AGM 2008
Whitby Rifle Club 4th September 2008
The meeting was opened at 8pm by Chairman Philip Mead.
In attendance were:-
Glenn Kilpatrick
Denis Thompson
Mike Vasey
Ryan Vasey
Brian Harland
James Gilpin
Bernard Vasey
Colin Stainthorpe
William Atkinson
Dave Johnson
Dave Perrett.
Rob Allison sent his apologies via Denis Thompson.
1) - Minutes – Glenn Kilpatrick apologized as he had forgotten to bring last years minutes.
2) - Matters Arising from Minutes – none.
3) - Chairman’s Report – Philip said he had no report to give.
4) - Secretary’s Report – Glenn told the committee that he had now secured the clubs insurance policy via Northern Federation of Sea Anglers. The cover documents were given to Dave Perrett who agreed to look after them. Various questions were asked by the floor on the content of the insurance. Glenn gave them what details he could but said the cover document was rather limited in its information.
5) - Treasurer’s Report – Dave gave his annual treasurers report, a copy of which was given to all present.
Dave said that KD Builders had not paid their sponsorship of The Ship Inn Open match so the accounts were £100 out. Other things of note were: -
The Christmas match made a loss of £111.09.
The club made £75 through its increase on Subs.
The club had received a donation from Cloughton clubs Christmas match of £25.
The club had made a yearly loss of £140 in real terms.
Dave explained that profit from the clubs open match was decreasing yearly and expressed concern that in the future the open match may begin to run a t a loss, contributing to the clubs failing finances.
6) - Election of Officials – Philip is to continue as Chairman with 100% backing from the members, proposed and seconded by Dave Johnson and William Atkinson respectively. Dave Perrett is also to continue as treasurer with the same level of support, proposed and seconded by William Atkinson and Dave Johnson. Glenn Kilpatrick stood down as Secretary, a replacement was not found. James Gilpin will continue as the weights and measure officer. The Committee will remain unchanged with the exception of Glenn Kilpatrick who stood down. Colin Stainthorpe was offered a committee position but refused the role. Glenn Kilpatrick raised the issue of the clubs committee and suggested that the club could manage without a committee as in past committee meetings it had always been felt by some members of the committee that they held no powers to take decisions on behalf of the club. Glenn suggested that a committee without any delegated powers from the wider membership was a waste of time. The members decided to continue with a committee. The members decided that the committee would be given powers to deal with disciplinary matters, financial matters up to £150 and organization of the open matches. All other decisions must be taken by the club membership as a whole either at an AGM or EAGM.
7) - Open Match – a date of 16th November 2008 was decided upon. Fishing times 10-4pm, weigh-in by 5.15pm. Tickets will remain £8 and superpool of £2. The first prize was reduced by £100 and the 4th place prize was withdrawn. The decision to reduce prize monies was taken in light of falling club funds and will be reviewed again in future years if the clubs finances improve. Dave is to approach Mike at the Fleece to check out availability of the venue. A committee meeting will be held on 20th October 2008 at 8pm to discuss the open match. Venue TBA.
8) - Open Match Sponsors – No sponsorship has been finalized.
It is hoped that Rods and Reels will give the usual £100 but Brian is to approach them about the possibility of donating two Slosh reels.
Dave will approach the Fleece about their sponsorship of the event.
James will speak to Keith’s Sports and Wilf Nobles about sponsorship.
Ryan agreed to speak to Lockers about sponsorship.
Denis revealed he has a couple of ideas for sponsors and agree to pursue them.
All members should help with:-
The open match.
Trying to get sponsorship, prize donations, posters out and donating a prize themselves to the raffle.
The meeting was opened at 8pm by Chairman Philip Mead.
In attendance were:-
Glenn Kilpatrick
Denis Thompson
Mike Vasey
Ryan Vasey
Brian Harland
James Gilpin
Bernard Vasey
Colin Stainthorpe
William Atkinson
Dave Johnson
Dave Perrett.
Rob Allison sent his apologies via Denis Thompson.
1) - Minutes – Glenn Kilpatrick apologized as he had forgotten to bring last years minutes.
