokingly ask that he make an appearance
6. Committee –
Dave Hambley had said he would not be fishing this year due to family commitments.
Neil Inglis had not joined the club last season, so had forfeited his committee place. We are therefore 2 committee members short.
Malcolm Pitman was proposed by Peter Horbury, seconded by William Atkinson. Carried & accepted by Malcolm Pitman.
Mick Beedle was proposed by Rob Allison, seconded by Andrew Cass. Carried & accepted by Mick Beedle.
7. Subscriptions –
Currently £15 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep (total £20)
Dave Perrett confirmed the insurance £3 was enough to cover the WSAA policy.
Proposed to stay the same James Gilpin, seconded Peter Horbury. Carried.
8. Club matches –
Dave Perrett confirmed the current pay-out system.
Proposed to stay the same Bernard Vasey, seconded James Gilpin. Carried
9. Christmas match -
Sunday 20th December 2015 – Everyone again agreed the hospitality at the Stakesby Arms was excellent and asked Dave Perrett to approach them for a booking this year.
Dave Perrett was asked if the current £10 entry fee was enough to cover the event ie the cost of the meal etc. Dave informed the meeting that should the cost of the meal differ from last year, then any small increase would be added to the already established entry fee of £10.
Dave Perrett confirmed the current pay-out for the Heaviest Bag match:-
1st - £50
2nd - £30
3rd - £20
And £25 for Heaviest Fish.
Malcolm Pitman informed the meeting that Hook, Line & Sinker would again sponsor the Christmas match. He was thanked by the members.
The format was proposed to stay the same by Mick Beedle, seconded Bernard Vasey. Carried
10. Open Match –
Confirmed as Sunday 15th November 2015.
Filey’s Open 1st November, Bernard Vasey asked if some Open fliers could be supplied for members to take to the Filey & Scarborough festivals for distribution.
Club Secretary to organize.
James Gilpin confirmed Jefferson Builders £100, also Keith’s Sports.
Ben Laws, Java Café £50 for 17th Place, again as in previous years.
James Moore confirmed he would give £100, as last year to be allocated as the Committee sees fit. Again as last year.
Rich Cope confirmed £50.
Malcolm Pitman confirmed £100 from Sea Spray.
Rob Allison would speak with Thompson Diggers & confirm either way, but was confident.
Dave Perrett confirmed the Fleece £200. (£150 + £50 for the food)
William Atkinson would approach James Noble, as neither Scott Moore/ Iain Simpson were no longer WSAA members.
William Atkinson to confirm Peter Halder.
Mick Beedle confirmed £75 for 1st & 2nd Heaviest Flat Fish. Again as last year split £50/£25.
Junior sponsors £20 confirmed by Rob Allison, James Gilpin, Andrew Cass, George Middlemas & Colin Stainthorpe. £100 in total.
Members were thanked for their generosity.
Open fishing times 10am to 4pm.
Weigh-in 4.30pm to 5.15pm.
Entrance fee £12 –
Treasurer Dave Perrett was asked his opinion as to the finances, and replied with the current pledged
sponsorship, in-line with last year, there would be no need for any increase. Proposed to stay the same by James Gilpin, seconded Bernard Vasey. Carried.
Members then discussed the Newbiggin idea of an additional Pairs prize, as mentioned by Peter Horbury in the Secretaries report.
Ben Laws proposed Named Pairs at £2.50/man (£5 /pairs), seconded Rich Cope. Carried.
Rob Allison joked that Peter Horbury still wouldn’t get any food, as it was extra work. William Atkinson suggested that some be put aside for the officials. Dave Perrett had witnessed some people abusing the catered food provided by the Fleece.
B a r B r e a k
On return members discussed the points raised from last year’s Open as mentioned in the Secretaries report.
1. Can a purchased ticket be refunded before the match starts? James Gilpin suggested it be non-refundable and asked for a vote. Members agreed once a ticket is purchased it is non-refundable. Carried.
2. The last time an Open ticket can be purchased? After discussion it was proposed by William Atkinson, seconded by James Gilpin, that 15 mins grace after the match has started for a ticket still to be on sale. Carried unanimously.
