Meeting started at 8.05pm, 14 attended.
1) Last years minutes read.
proposed true by Dave Perrett, seconded Colin Stainthorpe.
2) Chairmans report - none.
3) Secretaries report - Open registered for Penn Points, website address needs renewing in October.
4) Treasurers Report - Dave Perrett issued club finances report.
Proposed true Rob Allison, seconded James Gilpin.
5) Re-election of officials.
Chairman same Honorary William Atkinson.
Secretary Phil Mead stands down, position now vacant.
Treasurer same - Dave Perrett.
6) Committee
Honorary Dave Johnson
Denis Thompson
Bernard Vasey
George Middlemas
Rob Allison
Phil Mead
James Gilpin.
7) Subscriptions to stay the same but see any other business.
Proposed Phil Mead, seconded James Gilpin.
8) Club Matches.
1st Match 29th September, wednesday meet at Bandstand 6.30pm.
Christmas break 22nd December 2010 to 2nd January 2011.
Proposed William Atkinson, seconded Dave Johnson.
9) Match Entries,
£1.00 entry fee, all in all out - no 40p match entry - to be reviewed at Christmas.
Proposed Phil Mead, seconded Brian Harland.
Voted and carried.
10) Open Match.
Sunday November 21st 2010.
Match time 10am to 4pm.
Weigh in 4.30pm to 5.15pm
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded Dave Johnson.
Ticket Fees - £10 inc. super pool.
Proposed Dave Perrett, seconded James Gilpin.
Match now to be a Heaviest Bag of fish Match, not 'cod only'.
Apart from Rocklings, Rays Bream, and Lumpsuckers.
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded Phil Mead.
Voted and carried 7 - 5.
Juniors £3.00 + may fish main event if full ticket price paid ie adult.
Prizes 1st £400, 2nd £200, 3rd £100.
Special prize for Heaviest Flat Fish.
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded James Gilpin.
Junior Sponsors, Rob Allison, Denis Thompson, £20 each.
Open Match meeting Date, Tuesday 12th October, 8pm Rifle Club, Whitby.
11) Knockout Competition.
Mike Vasey to organize.
20th October first match singles.
Doubles following week.
Fees same.
12) Heaviest Fish / Bag.
Denis Thompson to run.
Fees same, September match not included in October sweep.
13) Christmas Match.
Sunday 19th December 2010.
Fished 2 - 7pm.
Weigh in by 8pm.
Match entries to be discussed at later date.
14) Any Other Business.
Heaviest Fish + Bag (end of season) money prize to be paid out, financed by increase in club membership.
£13 to £15 for seniors.
£6.50 to £8.50 for juniors.
Proposed Peter Horbury, seconded Brian Harland.
15) Cloughton Open.
Not to be supported as a day match ie normal match on Sunday night will be fished (members can fish both).
Proposed Phil Mead, seconded James Gilpin.
16) Ship Inn Open.
Not to be supported ie normal club match will be fished on night (members can fish both).
No financial support or insurance cover to be provided.
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded James Gilpin.
17) Rules.
Boundaries - Swing Bridge and not New Bridge for Whitby river Esk limit.
18) Weekly Sweep.
If not fished and person is entered but does not inform committee member, person will loose his money.
Proposed Colin Stainthorpe, seconded Denis Thompson.
Meeting closed 10.15pm
Chairman Honorary William Atkinson.
Secretary Phil Mead (departing)
Treasurer Dave Perrett.
1) Last years minutes read.
proposed true by Dave Perrett, seconded Colin Stainthorpe.
2) Chairmans report - none.
3) Secretaries report - Open registered for Penn Points, website address needs renewing in October.
4) Treasurers Report - Dave Perrett issued club finances report.
Proposed true Rob Allison, seconded James Gilpin.
5) Re-election of officials.
Chairman same Honorary William Atkinson.
Secretary Phil Mead stands down, position now vacant.
Treasurer same - Dave Perrett.
6) Committee
Honorary Dave Johnson
Denis Thompson
Bernard Vasey
George Middlemas
Rob Allison
Phil Mead
James Gilpin.
7) Subscriptions to stay the same but see any other business.
Proposed Phil Mead, seconded James Gilpin.
8) Club Matches.
1st Match 29th September, wednesday meet at Bandstand 6.30pm.
Christmas break 22nd December 2010 to 2nd January 2011.
Proposed William Atkinson, seconded Dave Johnson.
9) Match Entries,
£1.00 entry fee, all in all out - no 40p match entry - to be reviewed at Christmas.
Proposed Phil Mead, seconded Brian Harland.
Voted and carried.
10) Open Match.
Sunday November 21st 2010.
Match time 10am to 4pm.
Weigh in 4.30pm to 5.15pm
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded Dave Johnson.
Ticket Fees - £10 inc. super pool.
Proposed Dave Perrett, seconded James Gilpin.
Match now to be a Heaviest Bag of fish Match, not 'cod only'.
Apart from Rocklings, Rays Bream, and Lumpsuckers.
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded Phil Mead.
Voted and carried 7 - 5.
Juniors £3.00 + may fish main event if full ticket price paid ie adult.
Prizes 1st £400, 2nd £200, 3rd £100.
Special prize for Heaviest Flat Fish.
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded James Gilpin.
Junior Sponsors, Rob Allison, Denis Thompson, £20 each.
Open Match meeting Date, Tuesday 12th October, 8pm Rifle Club, Whitby.
11) Knockout Competition.
Mike Vasey to organize.
20th October first match singles.
Doubles following week.
Fees same.
12) Heaviest Fish / Bag.
Denis Thompson to run.
Fees same, September match not included in October sweep.
13) Christmas Match.
Sunday 19th December 2010.
Fished 2 - 7pm.
Weigh in by 8pm.
Match entries to be discussed at later date.
14) Any Other Business.
Heaviest Fish + Bag (end of season) money prize to be paid out, financed by increase in club membership.
£13 to £15 for seniors.
£6.50 to £8.50 for juniors.
Proposed Peter Horbury, seconded Brian Harland.
15) Cloughton Open.
Not to be supported as a day match ie normal match on Sunday night will be fished (members can fish both).
Proposed Phil Mead, seconded James Gilpin.
16) Ship Inn Open.
Not to be supported ie normal club match will be fished on night (members can fish both).
No financial support or insurance cover to be provided.
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded James Gilpin.
17) Rules.
Boundaries - Swing Bridge and not New Bridge for Whitby river Esk limit.
18) Weekly Sweep.
If not fished and person is entered but does not inform committee member, person will loose his money.
Proposed Colin Stainthorpe, seconded Denis Thompson.
Meeting closed 10.15pm
Chairman Honorary William Atkinson.
Secretary Phil Mead (departing)
Treasurer Dave Perrett.