2) - Matters Arising from Minutes – none.
3) - Chairman’s Report – Philip said he had no report to give.
4) - Secretary’s Report – Glenn told the committee that he had now secured the clubs insurance policy via Northern Federation of Sea Anglers. The cover documents were given to Dave Perrett who agreed to look after them. Various questions were asked by the floor on the content of the insurance. Glenn gave them what details he could but said the cover document was rather limited in its information.
5) - Treasurer’s Report – Dave gave his annual treasurers report, a copy of which was given to all present.
Dave said that KD Builders had not paid their sponsorship of The Ship Inn Open match so the accounts were £100 out. Other things of note were: -
The Christmas match made a loss of £111.09.
The club made £75 through its increase on Subs.
The club had received a donation from Cloughton clubs Christmas match of £25.
The club had made a yearly loss of £140 in real terms.
Dave explained that profit from the clubs open match was decreasing yearly and expressed concern that in the future the open match may begin to run a t a loss, contributing to the clubs failing finances.
6) - Election of Officials – Philip is to continue as Chairman with 100% backing from the members, proposed and seconded by Dave Johnson and William Atkinson respectively. Dave Perrett is also to continue as treasurer with the same level of support, proposed and seconded by William Atkinson and Dave Johnson. Glenn Kilpatrick stood down as Secretary, a replacement was not found. James Gilpin will continue as the weights and measure officer. The Committee will remain unchanged with the exception of Glenn Kilpatrick who stood down. Colin Stainthorpe was offered a committee position but refused the role. Glenn Kilpatrick raised the issue of the clubs committee and suggested that the club could manage without a committee as in past committee meetings it had always been felt by some members of the committee that they held no powers to take decisions on behalf of the club. Glenn suggested that a committee without any delegated powers from the wider membership was a waste of time. The members decided to continue with a committee. The members decided that the committee would be given powers to deal with disciplinary matters, financial matters up to £150 and organization of the open matches. All other decisions must be taken by the club membership as a whole either at an AGM or EAGM.
7) - Open Match – a date of 16th November 2008 was decided upon. Fishing times 10-4pm, weigh-in by 5.15pm. Tickets will remain £8 and superpool of £2. The first prize was reduced by £100 and the 4th place prize was withdrawn. The decision to reduce prize monies was taken in light of falling club funds and will be reviewed again in future years if the clubs finances improve. Dave is to approach Mike at the Fleece to check out availability of the venue. A committee meeting will be held on 20th October 2008 at 8pm to discuss the open match. Venue TBA.
8) - Open Match Sponsors – No sponsorship has been finalized.
It is hoped that Rods and Reels will give the usual £100 but Brian is to approach them about the possibility of donating two Slosh reels.
Dave will approach the Fleece about their sponsorship of the event.
James will speak to Keith’s Sports and Wilf Nobles about sponsorship.
Ryan agreed to speak to Lockers about sponsorship.
Denis revealed he has a couple of ideas for sponsors and agree to pursue them.
All members should help with:-
The open match.
Trying to get sponsorship, prize donations, posters out and donating a prize themselves to the raffle.
Extra Ordinary Meeting held at Whitby Rifle Club - Monday 13th October 2008.
Phil Mead
Rob Allison.
Honorary William Atkinson
Honorary Dave Johnson
Dave Perrett
Bernard Vasey
Mike Vasey
A Vasey
Denis Thompson
Brian Harland
George Middlemas
Colin Stainthorpe
Andrew Cass
Adrian Kelly
James Gilpin.
1) Chairman - William Atkinson
Proposed George Middlemas, seconded Denis Thompson.
Secretary - Phil Mead
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded George Middlemas + Assistant Secretary Bernard Vasey.
2) Open Match.
Brian Harland had no response from Rods & Reels. Had approached Siggy for a prize with a mention in Whitby Gazette.
Denis Thompson had 2 prizes from Jewisons & Dave Thompson £100.
Nil from Boyes but possible next year in advance.
Too late for Penn Points entry, try early next year.