3. Bucket for unwanted fish at the weigh-in isn’t a problem remarked James Gilpin, confirmed by Bernard Vasey. Potting boats would gratefully accept.
4. With reference to collecting & collating members Open raffle prices, as detailed in the WSAA Rules & Expectations, Malcolm Pitman volunteered as the Committee member responsible. All raffle prizes to be collected and recorded at the shop Hook, Line & Sinker, well in advance of the Open.
5. It was suggested by Ben Laws that WSAA email manufacturers for some sponsorship, and prizes. To be investigated.
6. Members discussed the parking problem at Goldsborough as reported to Secretary Peter Horbury by farmer Paul Hogarth. It was suggested a note be made on the Open ticket for anglers to park responsibly.
Open Match meeting is either to be on Tuesday 13th Oct or Tuesday 20th Oct 2015, William Atkinson would confirm at a later date as no bar staff had access to the diary.
11. Knockouts –
Peter Horbury asked if anyone would like to volunteer for organising this club event, as he had done so for a number of years. Mick Beedle proposed that Peter Horbury continue to do so, seconded by James Gilpin. Carried.
Dave Perrett asked if price was to stay the same. Mick Beedle proposed £5 for each, seconded James Gilpin. Dave Perrett pointed out it would be a 6/4 break down. Carried.
KO’s to start early (as last year) if there is to be a preliminary round, there is normally. 3rd Wednesday of October being the 21st October for KO’s proper to start.
Dave Perrett suggested we should have names ASAP. Time being of the essence a sheet was past around, were members could fill in their interests for either or both Knockout comps.
12. Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag of Fish
Of the month sweeps, Rob Allison confirmed he was happy to organise. Entry fee £1/£1 would remain the same. Entries to be collected on first match 30th September. Entry is strictly payment in advance for commencement in October.
13. Any other business –
1. Secretary Peter Horbury asked for members views on the use of drones/rockets for aiding casting distance. Members unanimously said they were to be banned.
2. Secretary Peter Horbury explained and proposed that WSAA Club subscriptions be collected at the AGM, which would then give members voting rights at the AGM. This would show genuine commitment to fish the season. Dave Perrett confirmed it would make sense and would be easier for him. Seconded by Dave Perrett. Carried unanimously.
3. Mick Beedle proposed open boundaries and making time your boundary. Secretary Peter Horbury highlighted the problems of finding a missing angler should he not return to the weigh-in, nor phone in. Members raised various issues from going further afield and starting fishing early, to the Wacky races on the way back to the weigh-in. William Atkinson suggested the boundary should be smaller. In order to aid members from Guisborough/Saltburn/Redcar who were finishing work it would be beneficial if the boundary was opened up to include Saltburn pier. Mick Beedle after consideration of the safety aspect changed his proposal, Saltburn to Bempton. James Gilpin proposed Saltburn to Filey, seconded by Andrew Cass. Dave Perrett proposed they stay the same, seconded Paul Short. Mick Beedle’s proposal failed to get a seconder. Leaving two proposals on the table which were voted on.
8 votes for Saltburn to Filey
7 votes to stay the same.
Boundary therefore changes to Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey.
4. An update was given on Skiningrove pier. James Moore confirmed it was still totally shut to the public with heavy machinery still in situe. James Moore was of the opinion it would be open in October at the earliest. Colin Stainthorpe proposed, seconded by numerous others that it be out of bounds until open to the public. Carried unanimously.
5. The meeting was then open to George Middlemas who was to make an announcement.
George had been approached by Mike Stonehouse, informing George that his father, Frank Stonehouse (a past member of WSAA) had sadly recently past away. Frank Stonehouse was from Fylingthorpe and used to fish with Ron Wood and Charles Prudom back in the 60’s. Mike was to receive £1,000 from his late fathers estate but wished to give it to WSAA to be used as a memorial competition/event and would pay for a trophy from this and then fund the remainder as a prize over a number of years. The club could decide how to continue its sponsorship as the members see fit i.e. £100 for 8yrs or as Rich Cope suggested £50 for 16yrs.
