Fishing commences on Wednesday 1st October for a 49 match season finishing Sunday 29th March 2015, new members always welcome.
For this, the 1st match (only) members will be meeting at Scotch Head Bandstand, Pier Road at 6.30 pm. Members will be leaving, after a few formalities, at 6.45 pm for the 3 hr roving match, fishing between 7 - 10pm. Anyone unable to meet here (please notify a committee member) may proceed to their chosen mark ‘but’ cannot start fishing until 7.15 pm. Boundaries are Skiningrove Beck to Coble Landing, Filey.
The weigh-in will be held in the car park at the Fleece, Church Street, Whitby between 10.00 - 10.30 pm. After which members will meet for refreshments and membership subscriptions will be collected. Members are reminded to place their subscriptions £20 and minimum 4 match entry fees £8, into a ‘Named’ and sealed envelope. Please confirm the amount in writing, so as to avoid any discrepancies. Club Treasurer, Dave Perrett will collect envelopes after the weigh-in.
Members wishing to enter into the monthly Heaviest Fish & Heaviest Bag of Fish sweeps (£1/£1) must also notify the organisers (Rob Allison/Dave Hambley) at the Bandstand as eligible entries start from this match.
Club Secretary, Peter Horbury will issue new club rules and take entry fees (£2/£3) for those members wishing to take part in the Singles & Doubles Knockouts. The 'draws' will take place on either Wednesday 8th or Sunday 12th October, with the preliminary rounds for ‘both’ starting Wednesday 15th October.
Amended club rules
Tight lines
Peter Horbury