Dave Perrett reported no sponsorship from Rods & Reels, but Martin at Whitby Angling would supply tackle to £100, and also sell tickets.
James Gilpin said Keiths at Saltburn would again help us as normal.
George Middlemas and Denis Thompson supply £20 each to Juniors (to Open if not won).
Fleece also sponsoring, weigh in and meals.
James Gilpin to supply posters, tickets printed by ????
3) Xmas Match.
To pay in advance, try to book Fleece for 21st. No Huntsman.
4) Ship Open.
Wait to hear from Paul Kilpatrick if he is to run again.
5) Juniors.
Re Open to be accompanied by parent or guardian as in other clubs.
6) Reports to Whitby Gazette to be done by Phil Mead.
7) The Club Rules need compressing into a booklet, Boundaries Swing Bridge. Bernard Vasey agreed to do booklet when a copy of Rules found.
8) Assault by member Glen Kilpatrick on Neil Inglis in harbour not reported to police. 2 witnesses. No complaint to club, so no action taken this time.
9) WSAA web site ( agreed gone too far with 'shop and sales' by 'Glen Kilpatrick', should be separate - to see if we can change it so Phil Mead can operate web page.
10) The missing 6th place Cup ie Silver Rose Bowl won by Paul Kilpatrick in 2005 / 2006 has not yet been returned to the club (2 years) (see 13 AGM 2009).
Proposed that we write and ask for a replacement, as future members are not receiving a Cup that they are entitled to.
Meeting closed 9.30pm.
Secretary Bernard Vasey in absence of Phil Mead.
Phil Mead
Rob Allison.
Honorary William Atkinson
Honorary Dave Johnson
Dave Perrett
Bernard Vasey
Mike Vasey
A Vasey
Denis Thompson
Brian Harland
George Middlemas
Colin Stainthorpe
Andrew Cass
Adrian Kelly
James Gilpin.
1) Chairman - William Atkinson
Proposed George Middlemas, seconded Denis Thompson.
Secretary - Phil Mead
Proposed Denis Thompson, seconded George Middlemas + Assistant Secretary Bernard Vasey.
2) Open Match.
Brian Harland had no response from Rods & Reels. Had approached Siggy for a prize with a mention in Whitby Gazette.
Denis Thompson had 2 prizes from Jewisons & Dave Thompson £100.
Nil from Boyes but possible next year in advance.
Too late for Penn Points entry, try early next year.
Dave Perrett reported no sponsorship from Rods & Reels, but Martin at Whitby Angling would supply tackle to £100, and also sell tickets.
James Gilpin said Keiths at Saltburn would again help us as normal.
George Middlemas and Denis Thompson supply £20 each to Juniors (to Open if not won).
Fleece also sponsoring, weigh in and meals.
James Gilpin to supply posters, tickets printed by ????
3) Xmas Match.
To pay in advance, try to book Fleece for 21st. No Huntsman.
4) Ship Open.
Wait to hear from Paul Kilpatrick if he is to run again.
5) Juniors.
Re Open to be accompanied by parent or guardian as in other clubs.
6) Reports to Whitby Gazette to be done by Phil Mead.
7) The Club Rules need compressing into a booklet, Boundaries Swing Bridge. Bernard Vasey agreed to do booklet when a copy of Rules found.
8) Assault by member Glen Kilpatrick on Neil Inglis in harbour not reported to police. 2 witnesses. No complaint to club, so no action taken this time.
9) WSAA web site ( agreed gone too far with 'shop and sales' by 'Glen Kilpatrick', should be separate - to see if we can change it so Phil Mead can operate web page.
10) The missing 6th place Cup ie Silver Rose Bowl won by Paul Kilpatrick in 2005 / 2006 has not yet been returned to the club (2 years) (see 13 AGM 2009).
Proposed that we write and ask for a replacement, as future members are not receiving a Cup that they are entitled to.
Meeting closed 9.30pm.
Secretary Bernard Vasey in absence of Phil Mead.
Last edit 23rd April 2014 - (addition of AGM minutes for 4th Sept 2008)
Last edit 23rd April 2014 - (addition of AGM minutes for 4th Sept 2008)