Members were extremely grateful for this, and Club Secretary asked for a contact address so the family could be thanked by the Club and kept up to date with how Frank Stonehouse would be remembered by WSAA.
Members discussed many options but it was suggested that seeing how there isn’t a dedicated trophy for the ‘Heaviest Fish out of a Match’ this would be fitting. (Speaking to Dave Perrett afterwards he saw no reason why the Sandsend Tankard cannot still be awarded as a keepsake.)
6. Secretary Peter Horbury recounted the meeting with Peter Halder, Secretary of Cloughton Rock Angling Club. It was proposed to bring back the inter club event, at a time of year when there were no Open matches, say January. Each club would put a nominal figure, say £40 into a kitty, with a £5/angler entry fee for an all in all out Heaviest Fish / Heaviest Bag Match. Hosted on alternate years, with the hosts laying on some hospitality/food afterwards. Seeing how WSAA were having their AGM first, Peter Horbury was to put it to WSAA before Peter Halder could put it to their members should we wish to continue with the proposal. It needn’t be a club match but would be better if it were for both clubs. It was up to members.
Members brought up a few concerns ie Bell Trophy, Amble Open & Ship/Station Inn in that it was not to clash with any of these matches. Boundaries would need to be addressed but in general all were in agreement (it would be a club match with weights etc going towards members tallies) and once put to a vote it was carried unanimously. (After the meeting it was suggested that should Cloughton also agree, then WSAA would like to host the first match.) This message was conveyed to Peter Halder. Their AGM is Thursday 1st of October.
7. Ben Laws proposed that other Open matches (ie Filey, Cloughton, Ship/Station) become Club matches, seconded by Paul Short as fishing both can make a long day of it when you have to rush from one Open match to a club. Rob Allison made it known he liked the idea of fishing two matches in a day, got it out of his system. Dave Perrett reminded members that in days gone past members could of fished either with James Gilpin doing a weigh-in for those fishing a night match. The main reasons why Open matches were dropped from the WSAA club calendar as club matches were numerous. The difficulty in collecting & collating individual catches. Too many Open matches led to not enough night matches at the height of the season. Family commitments at weekends to name a few.
It was put to a vote and unanimously voted to ‘stay the same’, bar 2 votes.
Chairman William Atkinson thank all for attending and the meeting closed 22.00 hrs. Members retired to the bar.
Many thanks for all for attending and tight lines for the 2015 - 2016 Season.
Peter Horbury
WSAA Secretary
Posted 14.20 hrs Thursday 3rd September 2015.
Meeting started 19.35 hrs, Whitby Rifle Club.
Attending Committee members:-
William Atkinson (Honorary Chairman & Honorary President),
Dave Perrett (Treasurer)
Peter Horbury (Secretary)
Bernard Vasey (Honorary)
Rob Allison
James Gilpin
Ben Laws
Andrew Cass
Apologies received from Dave Johnson (Honorary), Mrs Paula Pitman, and Dave Hambley.
Attending members:-
James Moore
Mick Beedle
Paul Short
Colin Stainthorpe
Malcolm Pitman
Richard Cope
Jason Ebison
3 new members were welcomed – Michael Saunders, Thomas Evans, David Ward
& guest George Middlemas
18 members in total, another excellent turnout, well done and thank you for taking the time.
As last year, Honorary Chairman William Atkinson brought the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming.
1. Minutes of last years AGM –
Secretary Peter Horbury asked for a proposer & seconder to confirm the minutes of last years AGM as a true account (all members who attended last years AGM had received copies in the post two weeks prior to this years meeting).
Proposed William Atkinson, seconded James Gilpin. Carried
2. Chairman’s report –
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson thank the officials for their continued efficiency in the smooth running of the club in his absence, as last year he had not been able to fish as often as he had done in previous years. William Atkinson went on to say that it had been brought to his attention of members fishing before time by a third party. He made it known, in as strong a term as possible that anyone caught fishing before time, and it is proved, they would receive a ‘life time ban’.
