Thanks to Eleanor Denford for identifying the caterpillar as a
Pale Tussock moth caterpillar.
Whitby Sea Anglers Association |
And while I was waiting, we got acquainted - macro Thanks to Eleanor Denford for identifying the caterpillar as a Pale Tussock moth caterpillar. The 3rd run of the day, and the most painful. The sun was just setting below the moors behind me, but still catching the train in parts. Sir Nigel Gresley was running an hour late and consequently I got attacked by zillions of midges and ants.
Chris' day off, and a long walk was on the cards. However I got distracted, and the walk was longer then planned.
Wednesday 16thHave you seen the seals? People would ask, as I pass them carrying my camera. Never, I would reply. Aussie is 6 yrs old now & I've never seen the seals, let alone photograph them. Chris walked Aussie on the Tuesday, and saw the seals, so I tried again. Thursday 17thWith very clear skies, little wind, the Milky Way was clearly visible (no moon light), chances of an Aurora were very low, unfortunately light pollution was high.
A chance to play with a few camera settings, light painting of the Von Tromp (with the Milky Way in the background). 2 edits of a star trail of Black Nab & Von Tromp, and rock pool reflections. A new skill set, so first attempts. Foul weather outside so an office day. Clover flower #1Clover flower #2FungiA Top Tip - before Formatting / Deleting any card (s) in the camera, view the images to make sure you have actual downloaded them on to your laptop/PC. Canon EOS software downloads all new images automatically.
Last night (11th Sept) I did, and could not remember seeing the images on the computer, so I had to check before deleting and venturing out. I had downloaded the images but hadn't viewed them. Two reasons:- 1) The cameras timeline - the date changes at midnight, so the computer had saved them into the folder for the 26th August (and the actual Aurora photographs had saved in the 27th August folder). School boy error!! 2) The file for the 26th, had heather & moorland shots, and I hadn't viewed them all. These are a series of test shots I did from the Whitby's St Mary's headland before venturing to Runswick. With hindsight maybe I should of stayed there, as by the time we got to Runswick the show was over! Sunday 6th September 2015
A walk around Guisborough forest with family & grand children in the sunshine. Birds of prey, Steve Iredale doing a chainsaw wood carving of 3 kingfishers. (see pictures Pannett Park, Whitby 6th July 2015 in archives) Giant locusts to entertain the children, arts & crafts, a great day out. Art work by Whitby sculpture artist Emma Stothard at this year's
Staithes Festival of Heritage & Arts. Orange & blue lobsters installed this afternoon Friday 4th September 2015 |
AuthorPeter Horbury 1st published