3. Secretaries report –
1. Well here we are again, and thank you all for attending tonight.
2. Quite a few points to raise tonight so bear with me.
3. Open registered for Penn points with Alan Yates.
4. Clubman Series – Alan Yates has extended the competition finishing date to the end of March. This will give the clubs members a fair crack at the series. Many thanks to Alan. Names to me ASAP for those wanting to take part.
5. As of 1st September 2015 minimum bass limits nationally are 42 cm, with a maximum 3 bag limit per day – I have amended WSAA fish limits.
6. Web site doing well just shy of 420,000 since launch.
7. Dave Hambley sends his apologies, and has indicated he will not, due to family commitments, be joining this coming season. So we are now two committee members short, Neil Inglis lost his position when he didn’t join last year despite attending the AGM.
8. Our Open raised a number of issues, which I wrote to Dave Perrett about.
9. An angler bought & returned an Open ticket before the match started – Acceptable Yes/No – what is WSAA policy?
10. What is the last time an Open ticket can be purchased?
11. Very disappointed with the Open food, as I didn’t get any, despite Paula very kindly supplying extra, due to being busy in the back room. A helper is needed but more on that later.
12. Questions were asked as to why rocklings are not allowed to be weighed in.
13. Very poor show of members back at the weigh-in and subsequent presentation therefore no raffle prizes. A reminder of WSAA Rules & Expectations 2) Every Club Member is Expected to Provide a Raffle prize at the Open match.
14. It was made known to myself via our web site, the number of dead wrasse seen floating in the harbour the next morning. This needs to be addressed in the form of an un-wanted fish bucket. These fish I am hoping will/can be used by local potting boats. Note to be put on Open tickets.
15. Our Open is the one day where we host and show our hospitality to other anglers. It didn’t go un-noticed that some committee members are quite happy to sit back and let the few others organise and run the event. I suggested to Dave Perrett there should be helpers to assist both Dave & I.
16. Therefore I would like to suggest that a committee member(s) be responsible for various elements of the running of the club. i.e. collecting & collating members raffle prizes well in advance of the Open. In regard of sponsorships for the Open a record of which member and from whom a particular gift was given needs to be recorded. Without this we cannot thank those who have kindly donated.
17. Lastly on the Open I would again like to thank Dave, James, Bernard, Rob, Paula & Colin who do help at the Open with selling raffle tickets and running the weigh-in. Those that do, get a pint to say thank you.
18. After the end of the season I bumped into Paul Hogarth. You will be aware that Paul is very obliging when it comes to parking for those fishing in the Goldsborough area. However he made me aware of the poor and irresponsible parking on the day of our Open. There was insufficient space left for an emergency vehicle had it needed access to Goldsborough or his farm. I promised him it would be addressed from now on and should he feel the need to report any vehicles to us and the police. Again this needs to be addressed, and should be included in the Open Rules.
19. Paul is putting up gates to deter but we are still welcome if we park responsibly.
20. Pete Halder has also been in touch. He indicated there used to be an inter club match some years ago, don’t know if any member can confirm this? Anyway he is proposing we have a match in January when there are no opens. A Sunday day match, suggesting each club puts £40 in to a kitty plus a nominal match fee, say £5 hosted by each club on alternate years with some hot food etc after the weigh-in. An all in all out Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag match.
21. Drones and rockets are topical on fishing web sites and YouTube, to aid casting distance, members may feel it necessary to address this in the Club Rules.
22. I read with interest the Newbiggin Open poster – They do a Team/pairs event at £2/angler – all in all out. Members may like to consider likewise. To be discussed in any other business.
23. Please let me know ASAP of any sponsors, so they can be put on the web site.
24. Lastly I would like to address an issue where members attending the AGM and vote, but then do not enroll as members. This to my knowledge has happened twice since I have been secretary – no names. Their votes could potentially have affected that seasons fishing for the other members. I have tested the ground so to speak with a number of members and it is agreed this should be addressed. I would suggest that in order to have voting rights at the AGM members should have paid their subscriptions (non-refundable) to the Club Treasurer before the meeting starts. Collecting subscriptions at the AGM in a Named envelope, with monetary value written. This would also help Dave so he isn’t carrying so much cash after the first match. To be discussed in any other business, and if any members agree please make a proposal.
4. Treasurers report –
Was presented by Dave Perrett, he in turn thanked all our sponsors & contributors to our open without whom it could not go ahead.
Confirmed as true William Atkinson, and seconded by James Gilpin.
5. Re-Election of Officials –
Honorary Chairman William Atkinson proposed James Gilpin, seconded Peter Horbury. Carried. William said he would try and fish more this season, weather dependant of course.
Treasurer Dave Perrett proposed James Gilpin, seconded by Bernard Vasey. Carried.
Secretary Peter Horbury proposed James Gilpin, seconded Jason Ebison. Carried.
Honorary Club President William Atkinson. Proposed Colin Stainthorpe, seconded Malcolm Pitman. Unanimously carried.
Vice Presidents:-
1) Wilf Noble - William Atkinson to approach & report back
2) Dave Cass - Andrew Cass confirmed his father was still happy and had accepted. Members did jokingly ask that he make an appearance
6. Committee –
Dave Hambley had said he would not be fishing this year due to family commitments.
Neil Inglis had not joined the club last season, so had forfeited his committee place. We are therefore 2 committee members short.
Malcolm Pitman was proposed by Peter Horbury, seconded by William Atkinson. Carried & accepted by Malcolm Pitman.
Mick Beedle was proposed by Rob Allison, seconded by Andrew Cass. Carried & accepted by Mick Beedle.
7. Subscriptions –
Currently £15 subs + £3 insurance + £2 end of season sweep (total £20)
Dave Perrett confirmed the insurance £3 was enough to cover the WSAA policy.
Proposed to stay the same James Gilpin, seconded Peter Horbury. Carried.
8. Club matches –
Dave Perrett confirmed the current pay-out system.
Proposed to stay the same Bernard Vasey, seconded James Gilpin. Carried
9. Christmas match -
Sunday 20th December 2015 – Everyone again agreed the hospitality at the Stakesby Arms was excellent and asked Dave Perrett to approach them for a booking this year.
Dave Perrett was asked if the current £10 entry fee was enough to cover the event ie the cost of the meal etc. Dave informed the meeting that should the cost of the meal differ from last year, then any small increase would be added to the already established entry fee of £10.
Dave Perrett confirmed the current pay-out for the Heaviest Bag match:-
1st - £50
2nd - £30
3rd - £20
And £25 for Heaviest Fish.
Malcolm Pitman informed the meeting that Hook, Line & Sinker would again sponsor the Christmas match. He was thanked by the members.
The format was proposed to stay the same by Mick Beedle, seconded Bernard Vasey. Carried
10. Open Match –
Confirmed as Sunday 15th November 2015.
Filey’s Open 1st November, Bernard Vasey asked if some Open fliers could be supplied for members to take to the Filey & Scarborough festivals for distribution.
Club Secretary to organize.
James Gilpin confirmed Jefferson Builders £100, also Keith’s Sports.
Ben Laws, Java Café £50 for 17th Place, again as in previous years.
James Moore confirmed he would give £100, as last year to be allocated as the Committee sees fit. Again as last year.
Rich Cope confirmed £50.
Malcolm Pitman confirmed £100 from Sea Spray.
Rob Allison would speak with Thompson Diggers & confirm either way, but was confident.
Dave Perrett confirmed the Fleece £200. (£150 + £50 for the food)
William Atkinson would approach James Noble, as neither Scott Moore/ Iain Simpson were no longer WSAA members.
William Atkinson to confirm Peter Halder.
Mick Beedle confirmed £75 for 1st & 2nd Heaviest Flat Fish. Again as last year split £50/£25.
Junior sponsors £20 confirmed by Rob Allison, James Gilpin, Andrew Cass, George Middlemas & Colin Stainthorpe. £100 in total.
Members were thanked for their generosity.
Open fishing times 10am to 4pm.
Weigh-in 4.30pm to 5.15pm.
Entrance fee £12 –
Treasurer Dave Perrett was asked his opinion as to the finances, and replied with the current pledged
sponsorship, in-line with last year, there would be no need for any increase. Proposed to stay the same by James Gilpin, seconded Bernard Vasey. Carried.
Members then discussed the Newbiggin idea of an additional Pairs prize, as mentioned by Peter Horbury in the Secretaries report.
Ben Laws proposed Named Pairs at £2.50/man (£5 /pairs), seconded Rich Cope. Carried.
Rob Allison joked that Peter Horbury still wouldn’t get any food, as it was extra work. William Atkinson suggested that some be put aside for the officials. Dave Perrett had witnessed some people abusing the catered food provided by the Fleece.
B a r B r e a k
On return members discussed the points raised from last year’s Open as mentioned in the Secretaries report.
1. Can a purchased ticket be refunded before the match starts? James Gilpin suggested it be non-refundable and asked for a vote. Members agreed once a ticket is purchased it is non-refundable. Carried.
2. The last time an Open ticket can be purchased? After discussion it was proposed by William Atkinson, seconded by James Gilpin, that 15 mins grace after the match has started for a ticket still to be on sale. Carried unanimously.
3. Bucket for unwanted fish at the weigh-in isn’t a problem remarked James Gilpin, confirmed by Bernard Vasey. Potting boats would gratefully accept.
4. With reference to collecting & collating members Open raffle prices, as detailed in the WSAA Rules & Expectations, Malcolm Pitman volunteered as the Committee member responsible. All raffle prizes to be collected and recorded at the shop Hook, Line & Sinker, well in advance of the Open.
5. It was suggested by Ben Laws that WSAA email manufacturers for some sponsorship, and prizes. To be investigated.
6. Members discussed the parking problem at Goldsborough as reported to Secretary Peter Horbury by farmer Paul Hogarth. It was suggested a note be made on the Open ticket for anglers to park responsibly.
Open Match meeting is either to be on Tuesday 13th Oct or Tuesday 20th Oct 2015, William Atkinson would confirm at a later date as no bar staff had access to the diary.
11. Knockouts –
Peter Horbury asked if anyone would like to volunteer for organising this club event, as he had done so for a number of years. Mick Beedle proposed that Peter Horbury continue to do so, seconded by James Gilpin. Carried.
Dave Perrett asked if price was to stay the same. Mick Beedle proposed £5 for each, seconded James Gilpin. Dave Perrett pointed out it would be a 6/4 break down. Carried.
KO’s to start early (as last year) if there is to be a preliminary round, there is normally. 3rd Wednesday of October being the 21st October for KO’s proper to start.
Dave Perrett suggested we should have names ASAP. Time being of the essence a sheet was past around, were members could fill in their interests for either or both Knockout comps.
12. Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag of Fish
Of the month sweeps, Rob Allison confirmed he was happy to organise. Entry fee £1/£1 would remain the same. Entries to be collected on first match 30th September. Entry is strictly payment in advance for commencement in October.
13. Any other business –
1. Secretary Peter Horbury asked for members views on the use of drones/rockets for aiding casting distance. Members unanimously said they were to be banned.
2. Secretary Peter Horbury explained and proposed that WSAA Club subscriptions be collected at the AGM, which would then give members voting rights at the AGM. This would show genuine commitment to fish the season. Dave Perrett confirmed it would make sense and would be easier for him. Seconded by Dave Perrett. Carried unanimously.
3. Mick Beedle proposed open boundaries and making time your boundary. Secretary Peter Horbury highlighted the problems of finding a missing angler should he not return to the weigh-in, nor phone in. Members raised various issues from going further afield and starting fishing early, to the Wacky races on the way back to the weigh-in. William Atkinson suggested the boundary should be smaller. In order to aid members from Guisborough/Saltburn/Redcar who were finishing work it would be beneficial if the boundary was opened up to include Saltburn pier. Mick Beedle after consideration of the safety aspect changed his proposal, Saltburn to Bempton. James Gilpin proposed Saltburn to Filey, seconded by Andrew Cass. Dave Perrett proposed they stay the same, seconded Paul Short. Mick Beedle’s proposal failed to get a seconder. Leaving two proposals on the table which were voted on.
8 votes for Saltburn to Filey
7 votes to stay the same.
Boundary therefore changes to Saltburn Pier to Coble Landing, Filey.
4. An update was given on Skiningrove pier. James Moore confirmed it was still totally shut to the public with heavy machinery still in situe. James Moore was of the opinion it would be open in October at the earliest. Colin Stainthorpe proposed, seconded by numerous others that it be out of bounds until open to the public. Carried unanimously.
5. The meeting was then open to George Middlemas who was to make an announcement.
George had been approached by Mike Stonehouse, informing George that his father, Frank Stonehouse (a past member of WSAA) had sadly recently past away. Frank Stonehouse was from Fylingthorpe and used to fish with Ron Wood and Charles Prudom back in the 60’s. Mike was to receive £1,000 from his late fathers estate but wished to give it to WSAA to be used as a memorial competition/event and would pay for a trophy from this and then fund the remainder as a prize over a number of years. The club could decide how to continue its sponsorship as the members see fit i.e. £100 for 8yrs or as Rich Cope suggested £50 for 16yrs.
Members were extremely grateful for this, and Club Secretary asked for a contact address so the family could be thanked by the Club and kept up to date with how Frank Stonehouse would be remembered by WSAA.
Members discussed many options but it was suggested that seeing how there isn’t a dedicated trophy for the ‘Heaviest Fish out of a Match’ this would be fitting. (Speaking to Dave Perrett afterwards he saw no reason why the Sandsend Tankard cannot still be awarded as a keepsake.)
6. Secretary Peter Horbury recounted the meeting with Peter Halder, Secretary of Cloughton Rock Angling Club. It was proposed to bring back the inter club event, at a time of year when there were no Open matches, say January. Each club would put a nominal figure, say £40 into a kitty, with a £5/angler entry fee for an all in all out Heaviest Fish / Heaviest Bag Match. Hosted on alternate years, with the hosts laying on some hospitality/food afterwards. Seeing how WSAA were having their AGM first, Peter Horbury was to put it to WSAA before Peter Halder could put it to their members should we wish to continue with the proposal. It needn’t be a club match but would be better if it were for both clubs. It was up to members.
Members brought up a few concerns ie Bell Trophy, Amble Open & Ship/Station Inn in that it was not to clash with any of these matches. Boundaries would need to be addressed but in general all were in agreement (it would be a club match with weights etc going towards members tallies) and once put to a vote it was carried unanimously. (After the meeting it was suggested that should Cloughton also agree, then WSAA would like to host the first match.) This message was conveyed to Peter Halder. Their AGM is Thursday 1st of October.
7. Ben Laws proposed that other Open matches (ie Filey, Cloughton, Ship/Station) become Club matches, seconded by Paul Short as fishing both can make a long day of it when you have to rush from one Open match to a club. Rob Allison made it known he liked the idea of fishing two matches in a day, got it out of his system. Dave Perrett reminded members that in days gone past members could of fished either with James Gilpin doing a weigh-in for those fishing a night match. The main reasons why Open matches were dropped from the WSAA club calendar as club matches were numerous. The difficulty in collecting & collating individual catches. Too many Open matches led to not enough night matches at the height of the season. Family commitments at weekends to name a few.
It was put to a vote and unanimously voted to ‘stay the same’, bar 2 votes.
Chairman William Atkinson thank all for attending and the meeting closed 22.00 hrs. Members retired to the bar.
Many thanks for all for attending and tight lines for the 2015 - 2016 Season.
Peter Horbury
WSAA Secretary
Posted 14.20 hrs Thursday 3rd September 2015.
Published Thursday 19th February 2015
Last edit Thursday 3rd March 2016
Last edit Thursday 3rd March 2016